Tuesday 14th December 2021
Why Successful People Have Haters (Part 2)
Today is this website's six month anniversary!
Today as in Monday 13th, that was actually the day I started writing this. But I posted it the day after. The date above is the day I post, even if I start writing the day before.
And I just want to thank you all so so much for sticking around! I don't check stats often, which is a deliberate choice, but I know it's over 1K and I'm grateful. I never ever thought that I would get that much.
Or as I like to say sometimes, half birthday!
Before we begin, God told me to link to my Gospel Playlist, and here it is.
Gospel Playlist
It's not by force to listen, it's up to you. Maybe you'll find something there you like.
So this post was supposed to be posted like 3 hours ago, and it was also supposed to be a double update, but it seems as though just after midnight is the best time for me to publish something. Anytime I want to post earlier than that, I just always end up reverting back to this time.
Will I still double update?
Maybe, but respectively. As in, I won't update straight after this post, perhaps sometime later today. But don't quote me on that, anything can happen. I'll still try and update twice this week.
I hope you guys have been well! I have been very well.
God wanted me to do a testimony on Sunday and I did it. I didn't want to do it all week because I don't like talking in front of people at all so I was seriously dreading it but it happened and I'm so glad it did, else I would have had to wait until January.
You know, when God tells you to do something, you need to do it. You may not understand why God might ask you to do something but just trust that it will all make sense later.
At the same time, God will never give you more than what you can handle. You can find that in 1 Corinthians 10:13, which says:
You are tempted in the same way all other human beings are. God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted any more than you can take. But when you are tempted, God will give you a way out. Then you will be able to deal with it.
I've wanted a lot of things that God told me I couldn't handle, but I still unconsciously long for them. This is a tactic from the devil - something looking good but it is actually the opposite thing.
Don't fall for this. There's a reason people say looks are deceiving (Proverbs 31:30 also, to an extent).
God gives you a way out of anything bad, including temptation.
If you can remember, and it's okay if you don't or can't - my last post was about how and why success brings criticisms and haters, from this specific website.
Why Success Brings Criticism and Haters
I didn't finish it, so I am going to continue it now, and I will try to finish it.
Sorry, I will finish it. There's not that much left anyway. I hope you are blessed in advance as you read this post, amen.
So in the previous post, I mentioned 3 out of 5 ways as to why haters don't like you. Here are the remaining 2 from the website. If I embolden something (like this) then it means that those are my own words, or I am quoting a scripture instead.
I won't always embolden things that are in my own words, but I'm sure you'll be able to tell when they are.
- You are admired, respected, and loved.
By proving your worth and attaining things that critics never thought possible, you catch their interest.
You pay the price of popularity and success, becoming the target of prying eyes and jealous individuals who want to tear your self-esteem and reputation apart. For them, by attacking the people who do it right means gaining a share of attention.
There's a quote I mentioned during my testimony, and it was this.
I know it sounds crazy building an empire out of stones but essentially, the quote is saying that two wrongs don't make a right. Haters love to see you upset or worked up by them, but you don't have to let them do that to you.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't stand up for yourself (which is something I have struggled with for some time, but I don't want to get into that) . That's far off from the truth. You need to stand up for yourself when necessary otherwise, people will just take advantage of you.
I feel like haters think this way about you.
It sounds like they have feelings for you! Hahaha. But it's true - most haters are secretly your biggest fans. They just don't want to acknowledge it.
Did you know that haters actually stands for something?
Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success.
I got that from somewhere. It's actually a quote but I don't want to use too many pictures.
I also mentioned something else in my testimony. I didn't think I would have used anything from there but I'm surprised at how useful I guess it's turned out to be.
I said that you should ignore haters and naysayers. I know what I said because I said it 😁😃 also because I have it on video. And I've watched it at least 5 times now.
The thing is people will talk badly about you, especially as a Christian, but you don't have to listen to them.
Blessed are those who have been persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 5:10
During my testimony, I then made an example of this. And because I forgot to say Matthew 5:10 in the actual testimony, I have therefore mentioned it here for you guys.
