Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 6 (Verses 32 - 37)

Wednesday 14th July 2021

Hey, it's been a minute!
I would have posted on Sunday but I had to celebrate a couple of birthdays over the weekend that just went, including mine.

I'm always posting just before midnight on this website and it's awful - Yeah, I'm not at home until like 7PM or later when I post things most of the time, but even then I shouldn't be posting this late.

I'm still working on that but thank you for staying with me. I really appreciate it.

And one more thing....

So without further ado

Let's get to it
We're gonna get through it
I'm going to analyse these verses
'Cause no one else is gonna do it!

On this website anyway.

Psalms 119 vs 32-33
32 I am quick to follow your commands, because you have set my heart free. 
33 Lord, teach me to follow your orders. Then I will obey them to the very end.

The truth will set you free, just like obeying God’s commandments will set you free as well. 

God loves it when you listen to him because it shows that you are truly a child of God. This is what he wants.

 Try & submit yourselves to him today if you haven’t done so already. ♥️

During 1 Samuel 3:10-18, God wanted to wipe out the houses of Eli and his family. He didn’t tell this directly to Eli though because he had told Samuel instead.

This was a sign that he had been backsliding. 

If Eli hadn’t been doing that then God would have told him directly what he wanted to do to him.

But what’s really distressing is the fact that in 1 Samuel 3:18, Eli’s response to Samuel telling him that God wanted to wipe out his house was ‘he is God. Let him do as he pleases’.

What I’m trying to say is when God is warning you about something or when he’s trying to foreshadow something to you, don’t be nonchalant about it.

 Instead you should get down on your knees and pray. And God will guide you amen.

Eli had done the complete opposite thing. 

Instead of getting on his knees and praying about everything, he had acted really unfazed and indifferent about the fact that God was going to wipe out his house.

If anything, this reminds me of the story of Job and how Eli had acted in a very contrasting way to him.

In fact, let me quickly make some references to Job 1 vs 20 to the end.

20 After Job heard all these reports, he got up and tore his robe. He shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground and worshiped the Lord21 He said,

“I was born naked.
    And I’ll leave here naked.
The Lord has given, and the Lord has taken away.
    May the name of the Lord be praised.”

22 In spite of everything, Job didn’t sin by blaming God for doing anything wrong.

Get this...

Job had lost everything unexpectedly yet he had still given thanks and praise to the Lord.

Eli knew he was going to lose something yet he didn't really seem to care.

And's the issue with a lot of people today, Christians or not. 

God foreshadows something in their future that they need to act on but they disobey him, or they leave it to the last minute.

Don't be this person. Procrastination isn't worth it, and as I always like to say

"God doesn't guarantee tomorrow to anyone. So live your best life today because you could be taken away at any time."

This reminds me of the song Last Night from Empire (God forbid though) - but what I said is true. You only live once, make it count.

Have a good day / night

Psalms 119:34-35

34 Help me understand your law. Then I will follow it and obey it with all my heart. 
35 Teach me to live as you command, because that makes me very happy.

Ask God to teach him your ways. 

This makes him very happy because you’re striving to be more like him. Also ask God for wisdom, knowledge and understanding like King Solomon did in 1 Kings 3:1-15.

Solomon could have asked God for anything but he didn't - he had asked God for wisdom, which God was really pleased about, so he had given him more than what he had asked for.

A cross reference can be Ecclesiastes 6:8, which says...

 Ecclesiastes 6:8

What advantage does a wise man have over someone who is foolish? What does a poor man gain by knowing how to act toward others?

Being wise has its benefits. But have you ever considered the drawbacks? 

In Galatians 3:28 it says 
There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Not just that but in Genesis 1:27 it says 
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

Both of these verses are more or less talking about how we are created in the same image as God. It doesn’t matter who we are in life, wealthy, not wealthy, intelligent not intelligent...?

We are all one in Christ Jesus. 

Earlier I was talking about what some of the disadvantages of being wise can be. 

Well some people may expect you to know everything. 

They may have high expectations of you so when you’ve failed something it’s kind of like you’ve fallen short. 

You don’t necessarily have to be wise to make an impact though. Not all people take advantage of their intelligence like that. 

There are many reasons why so I don’t always blame them for it. 

I learnt somewhere in real life that the best people aren’t the best at what they do. They are just the most consistent at it. 

For example the Number 1 singer today might not be the best. As long as they’re trying their best. 

And the best singer out there could be at home doing nothing productive with their life. 

If you have a talent then make use of it. 

God doesn’t take back his gifts or change is mind about who he has chosen so (Romans 11:29) so use it. 

Psalms 119:36-37

36 Make me want to follow your covenant laws instead of wanting to gain things only for myself. 37 Turn my eyes away from things that are worthless. Keep me alive as you have promised.

Unfortunately in life, so many things are not important but we don’t always realise it. 

Ask God to make you less selfish and also ask him to remove any form of sin in your life today amen.

Ask him to remove anything in your life that is not of value to him or you, especially things that you think are getting in the way of him.

 You are still alive today because God isn’t finished with you yet.

Those that have already died, they have already fulfilled their purpose in life or the devil attacked them. 

I always used to wonder 

"How can you tell if death is from the Lord or from the devil?"

And now I realise that death from the Lord is normally peaceful.

Death from Satan is normally painful instead. 

And sometimes the Lord may allow painful deaths to happen because maybe the person that died is unfortunately destined for Hell.

Not all Christians make it to Heaven, and just because you are born again or you've lived a righteous life doesn't necessarily mean that you will end up in Heaven either.

It's all about repentance - I don't know if I've mentioned it here or not before but if you repent 10 seconds before you die or even on your deathbed then you could make it to Heaven.

It's not guaranteed for sure, but you could.

Pray to God for not just long life but long life with meaning as well. You can live 100 years but if you ain’t doing anything with that, then it’s not worth it.

Best for you to live 20 years on earth and everybody remembers you than for you to live like 75+ years on earth without any real impact.

Quality over quantity matters, in everything you do - or if not then most things.  

And to finish off..

I'm not against big friendship groups of course as everyone is different but for me personally, I prefer smaller ones. I'm pretty reserved. In public anyway. 

It all depends on who I'm with.

When I was in a big friendship group, I found myself unconsciously drifting away from there to find a smaller one where I was happier.

But like I said, everyone is different. What's best for me might not necessarily be best for you and vice versa.