Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 13 (Verses 77 - 82)

 Monday 29th November 2021

Hey, what's up!

I'll admit I got very distracted with this post. 

I said I'll update and I kind of did everything but. That happens sometimes but I don't like leaving posts half finished.

Y'all don't see what's going on behind the scenes when I write. You just see the finished outcome.  

But normally I don't struggle with posts because I know what I'm writing. I never update if I don't know what I'm writing or going to write.

This post might be shorter than usual but I will try to analyse it as much as I can. It was past 1AM when I posted this.  It would have been earlier but I got distracted a lot dancing 😁 if you know me, you know I love dancing.

Just not in public … unless I'm doing a dance or a couple of dances for Dancing and/or Pulpit Stars.

If I start a post, I will finish it regardless of what happens or what time it is.

It's not December yet but I might as well say it. Happy New Month, in advance.

I hope you have been well. I actually had something to post on my Posts of Encouragement page again but then I remembered how long it's been since I posted on the actual page.

But now that I have talked about it, let me kindly give you a heads up on what the following post for my Post of Encouragement page will be about.

2. Stop Wasting Your Time
This is going to be talking about laziness and procrastination - and why you should stop doing it.

I mean, ideally it's supposed to be about this. However the topic that I wanted to do today came to me last minute.

It's going to be about why Successful People have Criticism and Haters - taken from this website mainly:

Why Success Brings Criticism and Haters

There's a reason I chose this specific topic to talk about. I just finished watching Strictly results and even though I don't have Twitter, I love reading Strictly tweets online. Just not after the show on Saturday because I don't want to know who goes home early.

A lot of remaining couples on the show get hate.  Especially these two couples called Dan & Nadiya and Rhys & Nancy, one of my two favourite couples. My second favourite is another couple called AJ & Kai.

I'll admit the show isn't always good because the judges can't always judge properly and the best dancers are getting sent home - but I love the how regardless plus I want to know who's going to win the series for 2021.

Some people get hate for no reason and I really felt bad for Rhys and Nancy. Twitter can be a place of hate and unfortunately sometimes hate outnumbers the positive comments. Then it made me remember how everyone successful is going to have hate at some point - for example Jesus did.

Thankfully no one has thrown hate at me for this website although that doesn't mean that haters can't be silent. But don't worry - if haters hate on you, it reflects them and not you.

But that's all for the next time I come here. Today's post however, is about the long awaited:

 ✭ Psalms 119 Commentary! ✮

This series had begun shortly after I had first started this website, so June 13th. I started it on June 27th and I stopped on July 31st. I wasn't even halfway when I stopped it. I stopped at Verse 76 and at Part 12 even though I thought it was 11. 

God reminded me to do this today when I said I wanted to update my Posts of Encouragement page again.

Today, we are going to be talking about Verse 77 - 83.

If I could rearrange my posts, I could. But I'm not going to because that's too time consuming and I feel like it would mess everything up. 

I can't even do it anyway because it's not an option 😅 though let's get started regardless. Let's see if I can do this before I go to bed today. Luckily, this was already kind of written.

If you want to access the previous Psalms 119 Commentaries I did from June to July, I'll make them when I'm about to finish this post.

Psalms 119-77:78

77 Show me your tender love so that I can live. I take delight in your law. 

78 Proud people have treated me badly without any reason. May they be put to shame. I will spend time thinking about your rules.

 I'll be talking about the verses at the same time, not respectively.

If people treat you badly, then normally it reflects them and not you.  This was indirectly what I was talking about when I was foreshadowing my future post for my Posts of Encouragement page.

And sometimes people don’t tend to treat you badly on purpose.

Jesus suffered many things when he was on this Earth. He was so humble that he made himself in our image just so that he could have died on the cross for our sins.

You can find this in John 15:18-21.

18 “My disciples, does the world hate you? Remember that it hated me first. 

19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you like one of its own. But you do not belong to the world. I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 

20 Remember what I told you. I said, ‘A slave is not more important than his master.’ (John 13:16) If people hated me and tried to hurt me, they will do the same to you. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you like that because of my name. They do not know the one who sent me.

The followings sentence was from  Care What God Thinks, Not Man

Whenever God calls you to do something and people rise against you, attacking you, ridiculing you, making fun of you, or slandering you, don’t be discouraged or feel alone. They did the exact same thing to Jesus and His disciples. 

This is what Jesus Himself told His followers about this kind of treatment...

then the website made some references to Matthew 5:10-12 and also Matthew 10:24-31

it also said this:

Jesus warns us many times that the enemy will, not might but will, use this tactic against us but He also reminds us that “God is on our side”! If we hold true and do not break under the pressure, He will turn it toward our good and His glory in the end. 

In time, He will use the pressure to turn the ugly coals of our situations into diamonds and He will cause those that ridiculed you to see it and know that He is God and you are His child.

Most of the time someone hating on you is going through something terrible and they just unfortunately happen to take it out in you.

 Either way, it’s still wrong. But you should still pray for these people regardless because you never know what they might be going through.

Verse 78 says May they (as in proud people) be put to shame. I will spend time thinking about your rules.

I once asked this uncle I knew “say you used to live a good life then it became bad, or the other way around... will you go to heaven or hell?”

It’s all about repentance. If you truly repent for your sins and you don’t commit the same one then there is most likely a chance for you in heaven. 