For example, you studied really well for a test and you did well in it because of it. People that didn't study or couldn't be bothered to might say you "cheated" or you "got lucky" but you didn't.
You got the grade you want because you worked hard for it. The thing is, a lot of people dislike you because you are successful and they aren't. I feel like most hate comes from comparison, just don't quote me on that again as I'm not 100% sure.
Instead of being inspired by you, people hate you for it. Not everyone, but some people.
I'm sure if someone says that they "hate" you but they are constantly and/or vehemently checking up on you like they have nothing else better to do then they are lying and the truth is not in them. In fact, that's another picture.
They would just never admit it to you because they are good at hiding it.
There are actually some haters who sincerely or candidly (honestly/genuinely) apologise for hating you and then they become your friend. Or if not your friend, they become a nice acquaintance.
Sorry I was just really happy because I spelt acquaintance right hahahaha. Didn't think I would.
A lot of people that were rude to me ended up being nicer to me, especially during secondary school. Unfortunately, the opposite can happen too. Don't worry if this does and it's not your fault - occasionally God may remove people from your life so as to replace them with someone even better!
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
These plans can even include people. I didn't think of that. I just did now.
The last thing that the website mentioned as to why haters hate you can be the following - and speaking of standing up for something earlier on...
- You are not afraid to stand up for something.
You have found your niche (small and diverse group), empowering yourself, and sharing your talents or skills with the world. It makes you happier and more confident
In my testimony again, I said that if you have a talent for God, then you should definitely use it.
I feel like everybody has a talent, some of you just haven't discovered it yet - and that's okay! There's no rush; you can just ask God to give it to you.
If you're even lucky, you could even be multi-talented!
I believe God has given me multiple talents which I am grateful for. I am good at writing, I am good at piano (which I need to work on as I am forgetting most songs I used to know how to play) and I guess I am good at dancing too.
I am a very creative person. I don't like all the creative subjects, nor am I good at all of them, but I do really enjoy the ones that I am good at.
The Bible loves talents very much, and maybe if I had found this scripture earlier then I would have used it in my testimony on Sunday too.
Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank.
Proverbs 22:29
If you use your talent before God, you will serve before kings. And I pray that you do, amen.
It's not good for you to be an island on your own. God had even said this in Genesis 2:18 as he was talking about Adam.
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him."
Genesis 2:18
When God had mentioned this, he meant in general. It's not good for anyone to be by themselves. That's like celebrating Christmas by yourself even though you have people around you. I would hate to spend Christmas by myself.
If you've outlived everyone, that's different, I guess. But if you haven't then you most definitely need people around you in your life.
That's why God had even said "be fruitful and multiply" in Genesis 1:27.
I'll be honest, I don't really like big friendship groups, although I'm genuinely not against those that are in one. I know I said this before but when I was in a large friendship group for sixth form, I unconsciously found myself drifting away from them to find someone smaller.
Even in my course at university, I only have one close friend. Church is different, I have lots of lovely and wonderful friends at church and out of church.
Despite the fact that having a lot of friends can be good for you, your true friends are those who are there for you when you are going through the worst times of your life.
If people aren't there in your hardship and adversities then they definitely don't deserve to be there with you when you are celebrating.
So if you're in a friendship group with 17 people for instance - which is not a random number, 17 is my favourite number - but only 3 of them are there for you when you are struggling, then the other 14 are fake friends.
And you don't need them in your life.
You're better off without them, unless they actually can't leave your life.
Well, that's the end of
The first bit!!
You didn't think I would stop there, did you? Of course not.
The website then mentioned ways to handle criticism and haters. Here they are, in order, and everything.
Ways to handle criticisms and haters
- Use them to fuel your growth.
Success provokes different reactions from people around you.
Some are happy and celebrate your victory.
Others become envious, insecure, angry, jealous, and afraid.
The good news is, what they display is not because you have done something wrong. It has something to do with how they feel about your move toward success.
Like I said, not everybody is okay with you succeeding, however some people will hide it better than others.
Psalm 55:21 His words are as smooth as butter, but in his heart is war. His words are as soothing as lotion, but underneath are daggers!
