Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 2 (Verses 6 - 12)

Thursday 1st July 2021

 Before we begin, I'd just like to say Happy New Month! 

I hope July is better than the previous months that have already gone, and tomorrow is the middle day of the year.


(as of when I went on the website)

I've never been this happy for it to come before, it just seems like the month July hasn't come in decades.

In my previous post, I started analysing Psalms 119, and I'm going to be doing that until I finish it. I started with Psalms 119 vs 1 and I finished with Psalms 119 vs 5. I will be continuing right now. This will be from Verse 6 to 12.

Psalms 119:6-7

6 Then I won’t be put to shame when I think about all of your commands.
7 I will praise you with an honest heart as I learn about how fair your decisions are.

Praise the Lord at all times, especially with an honest heart.

 Don’t be afraid of listening to the Ten Commandments. Don’t be proud to show that you’re a Christian either.

If anyone is ashamed of me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in his glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels. 

You can find this in Luke 9:26, with Mark 8:38 saying the same thing. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Bible all more or less say the same thing, but at different times, and maybe even with more things added as well.  

You should post about God on social media when you can, as much as you can. 

Do it with an honest heart as this really shows that you are not ashamed of him.

I used to avoid posting about God on social media because I was excessively worried on what people would think. 

Now, even though I'm not fully there on letting go of what people think of me, it's a lot better compared to last year for example.

You can't please everyone so if people don't like you or unfollow you for posting about God then it doesn't matter. 

Just focus on the people that love and appreciate what you do, especially God!

Also, I mean, think about it. Do you really want God to deny you, especially when it comes to judgement day?

The worst thing for you to experience is you not being sent up to Heaven when the rapture happens because you are ashamed of God, assuming the rapture happens and you are still alive.

Galatians 1:10 says...

Now, am I trying to please men or God? If I were still trying to please men, then I would not be the servant of Christ.

I don't know how many times I've posted this scripture on here but I believe it's really important. 

Normally when you care too much about what people think, you tend to be ashamed of God. 

You'd (un)consciously deny him in front of your friends, peers or colleagues because you don't want them to find out that you're religious. Not saying this happens all the time, but most of the time it does, and you don't even realise it.

Don't make a choice you might regret forever.

Don't be this kind of person, I wish the best for each and every single one of you reading this x

Psalms 119:8-10

8 I will obey your orders. Please don’t leave me all alone.
9 How can a young person keep his life pure? By living in keeping with your word.
10 I trust in you with all my heart.

For you to stay pure you must keep on living in God’s word.

If you’ve been backsliding (which I’ve been doing recently, not gonna lie. But definitely not on purpose), what do you do?

You must recognise what you’re doing. 

I'm aware that sometimes us Christians backslide without even noticing it, or we didn't intend to do so. 

For example, you've had a super busy day today that was completely unexpected  (you didn't think you'd end up having such a busy/stressful day), and you wanted to dedicate the day giving thanks, praise and time to God.

You try to even though you're busy but it's just not happening.

God understands, he is not a wicked or cruel God. 

In this scenario, make sure that you give time to God whenever you can or as soon as possible. I always used to think that there had to be a time limit for God, as in I'd spend 4 hours a day giving time for him.

The truth is, God doesn't need a time limit. You can balance God and your normal life, just make sure that you don't forget him and he comes first.

Turn to God after you’ve backsliden before things get worse.
May the Lord help you as you do this amen

In my Underrated Bible Scriptures Page, aka:

  Underrated Bible Scriptures - Part 2

I will talk about 8 signs of backsliding. I could do it on here but I'd rather do it on the pages section, and I only post once a day on here and on there.

Psalms 119:11-12

11 I have hidden your word in my hearts of that I won’t sin against you. 
12 Lord, I give praise to you. Teach me your orders.

Don’t sin against God.

Sinning comes from the devil. Sinning is normal but there’s a difference between sinning on purpose and sinning by accident. 

If you accidentally sin then that’s okay. 

You can always repent & try not to commit the same sin again. 

But if it’s on purpose then remember that forgiveness is always available and that God is watching you no matter what.

You may think that you had gotten away with everything because man didn't see you - but God does. He watches over all and he never sleeps or slumbers.

Psalms 121:1, NIV version says

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.  

Even when you're about to die and you have repented, you can still make it into Heaven. 

I pray that you make Heaven after death amen. Before then, continue to live righteously as much as you can and God will help you as you do this too.