Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 10 (Verses 57-62)

 Sunday 25th July 2021

Hey again and Happy Sunday!

Sorry, I had a bit of trouble posting this, especially with formatting. I've tried fixing it but it didn't work, so sorry if this post looks a little bit off. Sometimes it would go off the page, this was written as I was writing this post for you guys.

It's been a minute, sorry about that again.

Anyway... Let's get cracking!

Psalms 119:57-58

57 Lord you are everything I need. I have promised to obey your words.
58 I have looked to you with all your heart. Be kind to me as you have promised.

Once you are with God, best believe you are fearless!

You can't really be fearless without God - you might think you are. but you are clearly mistaken.

Some people walk around with so much confidence, whilst some other people walk around like they own the place.
I have met people like this from both ends.
When you look at someone that is confident and hardly cares what other people think, you're probably wondering how they do that.

They most likely have God with them, because like I said, God makes you fearless.

Be on the lookout though, some people act confident to hide insecurity. 

These people need to seek God for them to be truly confident without having to hide how they really feel about themselves.

Occasionally I make references to TV shows or movies I have watched. Once again, I am going to make some references to Desperate Housewives.

Without giving too much away, Desperate Housewives is about, from Google:

A close-knit group of housewives reside in Wisteria Lane. It may appear to be a seemingly perfect neighbourhood but it hides many secrets, crimes, forbidden romances and domestic struggles.

It's very long (180 episodes, 40 minutes each) but it's amazing. 

These women were very confident, but behind the scenes they each had their own struggles.

They had a lot.

I'm not saying that all Christians are 100% confident with themselves, as there are days where you do doubt yourself, however Christians are more likely to be confident in themselves because they know that they have got the Lord with them.

I remember in school for one of my mock exams, I didn’t do as well as I wanted to even though I studied hard. I got Bs and Cs.

I was kind of a perfectionist back then so that was pretty low standard for me, especially how I was one away from an A. 

That was really annoying and I was so mad at myself for that but my perfectionism isn’t as bad as it used to be.

Then I looked to God and for the real exams, I came out with A, B and Distinction Star. 

When you look to God, he will help you with all your problems. It’s never too late for you to turn to God. 

This is all linked to verse 58 by the way, in case you were confused.

Speaking of exams I hope y’all do well in yours! 

You will come out with flying colours in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen.

Psalms 119 vs 59-60

59 I have thought about the way I live. And I have decided to follow your covenant laws. 
60 I won’t waste any time. I will be quick to obey your commands.

Every now and again it’s good for you to reflect on your life and how your day was etc. 

You don’t have to do this of course but sometimes you should sit down and think about how you could have improved your day as well as what you did well during the day. ie yesterday I was really thinking about my life for a bit.

Sometimes I deeply think about my future. 

I even said to myself this morning that I can't wait for my 70th birthday.

 And when I'm 70, which we shall all see and beyond by the grace of God, I'll dress so well that people think I'm younger.

I guess life really do starts at 70, or 40. Imma make it 70 for this case. 💘😆

Not just that but I've even decided what I'm going to call my children, if they're girls anyway. I'm not sure about boys yet.

There's this quote I know that I read in a book: 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C Maxwell. I highly recommend it.

In the morning, someone asks themselves what good should I do today? and in the evening or when the day is about to end, they ask themselves what good they have done today.

Strive to be the same - do good at all times. There is a song I know but don't listen to which has lyrics that say what have you done today to make you feel proud?

Also learn to do the right thing at the right time. 

You can do the right thing but at the wrong time ie doing chores when you’re supposed to be studying. That’s just an example, it’s really not targeted towards anyone.

Be quick to obey God’s commandments like verse 60 suggests and I pray that God blesses you greatly as you do this amen.
 The start of Verse 59 says I have thought about the way I live.

I have linked this to Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins - apparently, before you're about to die, your life flashes right before your eyes. 

Jesus was probably thinking about the way he had lived then, should your life flashing before your eyes just before death theory be true. Don't quote me on that.

I’m not going to quote John 3:16 because that’s popular already although I will be posting John 3:17-18 instead

God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world. He sent his Son to save the world through him. 

18 Anyone who believes in him is not judged. But anyone who does not believe is judged already. He has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

This is saying that God didn’t send Jesus to the world to condemn us but to save us through him. 

Verse 18 is saying that if you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins then God won’t judge you.

So let’s not forget what Jesus did because what he did was very important. 

If he didn’t die for our sins then goodness knows where we would be today.

Psalms 119:61-62

Evil people may tie me up with ropes. But I won’t forget to obey your law. 

62 At midnight I get up to give you thanks because your decisions are very fair.

Everybody has haters. I’ve encountered quite a few in real life.

 But it was mainly due to jealousy. 

You could be the nicest person in the world and still have haters. It's okay, not everybody has good taste.

Haters aren’t always explicit, sometimes people hate you silently. These people are actually your secret admirers, to be honest.

I'm sure if someone is checking up on you vehemently yet silently and they claim to dislike you, then surely they're deceiving themselves.

But some people who pick on you explicitly may often drag you down to their level. Proverbs 13:20 says that walk with the wise and you will become wise but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Don't stoop to people's level. Rise higher than them and show them you're better. 

Some people will purposely bring you down to get a rise out of you, but you just have to act unfazed because you can’t give them the satisfaction of seeing you upset.

Instead, show people that you are a Christian, don’t just say you are. Actions speak a lot louder than words.

These evil people may tie you up with ropes.

What verse 61 is trying to say is even though attackers and haters may ridicule you, 

God doesn’t want you to stop obeying his law. God’s thoughts towards us are always of good and never of evil to bring us to an expected end.*

*Jeremiah 29:11 and Isaiah 55:8-9 talk more about this

Sorry if my scriptures are less frequent today. I’ve been a bit busy in real life.

Plus getting the format right on this post was a nightmare. I'm glad it's okay now though.

See ya next time - till we hopefully meet again! xoxo