This quotation here is talking about fake friends and I got it from Bible Reasons.
- Use them to justify your desires, actions, and thoughts.
Studies revealed that hatred activates the frontal cortex of our brain.
This section is associated with predicting behaviour and evaluating people.
While it tends to trigger an irrational mindset where facts and reality do not matter, hatred encourages you to stick to acceptable narrative and your own beliefs.
What this means is that people that don't like you hate to accept reality and they would rather just believe whatever they like about you, whether it is true or not.
Worst case scenario, they would start a rumour about you, and whether the rumour is true or not, you don't have to give in to what people say about you. Maybe in Underrated Bible Scriptures - Part 7 or Posts of Encouragement - Part 3, I will talk about how you can stop caring about what other people think of you.
Doing that is a hard process, but it's not impossible.
Exodus 23:1 even talks about rumours:
“You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness."
Do not conform to perceived beliefs and judgment, think independently, and be proud of what you have accomplished.
(from website, not my own words)
- Use them to inspire and motivate you.
Even if you are receiving a regular load of criticisms and hate campaigns, stay calm and rational.
You could be the nicest person in the world and still receive hate, that is normal and perfectly okay.
Accept the fact that it is impossible to please everybody.
Worrying about the opinions of others will only make you uncertain of your steps.
I'm starting to care less about what other people think about me and it has done wonders.
Focus your attention on what matters and use criticisms as a challenge to push you forward. Use them to explore and find cutting edge (inventive, original) solutions that will bring you more success.
4. Use them as mentors.
The best teachers are those who make you come out of your safe zone.
Criticisms and haters serve their purpose by making you more determined to prove them wrong.
You become more passionate, more dedicated, and wiser as you continue your life journey.
And I pray this happens to you, amen.
They also teach you to be more accepting of other people, developing a deeper sense of empathy
This isn't everything. There are actually 8 reasons, but I'll do the remaining 4 next time. Not just that, but I'll merge it with the next topic as well - why procrastinating is bad for you.
The website lastly says this and I feel like it is very important. I didn't add anything else to it because I couldn't have said it better myself.
At the end of the day, the person you need to please is yourself. Never mind the naysayers, they are there for a reason.
Be proud of what you have accomplished in your life.
Haters and criticisms are just reminders that you did something worth celebrating, but there are a lot of things to accomplish, and only you can do them for yourself.
Take advantage of the lessons they bring into the open.
Do not validate your life according to what people say, whether good or bad. The best feeling happens when you know that you have contributed something good to the world and ready to do more. Choose what you believe is right for you.
That's all for now, I shall see you later! Just remember that haters will be everywhere but you don't have to give in to them. Just be unapologetically you!
Have a good day or night
Lola xxx
Whoops, I said I'll try and finish this topic today. I guess not, but I definitely will the next time I am here!
Sunday 5th December 2021
Why Successful People Have Haters (Part 1)
Hello my angels! I hope you have been well and Happy New Month!
God is so so faithful, he has seen us through January to December. So if you don't know what to be thankful for, then I suggest you be grateful for your life.
So many people have started this year this us but unfortunately, they are no more. Just because someone is dead right now doesn't always mean that God is finished with them. Occasionally, the devil can interfere in their life.
I feel like painful death comes from the devil and peaceful death comes from the Lord. Don't quote me on that, or this but maybe if you die painfully then you are going to Hell and vice versa if Heaven.
I can't believe next month is January!!! Not just that but it's almost the 6 month anniversary of this website. I started this on June 13th after being inspired by another website about God that someone I know made. I will definitely update on the 6 month anniversary, regardless of what happens.
I was going to double update on that day but I'm not sure. Without further ado, let's get right on to this!
Today's post is going to be about why Successful People have Criticism and Haters - taken from this website mainly:
Why Success Brings Criticism and Haters
But that doesn't mean that I'm going to copy and paste everything, otherwise you might as well just read the website. This wouldn't be a post.
I'll copy some things and credit it too whilst simultaneously expanding on it, trying to use as many Bible Scriptures as possible, when necessary.
