Tuesday 6th July 2021
This was meant to be posted earlier today but I've been kind of procrastinating hahahaha, forgive. Second time this has happened. Thank you
But hellllooo! Welcome to Part 4 for Psalms 119 commentary.
Psalms 119:19-2019 I’m a stranger on earth. Don’t hide your commands from me.
You’re a stranger on Earth in the sense that not everybody will know you.
Famous people can't do things that the average person can.
What do you think would happen if a celebrity had walked down to the supermarket on a regular day?
They would most likely be mobbed and hounded for autographs and pictures.
Celebrities and other famous people cannot lead lives of normal people.
They may be forced to live in their own little secluded world, and will generally be unable to do things that the average person can. This disadvantage of being famous can stop celebrities from indulging in the little pleasures of life, which can be very frustrating indeed. Some of these simple pleasures of life include:
- Playing ball at the neighbourhood playground
- Going shopping at the grocery store
- Going for an uninterrupted walk or a bicycle ride on the beach
- Lying on the beach without being mobbed on a sunny day
- Sitting on the park bench and reading a book without being asked "Can I take a picture of you?"
- Have a quiet dinner with family at the local restaurant
"Fame can create a major problem for you, and that is why I do not like it. You cannot live the life that you love to live; you cannot just stop by the road and buy roasted plantain when you feel like eating some. There are a lot of eyes on you.
Left to me, if I could do the work of God without showing my face everywhere, I would gladly do it. I thank God I am not after fame, so when people criticise me on social media because of my Bible-based beliefs, I don’t pay attention. Some preachers can’t preach the truth anymore because they want to remain popular with the congregation. The fear of man brings a snare (Proverbs 29:25). Beware!"
And on February 18th, where the topic was Riches Without Sorrow.
"I assure you that ill-gotten wealth will always have sorrow in it. I have seen all kinds of wealth in my little time as a Pastor and tell you, many wealthy people are living in so much sorrow that they are willing to give up all they have in exchange for peace of mind. Many people have used ill-gotten money to buy cars without knowing that they have bought what would drive them to their early graves."
"There are things we want so bad, like a dream we've always had.
But what we want ain't always good for us.
There are things that may look good, that could be misunderstood.
'Cause what we want ain't always good for all..."
As I always like to say, just because something is good for someone else doesn't mean it's good for you.
Everyone's path in life is completely different - no two journeys are the same, even if you're meant to have the same job as someone.
Here is the fact about life.
Some people gain success fast and they lose it fast
Some gain it fast and they lose it slowly - but they lose it!
Some gain it and lose it when they die. So they have it for the rest of their lives from when they have it.
Some gain it slowly and lose it slowly
Some gain it slowly and lose it quickly
Some don't gain success at all.
And I pray that the last one will not be your portion in Jesus Mighty name, I pray, amen!
Psalms 119:21
21 You correct proud people. They are under your curse. They wander away from your commands.
Don’t be a proud person because God doesn’t like it.
Psalms 119:22-23
22 I obey your covenant laws. So don’t let evil people laugh at me or hate me.
When you do something or you stand up for something in your life and people laugh at you, don’t worry! They did the same thing to Jesus.
But you can’t let these people win.
And as T.I & Rihanna beautifully put it, just life your life! (aye, aye, aye!!) ♥️♥️
Also if you’re interested but you don’t have to listen of course here is this sermon I found interesting
and a gospel playlist I made
God wanted me to share but it’s not by force don’t worry ✨✨
Have a lovely day
Use your haters as a fuel for success