Posted Tuesday 15th August 2021
Hey. It's been a minute!
Yes, this post is late, it was past midnight when I posted this.
I've actually realised that this is the time for me. Even when I want to update earlier, it will still end up becoming this time somehow again. Even if I don't intend to do so.
It wasn't meant to be this late, nor was I supposed to update today but I've spent way too much time focusing on what this blog looks like than posting actual content.
I mean, can you blame me though?
Yeah, Diego Tinoco agrees with me and I do too.
I'm a very creative person, I love things that look neat and organised - and you can tell that I love media, there are by far too many GIFs here hahahaha. But I'm not removing them. People shouldn't tell you the way you want to live.
Likewise, I'm not going to allow anyone to tell me how to run this website!
After this day, it will be Underrated Bible Scriptures - Part 5. I hope you're ready for it.
You may have noticed the theme changed and all the fonts of this entire website. That wasn't planned either to be honest, I was just randomly thinking about it.
I even completely turned things around at some point and it looked awful. I hope none of you guys saw that.
This is why I don't announce my website unless I updated something - as in a new post. In case I'm doing something behind the scenes that I think will benefit this blog but turns out to be very shambolic.
I love the black and gold theme I had earlier on and I still do, but I'm pretty indecisive and I really do like a lot of colours so I decided to merge them together.
Ideally, I was supposed to post on here the last time that I was on here. I didn't realise that me talking pretty vehemently about False Prophets was on this page. I thought it was on my posts page instead.
If you can remember, the last time I updated, aka on Sunday I believe, I mentioned 7 reasons why you should avoid false prophets. I said that I would do the last three on this page.
I also talked about how people were trying to get dirt on Jesus, mainly the Pharisees and the Sadducees. They really detested Jesus out of jealousy I believe.
I found some evidence on that, so let me share it with you guys. It can be found in Matthew 12:1-8 and then 9-14.
I didn't want to post what they said as it was pretty long, but God just changed my mind last minute.
Verse 1-8 says...
2 The Pharisees saw this. They said to Jesus, “Look! It is against the Law to do this on the Sabbath day. But your disciples are doing it anyway!”
3 Jesus answered, “Haven’t you read about what David did? He and his men were hungry.
4 So he entered the house of God. He and his men ate the holy bread. Only priests were allowed to eat it.
5 Haven’t you read the Law? It tells how every Sabbath day the priests in the temple have to do their work on that day. But they are not considered guilty.
6 I tell you that something more important than the temple is here.
7 Scripture says, ‘I want mercy and not sacrifice.’ (Hosea 6:6) You don’t know what those words mean. If you did, you would not bring charges against those who are not guilty.
8 The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath day.”
Long story short, the disciples had done something that was against the Law, but they didn't really: The Pharisees and the Sadducees had just accidentally (on purpose maybe) read the Bible out of context.
Most people do this, you can read my Commonly Misunderstood Bible Verses page that I wrote here but didn't write here at the same time. I posted it, but it was mainly from another website. I forgot what it was, although it probably had the same name as my post.
I'm still working on changing the font and editing this website, hence why the fonts aren't always the same. Just not right now though because it was past midnight when I posted this.
In Verses 9-14, Jesus wanted to heal a weak and twisted man, but once again, it was on a Sabbath day. If you've read my Dangers of Legalism page, it was against the law to heal the sick on a Sabbath Day. I didn't say that there explicitly but This was an Old Testament Law.
There's nothing wrong with following the Old Testament but you can't be placing Laws above other people's feelings all the time. That's what the Pharisees and the Sadducees did.
I'm always spelling Sadducees wrong. I spelt it right this time, and every other time, but when I was writing this, I messed it up almost every time.
God loves us more than Laws, even though he made them, and that's really saying something.
Without further ado though, let me quickly talk about the last 3 reasons as to why you should avoid false prophets at all time.
I would have finished this on the main page but then that would have been too long, I probably wouldn't even have read through everything, let alone another person.
Also, I'm doing another topic there when I next go there (no not the Psalms 119 commentary yet. That's on hold for now as I talk about other Biblical things but I will get there this month), and I'm doing my hair on Thursday.
I don't have a specific length limit for any of these posts by the way, I just write as much as I can, although if it is too short then it does bother me a bit.
On to the 1st reason, or more specifically the 5th one.
5. False Teachers Gain From Their Followers
This was actually the 7th reason, but who said I had to do it in order, even if I did that on my main page? 👀
But yes, most false prophets out there like acquiring things and constantly do things to gain material goods for their own benefit.
I know because this is a Godly website, I post Godly song lyrics more than the secular ones I listen to, and I will continue to do that, no diggity (doubt). There aren't many godly GIFs I can use which are relatable to what I'm saying, hence why I don't use them much, but I will strive to do so in the future.
Anyway, I just so happened to be listening to my Afrobeats playlist, as I have listened to my Gospel one a lot this week, so wanted to reward myself, and one of the songs there was very relatable to this point. It is Oliver Twist by D'Banj.
I'm sure you've heard of Oliver Twist many times before. I haven't watched the movie, or read the book if there is one, but all I know is that he constantly wanted more.