So the website first starts off with reasons as to why people hate you. Or in this case, why success brings haters. I know this sounds like a basic thing that doesn't need an entire post on it, but believe me when I tell you that some people hide their true intentions to something well.
A lot of people out there are nice to you to your face, but behind your back, they are something else entirely, which isn't a good thing. Some people even hate on you silently.
Here is what the website said.
These are only some reasons as to why people hate you, there are millions. In fact, I know I've done how you can identify bad influences and fake friends - however I don't think I've done how you can identify a hater, how you can deal with them and why you have them anyway.
You think outside of the box.
- You offer creative and unconventional solutions.
- Most people feel uncomfortable with change or do not want to get out of their comfort zones.
You are a risk taker.
- You’re strong, fierce, bold, and relentless.
- You project yourself as a pioneering spirit, someone who is willing to go after the life you deserve.
Your life is more interesting. (not always within your control)
- You are the shining reflection of what haters wish to be.
[GIF not from website, I added it myself]
- They fail to attain what you have achieved, so they hate you for pointing out their deficiencies (insufficiencies) and weaknesses.
You are admired, respected, and loved. (not always within your control again- i.e. popularity sometimes comes to you without you doing anything to gain it, or trying to earn it)
- By proving your worth and attaining things that critics never thought possible, you catch their interest.
- You pay the price of popularity and success, becoming the target of prying eyes and jealous individuals who want to tear your self-esteem and reputation apart.
- For them, by attacking the people who do it right means gaining a share of attention.
You are not afraid to stand up for something.
- You have found your niche, empowering yourself, and sharing your talents or skills with the world.
- It makes you happier and more confident.
Okay, now that we have that, let me break it down!
Before I start though, I would just like to mention the fact that just because someone hates you doesn't mean that it's always about them.
Occasionally, it can actually be about you, which I will get to at the end of the next post, when I get through all the reasons someone may dislike you.
Not just that, but people can hate you for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with you!
The above reasons are all to do with you. They can also hate you for things beyond your control, like I hinted earlier.
You think outside the box.
What does thinking outside the box mean?
It means that you go beyond what is ordinary and expected. Or as Google would define it, "thinking in a creative or original way".
John 14:12 says: “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father."
God wants you to think out of the box, in the sense that he wants you to do all the works that Jesus did. God actually wants you to like what he likes and dislike what he dislikes.
Unfortunately haters can hate you for thinking outside the box. Why?
Because they can't!
Or in this case: they don't like change or do not want to get out of their comfort zones.
You know some people will be mad at you for making a decision that benefits you. Say for example, you have to move houses but doing so means that you leave your best friend from school behind.
You don't want to because you don't want to leave them, until you realise hang on a second, why am I not making my own decisions for myself? I don't have to people please just to make others happy and make myself unhappy.
Or as this quote rightfully puts it:
So you tell your so called best friend your decision and they don't say anything.
Next thing you know, the next time they see you, they're just giving you dirty looks as well as everybody else you're mutually friends with. They told everybody your decision of leaving them and they're not happy with you.
Like I said, some people will dislike you for making decisions that are right for you - more so if that decision is to do with God.
Say you hang out with non Christian friends doing ungodly things, then you change your life around for the better by giving your life to Christ permanently, and they leave you or hate you for it.
This has absolutely nothing to do with you, and all to do with them. You don't need them in your life. I can also guarantee them that it's their loss, not yours.
You lost "friends" that weren't really friends. And they lost someone that could have potentially turned them to Christ and changed their life for the better too.
It's okay, Jesus said this himself in John 15:18-19.
“18 If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.
19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."
Speaking of the world, thinking outside the box could link to it. The box could be the world, and thinking outside of the world could mean to give your life to Christ.
I didn't even know it could link like that, so I am very proud of myself for that extemporaneous analogy.
On to the next point! 💥😁
By the way, I probably won't do everything today. I always post pretty late more often than not because that's just the normal time for me to post. Not just that but I don't want to make this too long.
You are a risk taker.
