Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 7 (Verse 38 - 44)

Friday 16th July 2021

Happy Friday Angels!

I love my old school shows, if anything they're probably my favourite shows and movies to watch.

Anything old school or nineties, I just love 💗💖

It's so good to see you again! I checked the stats this week and I was surprised.

I tried updating this earlier but it wasn't happening. Unforeseen circumstances kind of happened. Maybe I should just stick to updating late, haha. I think that's what works best for me. It's just what I'm used to.

 Psalms 119:38-39

38 Keep your promise to me. Then other people will have respect for you. 
39 Please don’t let me be put to shame. Your laws are good.

Jeremiah 29:11

11 “I know the plans I have for you,” announces the Lord. “I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.”

God promises us that the plans he has for our lives are going to be of good and never of evil to bring us to an expected end. 

When God promises something, he sticks to it. That’s why you should always trust in God at all times.

I have some verses about trusting the Lord at all times - you can find them below.

Colossians 3:17 says "And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

And  Luke 9:23 says Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me."

I've said it before in this website I believe and I'll say it again.

Luke 9:23 says that you should take up the cross daily.

Not annually. Not occasionally. Not weekly. But daily.

Then I made some references to Numbers 21 vs 4-9 where the Israelites were travelling from Mount Hor to the Red Sea. The journey was too long for them, so therefore they had become impatient and frustrated as they had blasphemed God.

Blaspheming God is an unforgivable sin so God had dealt with them in his own way. He had sent snakes to them as majority of them had died. Long story short, let me just make reference to Numbers 21 vs 8 solely.

The LORD said to Moses, “Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.”

If they wanted to live, they would have had to look at the snake on the pole daily. If they were expecting all of their problems for the week to disappear in a day then they surely had another thing coming. 

If they wanted their weekly problems to disappear then they would have had to look up at the pole for 7 days straight, unless they wanted to die.

Some people make promises to you but then they break it maybe due to unforeseen circumstances or because they’re not genuine.

A lot of people have broken promises to me but at the same time I have broken promises to them as well. I most likely didn't plan to, however some things had happened so I had to break the promise.

Let me tell you something real quick.

If you're worried that someone is going to break a promise they made you, and God told you that they won't, why are you worrying?

God's word is final, there's a song I know that has lyrics which go When Jesus says yes, nobody can say no.

God's yes is yes and his no is no. There's no surefire way for you to change God's mind - if anything it's impossible for you to do so as he knows what's best.

 That's because he is genuine. His magnificence never changes. 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. You can find that in Hebrews 13:8

And perhaps I've already said that before. Maybe in the previous post but it is still important regardless.

Psalms 119:40

40 I really want to follow your rules. Keep me alive, because you do what is right.

Pray that God will give you discretion for you to be able to separate right from wrong amen.

 I’m saying this because some people or things in life seem righteous / good but they’re actually unrighteous / bad and vice versa. Looks are deceiving.

Coincidentally, I was listening to the song Things We Want by Ramiyah when I wrote this. I make a lot of references to this song because it's very powerful. I did so on my website page.

Maybe it's taking a little bit long
But you just won't know
Because he promised he would do just what he's saying

He's not a man who ever lies
So his words will never lack
But it must be in his will

Those are the lyrics I used from the song there. But this time I will use these lyrics.

There are things we want so bad
Like a dream we've always had
But what we want ain't always good for us

There are things that may look good
That could be misunderstood
'Cause what we want ain't always wonderful

Sometimes the things we want were actually better off from a distance compared to when they're up close, as in when you actually get them. Like for me, I've always wanted an iPhone and now that I've had one for a pretty long time now, it's not really as special anymore.

Whenever we get something new - and I've noticed this at one of the nurseries I used to work at - it's great at first until the novelty wears off and it becomes mundane or boring. 

Babies I've seen at a nursery I used to work at were like that. They got bored fast or when they had a toy, and another baby had another toy... they'd normally stare at them, lose interest in the toy that they had, and fight the baby for their toy even though they had it first.

Same with activities, they'd lose interest quick.

The grass isn't always greener on the other side. And occasionally it is either because it's fake (we call it Astro Turf, aka fake grass) or because it's full of weeds instead. At times it is, but even then why focus on someone else when you can focus on yourself.

Comparing yourself to someone else is kind of a waste of who God created you to be. 

We all have different purposes and destinies in life. We all move at our own pace.

So for that matter, just stay true to who you are and never feel as though you are never good enough. And remember that it's always better to be a first rate version of you than a second rate version of someone else. 

After all, being you is your superpower - don't let anybody take that away from you!

You were destined to be great since you were born - another song lyric by Ramiyah which I was listening to as I wrote this. It's called Just Stop.

Psalms 119:41-42

41 Lord, show me your faithful love. Save me as you have promised. 
42 Then I will answer those who make fun of me, because I trust in your word.

Pray that God will show you his faithful love. 

When God starts loving you, he doesn’t really stop until you die.

I asked a question to someone the other day which was if God remembers the dead. I don't think he does. Maybe on the day of rapture but that's it.

As I always like to say when I say something that I'm unsure of...

That’s why you should give God your all, because he always gives you his all too. 

God never does 75% or 80%. He gives you 100%— even more than that!

Not saying this will always happen but some people may ridicule you for your faith, asking you why you believe in God. 

But you should rise above them and shine because fear comes from the devil.

When God calls you to do something and people rise against you, attacking you, ridiculing you, making fun of you, or slandering you, don’t be discouraged or feel alone. They did the same to Jesus and His disciples. 

I hope you have a lovely day or night ahead, depending on when you were reading this, amen

Psalms 119:43-44

43 Help me always to tell the truth about how faithful you are. I have put my hope in your laws. 
44 I will always obey your law, for ever and ever.

God is faithful, especially how he’s the reason you’re alive today! 

So many people take life for granted in the sense that they live as if tomorrow is guaranteed. 

Tomorrow isn’t always guaranteed so you should live each day as if it’s your last.

God forbid though one day it will tragically be your last day on earth. We just don’t know when it is. So appreciate each day as well as the people around you and try not to procrastinate.

I was watching Desperate Housewives the other day - let's say April or something and there was an episode where the main characters had taken everything for granted and something really bad happened at the end. 

I really recommend the show - it's long but it's really good and interesting. The episode was Season 8, Episode 16 I Believe.

That’s why you should live your life to the fullest because you only live once. We could be taken away at any time. As you live your life to the fullest, also put your hope in God’s laws. And I pray that God helps you as you do this amen