Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 1 (Verses 1 - 5)

Sunday 27th June 2021

Sorry I've been so inactive and not been sticking to my updating schedule. It's been a long week and when I do want to write on here, I'm normally tired. I work 8-9 hours a day.

Today I will be doing commentary on Psalms 119, as in all of it. Not in one post though, let's say 30+. There's over 170 verses.
I've already done this somewhere else so I'm just copying and pasting what I've already written before. 

I may add some things as well, this will be in bold.

Psalms 119:1 1 Blessed are those who live without blame. They live in keeping with the law of the Lord. 

 You can’t live perfectly as that’s impossible but make sure you can separate wrong from right. 

Not just that but always make sure you do the right thing. Even the most seemingly perfect people have problems going on in their lives.

 Don’t be deceived by superficial or outward appearances. What looks fancy could destroy you. Not always true but it could.

Nobody is perfect but a lot of people know how to deal with their problems perfectly - which makes them seem perfect but they’re not. 

 There’s a quote I know that says ‘behind every seemingly perfect person, there’s a mess you can’t see.’ 

 So the next time you find yourself comparing yourself to someone and feeling bad about yourself, try thinking of what you can’t see.

 That super pretty girl you wish you looked like - she hates the way she looks and she struggles with anxiety.

That family you wish you were a part of - they argue more than you and your family members do. And they’re financially struggling - like a lot. 

 That student that almost always gets good grades - they are constantly being pressured by others to do well and it does their head in. They have sleepless nights and are lonely. They don’t know who their real friends are. or who's just using them for their intelligence, which happens a lot of times.

 These are just examples of course because people normally compare their worst to the best of others. Not everybody is like this.

What I’m trying to say is life too short to focus on the lives of others instead of yours. 

The harsh reality is you’re going to be you for the rest of your life whether you like it or not. 

 Comparison, especially negative ones don’t have any meaning. Some things in life do have meaning of course but looking down on yourself doesn’t You are amazing and wonderful just the way you are. 

Sometimes the day I have affects my self esteem. If I have a good day, my self esteem is high.

 If I don’t then my self esteem is low But henceforth I’m going to be happy about myself irrespective of what day I’ve had. 

I’m content with myself, you should be content with yourself too. 

 Sometimes life is hard, difficult or just downright unfair but that doesn’t mean that you should be hard on yourself. 

These things are normally beyond your control anyway.

   For example it seems as though I’m getting unwell every weekend because I work with babies throughout the week. I can barely control that - the babies might have something and they unknowingly pass it on.

But you are not your mistakes, or your past. Just look to your future. Yes you will die one day and so will everyone else. Don’t worry about that though. Focus on your right now Have a good day / night

Psalms 119:2

2 Blessed are those who obey his covenant laws. They trust in him with all their hearts. 

 “Trust in the Lord will all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” -Proverbs 3:5. 

Live the way God wants you to live. 

Not the way others want you to live. 

 Even if others want you to live well and righteously, that’s great. But at the same time, they’re not you. And they might not always know what you want for yourself. God knows you inside and out because he created you. And he created the person that created you: your mother. He understands you more than people do. 

That’s why he wants you to listen to him and obey his instructions. He is your master. Try not to slip away from God.

Likewise, Jeremiah 1:5 says “Before I formed you in your mother’s body I chose you.
Before you were born I set you apart to serve me.
I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.”

God knew us even before we were even born. He knew our strengths and our weaknesses, our likes and dislikes, etc. What might be good for someone might not necessarily be good for you and the other way around. Focus on you and not others, unless maybe if it's for inspiration.

When comparing yourself to others, choose three things
1) compare yourself to the person you were yesterday
2) Compare yourself to Jesus Christ (best option!)
3) Don't compare yourself to anyone at all.

Psalms 119:3

They don’t do anything wrong.
They live as he wants them to live.

It's impossible for you not to do anything wrong, like I said when I was analysing verse 1.

But Matthew 6:33 says "But seek ye first the kingdom of righteousness and everything else will be given to you"

If you want God to give you things then you must seek his kingdom first, irrespective of what you're going through in your life and what the world might deliberately or unintentionally distract you from at the same time.

When you are grateful for what you have, and you seek God first, then I believe that's when he really starts to divinely intervene in your life.

10 “Suppose you can be trusted with something very little. Then you can also be trusted with something very large.
But suppose you are not honest with something very little. Then you will also not be honest with something very large.
11 Suppose you have not been worthy of trust in handling worldly wealth. Then who will trust you with true riches?
12 Suppose you have not been worthy of trust in handling someone else’s property. Then who will give you property of your own?"
You can find this in Luke 16 vs 10-12.

Blessed is the person that can say "I really love my life. I may not necessarily have everything I want, but I have everything I need."

I read that somewhere. I'm not sure if it's a Bible passage or not although it's still really important regardless.

Psalms 119:4-5 

 4 You have given me rules That I must obey completely. 5 I hope I will always stand firm in following your orders.

 If you want to stand firm with God, then you’re must simply obey everything that he wants you to do. 

God’s plan towards us are always of good and never of evil to bring us to an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11. (The verse doesn’t actually say that but it’s along those lines anyway) 

 Have a good day / night

Every five verses, I will be doing a new part. It might be more than five parts though, it all depends on how much I write.

Stay tuned! xoxo