When it says that you are a risk taker, it doesn't mean that you do dangerous and life threatening things.
People could actually hate you for that, and I wouldn't fully blame them. No offence.
Albeit in this case, being a risk taker means:
- You’re strong, fierce, bold, and relentless.
- You project yourself as a pioneering spirit, someone who is willing to go after the life you deserve.
The Bible indirectly wants you to take risks in a lot of verses:
1 Corinthians 15:58
My dear brothers and sisters, remain strong in the faith. Don’t let anything move you. Always give yourselves completely to the work of the Lord. Because you belong to the Lord, you know that your work is not worthless.
2 Peter 3:17-18
17 Dear friends, you have already been warned about this. So be on your guard. Then you won’t be led astray by people who don’t obey the law. Instead, you will remain safe.
18 Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 3:8
The one who plants and the one who waters have the same purpose. The Lord will give each of them a reward for their work.
And then some!
These three verses above are encouraging you to take risks -- by doing the will and the work of God when other people would back down from it, or not do everything.
They will only do what sounds nice, or the easiest things to do.
When the website says
You project yourself as a pioneering spirit, someone who is willing to go after the life you deserve
Let me explain this just in case it is not clear.
Pioneering, from Google, means to involve new ideas or methods.
If you want something, then you will go for it. Just make sure that you are going for the good things that you want and not the bad things instead.
People could hate you for taking risks because maybe they want to take risks themselves but they are too scared to do so, or perhaps even lazy.
You don't have to be accountable for someone else's weaknesses. In other words, don't let someone put the blame on you or take their insecurities and weaknesses out on you.
Likewise, don't do the same thing to others - I mean, why would and should you? It would reflect you more than it would reflect the other person.
And last but not least for now:
Your life is more interesting. (not always within your control)
Oh wow, I have quite a lot to say for this - this was probably the easiest reason today.
You can't help it: some people just have interesting lives.
The problem lies though where they flaunt their interesting life too much - or when they make up lies about their life, or maybe even twist the truth around.
One of the things the Lord hates in Proverbs 6:16-19 can be a lying tongue in verse 17.
If someone hates you because you flaunt your life too much and they're aware of it, that's different.
However, if you don't flaunt your life and you just genuinely have an interesting life, with or within your control - and people hate you for that, that's another different thing.
A lot of people flaunt their life on social media. I would never do this. Yes, I'd only post the good things about my life like 90% of people online do.
I'm very careful of how many times I post my highlights of my life online though - especially in one day. To be honest though I only posts Christian related things or when I update this website or me dancing.
But if I do post about my life, then yes, I am cautious of this.
Did you know that some people deliberately try to make people jealous online?
Unintentionally is one thing. Deliberately is another, and it is way worse.
This is known as attention seeking, another topic I will get to probably in Underrated Bible Scriptures - Part 7. As in how you can identify an attention seeker online and all that jazz.
These people's post literally scream my life is so great and yours isn't.
And they brag about everything. The thing is, they know they're bragging. They just don't stop because they don't care.
Please don't be like this. It would be even more embarrassing if you were called out on it.
Half of the time, people don't intend to make you feel bad online. They do so inadvertently. Social media is just kind of wired that way naturally, which isn't good.
Correspondingly, if you feel like someone online is making you question or feel bad about your own life then you can always unfollow them. More so if they're making you want things that you don't need.
So yes - watch out. Be on your guard against wanting more and more things because life does not consist of the abundance of things you possess - Luke 12:15.
That's all for today, thank you lovelies. I will see you later, on my 6 month anniversary, aka:
Saturday 20th November 2021
All I Wanna Say Is That They Don't Really Care About Us
I finished The Cosby Show!! 😖
I loved this show, the Welcome song on this website was even taken from the Season 3 intro of it.
I'm devastated that my favourite sitcom is over, but I'm glad that I finally got the chance to watch it.
Aside from that, my week has gone pretty well and I wish the same for you guys as well.I almost forgot the date for a second. That's how long it's been since I was here last.
Sierra's not happy. Neither am I, I am so so sorry for the inconsistency.