Spend time thinking about the bible and the rules of God and surely he will bless you amen 

If people hate you because you are a rude person, then that's on you and you really need to change. Not caring about what other people think is good, however there are times that you do actually need to care.

Especially if people are constantly correcting you for something.

Psalms 119:79-80

79 May those who have respect for you come to me. Then I can teach them your covenant laws.

80 May my heart be without blame as I follow your orders. Then I won’t be put to shame.

You can’t live life flawlessly as that’s impossible but you can live it blamelessly instead. 

This means that you don’t blame others for things that you know they didn’t do and you try not to be responsible for anything bad.

Verse 79 says May those who have respect for you come to me. 

The person that wrote this verse, David I think, is basically asking God to bring more Christians and godly people into his life. Ask for the same thing.

If your friends  bring you down because of your faith or if they make you question it then you sadly need to cut ties with them. 

You can visit my Underrated Bible Scriptures Page which mentions how you can identify a fake friend or someone that is a bad influence on you. You can find the link below.

 Underrated Bible Scriptures - Part 5

To be honest I don't know where it is, I can't find it but I'm pretty sure it's there.

I'll admit I have treated one of my friends badly, and she was a very close friend. I wish I had treated her better. 

She was such a good friend. I've learnt from my mistakes, and I'm that kind of person that would rather hang out with one person or a small group of people than a big group of people.

I'm not against big groups, they're just not for me because I am introverted.

Essentially, if you have someone who is down for you and loyal, then don't do anything to change that. 

Never ever assume that just because someone is kind and genuine to you, it'll stay that way forever - because it won't.

If you treat a good friend badly and they turn bad...

Then you're going to miss them when they aren't good to you.

And just because someone is good to you doesn't mean that they are good for you! Never forget that.

So what Davido is saying in this song is that when he was broke, people never really took him seriously, and girls said no to him because he didn't have a car.

The next lyrics to the song (Back When) further says:

Dem dey used to hate me
(they used to hate me)

All the same people don they hail me
(they didn't like him or praise him)

All the marketers want to pay me

All the club DJs don dey play me
(DJs didn't play his songs)

Davido was essentially disenfranchised (I love the sound of that word, sorry) from a lot of good things when he was broke. This can also happen if you are rude to people or if you have bad friends.

To be disenfranchised from something means that you are deprived from a right or a privilege - which is mainly about voting however it can be used for anything.

You become disenfranchised from having a good person in your life when you treat them badly. You lose someone that confided in you and it can really leave a hole in your heart.

Verse 80 says May my heart be without blame as I follow your orders. Then I won’t be put to shame.

As I type this today I am trying to do everything that God tells me to do. Most of them involve talking to people or in front of them which I'm reluctant to do because I'm quiet - but I can trust that God will give me the boldness for it.

And last but not least.

Psalms 119:81-82

81 I deeply long for you to save me. I have put my hope in your word. 

82 My eyes grow tired looking for what you have promised. I say, “When will you comfort me?”

I can really relate to verse 82. David is indirectly saying that he’s becoming impatient waiting for God‘s timing. 

I can be like that sometimes too. Especially when people seem to be moving ahead of me.

Then I have to remember that everyone’s timing is different. Person A can accomplish something in 2 years.

 Person B can accomplish the same thing in 10 years. I watched this video on YouTube last week that said there’s no such thing as failing.

It’s either “succeeding” or “learning”. The youtuber hated the word failure and in a way, I don’t blame them.

Just because God doesn’t answer your prayers now doesn’t mean that he’s forgotten about them. Your prayers will come true at the right time.... unless it’s not according to God’s will, when it won’t happen at all unfortunately.

Not gonna lie one of my biggest flaws is patience. Like earlier this year I was on my piano and I had to learn a new song for something. I kept screwing up and I was like “I’m not having this!” 

Then God said to me: “play something you already know how to play well and remember how long it took you to learn it. Seven months to a year, right?”

(It was on and off)

I haven't been on my piano in ages. I'm forgetting songs I already knew.

Don’t give up, your time is coming. Put your hope in God’s word like David did in Psalms 81. 

My impatience flaw is a lot better now although some days are harder than others. But I won’t ever give up or get discouraged and you shouldn’t either.

God will always provide. 

Read Matthew 25:35-40

35 I was hungry. And you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty. And you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger. And you invited me in.

36 I needed clothes. And you gave them to me. I was sick. And you took care of me. I was in prison. And you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the people who have done what is right will answer him. ‘Lord,’ they will ask, ‘when did we see you hungry and feed you? When did we see you thirsty and give you something to drink? 

38 When did we see you as a stranger and invite you in? When did we see you needing clothes and give them to you?

39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘What I’m about to tell you is true. Anything you did for one of the least important of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Trust God's timing!

That's all I have to say today so see you next time! Thank you tuning in. I said that I would make some references to the previous Psalms 119 commentary - so here they are.

You know what, there are a lot of links, so you can just type it in the search bar and --

I'm tripping! I'm a nice person. You can find them below in order. You're welcome 💖❣

I probably need a recap myself. And the amount of times I had to hear that Cosby Show song was crazy 😃 but I'm not removing it. I worked really hard on that.

And there you go - all 12 of them from yours truly!

I'm sorry, I barely used any GIFs today. I posted this really early, and looking for relevant GIFs takes time, especially if I need to add text to them and/or change their speed. But I will add one to finish off right now.

(Destiny's Child)

I'll see you when I see you. Bye!