In a way, False Prophets are the same thing. The more they gain from their followers, then the more they want.
They want to have them all, because they believe that bigger is better, even if it is not.
Essentially, it's barely even about God anymore. More so about them and their own needs.
Me talking about false prophets is not extensive. As in, it doesn't apply to everyone that's a false prophet out there. Some have even reformed and turned good.
2 Peter 2:1-3
But there were also false prophets among the people. In the same way there will be false teachers among you. In secret they will bring in teachings that will destroy you. They will even turn against the Lord and Master who died to pay for their sins. So they will quickly destroy themselves.
2 Many people will follow their lead. These people will do the same evil things the false teachers do. They will cause people to think badly about the way of truth.
They eye your goods more than your good; and mind more the serving of themselves, than the saving of your souls.
from the least important of them to the most important.
Prophets and priests alike
try to fool everyone they can. Jeremiah 6:13
Posted Sunday 8th August 2021
It's Lola back again, I haven't been here in ages
My life has been so busy I haven't updated these pages
But it's okay now, because I'm here so let's start
I'm going to be talking about false prophets today, and it's coming straight from the heart
But for real though, hey!
(Liza Koshy)
It's been so long and I'm so sorry about that. This is probably the longest I've gone without updating, the pages post anyway. I know I did a new post yesterday.
I hope God has blessed you this week though.
Normally I do scriptures here and I analyse them, but today I'm going to be talking about just one thing.
And ideally, that's for the Post of Encouragement page, the main difference between this and that is that they will have subheadings but these won't.
But for the posts of encouragement page, I have to do part 4 of this, then 5, then 6.
Then I have to go back to it, as the first Posts of Encouragement page is too long already.
And I can't wait that long. This post will be about false prophets though, like I said earlier.
I need to confess something though: today I've been kind of procrastinating.
God told me many times to come on here earlier today and post something but I was hesitant. And I guess I was waiting until the end of the day or close to it to post, as there are no distractions, however I'm here now!
Beware of False Prophets
This lingered in my mind for a long time so here we are.
Other things lingered in my mind a lot today too (like On My Block, re-watching it right now), but this mainly.
From Google, a false prophet is...
I knew what it meant without Google, but I can't say it as sophisticated as that.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
False messiahs and false prophets will appear. They will do great signs and miracles. They will try to fool God’s chosen people if possible. Matthew 24:24
But there were also false prophets among the people. In the same way there will be false teachers among you. In secret they will bring in teachings that will destroy you. They will even turn against the Lord and Master who died to pay for their sins. So they will quickly destroy themselves. 2 Peter 2:1
The first 2 passages are the ESV version and the next two are NIRV instead.
Like I said, next time I will talk about exactly how you can identify them.
Finally posted before midnight, let's say it was 11:10PM when I posted this.
Have a good day or night, depending on when you are reading this. And I shall hopefully see you next time. Peace!
Posted Saturday July 31st 2021
Hello and happy Saturday! It's finally the weekend!
I love the man in this video so much, this is a whole new level of not caring what people think. It's good though. Wish I could dance like that - most especially in public.
Speaking of loving things, I love this new theme. I might stick to it forever but let's see how things go. 😁
I actually posted earlier today. But when I did it was between 2 - 3am I believe so inevitably, I was pretty tired.
I know I post at weird times or when I should be sleeping but I function better at night. Plus there are hardly any distractions there anyway.
What can you say?
I said that I would continue with the Underrated Bible Scriptures at the end of the Posts of Encouragement page, or somewhere there but I'm not sure. Either way, I said it there somewhere so here we are again.
Scripture #24
Here's one we probably all know and love. Matthew 7 vs 1-2. And it says
“Do not judge other people. Then you will not be judged."
2 You will be judged in the same way you judge others. You will be measured in the same way you measure others.
Realistically speaking, you should always be encouraging Christians to have a personal relationship with God.
You don’t count people’s sins. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new Creation. Old things have passed away and everything has been made new. 2 Corinthians 5:17.
I mean, think about it. How many times have you looked at someone and you've instantly judged them based on how they look and/or speak and/or dress and/or what shoes they're wearing?
If you have to decide between showing mercy to people instead of making a sacrifice, choose showing mercy.
Jesus advised his disciples (and us too, in real time) that we should forgive each other 77 times or 490 times a day, depending on what version you're reading. Either way, the text is taken from Matthew 18 vs 22.
New International VersionJesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."
New Living Translation
“No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!"
Your relationship with God is more important than your overall church attendance. This is putting mercy over sacrifice.
Sacrificing your time for God to go to church is good, but you could be going to church for all the wrong reasons.
I can think of many reasons as to why this is the case which I'm not going to mention now - this is better as a separate topic really and it deserves a whole new post for it.
On the other hand, if you have a genuine relationship with God then you’d be with him for all of the right ones instead.
When you show mercy, you are offering a greater sacrifice than sacrifice itself.
The Holy Spirit himself will not allow you to be wicked to people, and you shan't be amen.
#Scripture 24
Last but not least for today is Lamentations 3:22
So we haven’t been completely destroyed.
His loving concern never fails. Lamentations 3 vs 22