I know I said somewhere that I wouldn't apologise for that in case it happens often, but it's almost been a month since I was here last. I can't say that I'll be consistent again.
It really depends on my schedule, and I will try my best.
But anyway, I hope you have been well. I wasn't planning on posting right now, because it was just past 2AM when I posted this. I was actually planning on posting later on today but shifted it because I have too many things to do today.
Who am I kidding?
I was planning to update ages ago. Things just genuinely came up - but I didn't forget about this website. Of course not.
Here is a picture of myself as an apology gift, I guess. I'm saying it as a gift because I 've never posted a picture of myself on here in a post before, and I probably never well - but there is a first time for everything.

I normally say when I updated on Whatsapp, regardless of the time. So for example, if I finish a post at 2AM, I will post that I updated this website on Whatsapp at 2AM. I can't wait until after I wake up.
It takes me 1 and a 1/2 to 2 hours, without distractions, to update a post. If I don't say I updated when I did, I feel like it would be a waste of time. And I can't wait that long, like I said, one of my biggest flaws is impatience.
I have to find relevant GIFs and Scriptures and everything.
Having a website looks easy, and it is when you get used to it, but it's also a lot of hard work. I don't have trouble working hard.
Ideally I should be updating the main page as I haven't done so since the 29th of October. But I just wanted to introduce Posts of Encouragement - Part 2.
If you can remember, in Underrated Bible Scriptures - Part 6:
Underrated Bible Scriptures - Part 6
I foreshadowed what I would post here.
1. All I Wanna Say Is That They Don't Really Care About Us (From Michael Jackson's song)
This is going to be talking about how you will be persecuted as a Christian - and why it's okay.
2. Stop Wasting Your Time
This is going to be talking about laziness and procrastination - and why you should stop doing it.
3. No One Is Perfect - And Why This Is A Good Thing
Why it's okay to make mistakes. And why having flaws is a good thing. I have many hahahaha but I'm not going to reveal them. Okay maybe one - impatience. But I'm gradually working on that.
4. God Will Never Give You More Than What You Can Handle
Going in depth about 1 Corinthians 10:13, which says You are tempted in the same way all other human beings are. God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted any more than you can take. But when you are tempted, God will give you a way out. Then you will be able to deal with it.
This is the order that we are actually going to do things in, so today we are going to be talking about being persecuted as a Christian, and why this is a good thing.
So if you have been persecuted before due to your faith, then you should really be rejoicing.
Matthew 5:10-12 says:
10 Blessed are those who suffer for doing what is right.
The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
11 Blessed are you when people make fun of you and hurt you because of me. You are also blessed when they tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me.
12 Be joyful and glad. Your reward in heaven is great. In the same way, people hurt the prophets who lived long ago.
Some scriptures I know what they say but never where they are from, or the other way around.
Especially 1 Corinthians 15:58. I've read that verse so many times but never know what it actually says.
I only now know be steadfast and unmovable.
Essentially Matthew 5:10-12 is saying that if you suffer for doing what is right, you will receive a reward.
You will most likely receive a reward on Earth, but I feel like God is talking about Heaven here, which is an eternal reward.
The hard thing about life is that not everybody will like you and I had to learn that the hard way. But if someone doesn't like you and you are a nice person, then that's their problem, not yours.
Not always though. There's a difference between being genuinely nice and being nice due to borderline people pleasing. You cannot please everyone. I also had to learn that the hard way too - which I don't want to get into either.
I have limited time and a rehearsal first thing when I wake up, so I'm trying to do this as fast as I can- whilst writing a sufficient enough post for you guys. Sufficient in terms of information and length.
Some people dislike you for reasons that are beyond your control.
For example, maybe you remind them of someone they didn't like, or that caused them suffering in one way or the other.
If people don't like you and you are a rude person, then that's different.
That's unfortunately a problem that you have to work within yourself. Most people are going through something in life that is painful, and they unconsciously although unintentionally take it out on others.
Whilst I understand this, that doesn't mean that I'm in support of this, because I am not.
Don't be this person, treat other people the way you would want to be treated.
As you may or may not have noticed, the Title for today's post is called All I Wanna Say Is That They Don't Really Care About Us.
It was from the Michael Jackson song, which mainly talks about police brutality, however I found a way to link it to Christianity as well. Most of these posts here may be a song lyric.
I did another post with Michael Jackson lyrics called I Said You Wanna Be Starting Something which was about how you should avoid starting rumours and then some, because that was what the song is about anyway. You can find it here.
Sorry, I'm not writing that title, it's too long.
Some lyrics from today's song for this post says:
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
Jew me, sue me
Everybody, do me
Kick me, kike me
Don't you black or white me
I mean I don't listen to the song personally, I did once as I was writing this though, but these lyrics can link to it.
Let me just briefly talk about the first few lyrics because I go to bed tonight.
Beat me, hate me
You can never break me
Will me, thrill me
You can never kill me
As Christians, we are supposed to be strong.
Daniel 11:32 says Those that know their God shall be strong and do exploits
I made a reference to 1 Corinthians 15:58 earlier, and I am just realising that it links to this.
My dear brothers and sisters, remain strong in the faith. Don’t let anything move you. Always give yourselves completely to the work of the Lord. Because you belong to the Lord, you know that your work is not worthless.
Please be aware that when it says Don’t let anything move you, it probably means to not let bad things move you, because a lot of things out there in the world can try and distract you! But you have to do your best to overcome.
So in this case, in terms of when it says don't let anything move you, people will beat you and they will hate you, but they should never be able to break you.
Let me tell you something.
If there is someone in your life who's opinion you value way too much, then there is a problem somewhere.
Like for example, if they dislike you, then you will dislike yourself. Aside from God, you shouldn't let anyone have so much power over you that their opinion of you is the only one that matters.
Likewise, indecision is a decision.
If someone is indecisive about you, mainly for a relationship, don't wait around for them. Move on.
You deserve better than someone who isn't sure about you - not just for relationship, but for a friendship too.
The truth is, they're not indecisive about you. They don't want you. They just say that they're not sure about you to keep you on your toes.
However, God is never indecisive about you. Yet sometimes we can be indecisive with him, me included.
This is not the right thing to do. God is sure about you so you should at least be the same thing for him.
God loved us so so much that he sent his son to die for us on the cross - y'all should know where that is. I'm not going to mention it.
But let me quickly link back to the title before I go to bed, as well as some of the next set of lyrics.
In fact - let me analyse the chorus itself.
All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
I feel like this is what most Christians think when God tells them to do something but they don't want to do it, specifically if it is with talking to people in one way or the other.
"But what if they don't care?"
That doesn't mean you shouldn't try. You doing what God tells you to do is one thing, the person who receives it and does something else with it is another.
I learnt that in either midweek service or Sunday this or last week.
For example if you outreach to someone and they say they will come to church on Sunday - then they make up a fake excuse as to why they can't come.
They will get in trouble by God, not you! Because at least you tried.
Things may not have gone the way you wanted it to, however you listened to God. Not many people do.
Besides, Galatians 6:9 says:
Let us not become tired of doing good. At the right time we will gather a crop if we don’t give up.
And a lyric from Candle In The Dark by Miklez
No matter what it takes, just keep pushing hard and never give up!
Candle In The Dark was my first ever Dancing Star routine, and it is one of my favourites.
In two weeks time, I'm doing Chale by Guvna B and I honestly can't wait.
That is it for today, that was my first Post of Encouragement done. I'll probably edit this later, but I really have to go to bed right now.
The difference between this and Underrated Bible Scriptures by the way is that these are just mini posts. Underrated Bible Scriptures are not, although it can be sometimes.
If you are ever feeling down about anything, just remember:
I've learnt that it's not about length anymore. It's about what I write and how I write it. God is happy regardless.
Quality over quantity at all times, and with that said - that doesn't mean that my posts are going to be shorter. I'm talking about generally.
If you have a lot of something, but they're not of good quality, then is it really worth having those things? Unless you can't get rid of them, that's different.
Maybe you should about that.