Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 5 (Verses 24 - 31)

Thursday 8th July 2021

Happy Thursday; I know you don't really say that much but it doesn't matter.

Ever noticed that you don't really do much on Thursdays? I don't hear many people say Let's do this on Thursday. 

Even if your birthday is on a Thursday, you'd still mainly celebrate it on a Friday or the weekend at least.

Doing something huge on Thursday doesn't even sound right - but no offence intended.

Speaking of birthdays, it's mine tomorrow and I am so excited!!

Psalms 119:24-25

24 Your covenant laws are my delight. They give me wise advice.
25 I lie in the dust. I’m about to die. Keep me alive as you have promised.

As we came to the Earth, we also sadly have to leave the earth at some point as well. We are still alive because God isn’t done with you yet. Find joy in praising the Lord your God. The bible gives wise advice:


I got that from the Netflix Show Family Reunion - Loretta Devine aka M'Dear said it. But it's still true either way.

1 Timothy 6:7
After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it.

Let's not forget Genesis 3:19 as well...

"You will have to work hard and sweat a lot
    to produce the food you eat.
You were made out of the ground.
    You will return to it when you die.
You are dust,
    and you will return to dust.”

As we came to the world with nothing, we essentially have to leave the world the same way, whether we like it or not.

Even though God created each and every single one of us beautifully, we were also made out of dust at the same time - and we will return to it when we die too.

Even though death is inevitable and is normally perceived as a bad thing- I guess there are good aspects to it as well.

Sometimes many have thought that they have fulfilled their purpose in life so there's nothing for them to do aside from dying. But God has decided to keep them alive for one reason or the other.

Death is the end of all the suffering and pain in this world, and spending eternal life above, where you can see God and where things really matter as well.

I'm not sure if I've used these verses before but I will use them again regardless.

The following is Colossians 3:1-4, NIRV version

No, that wasn't a typo 👀😁 I rarely use the NIV version unless I understand what a verse is saying. But obviously, I'm really not against anyone that uses it.

The NIRV version is the New International Reader's Version.

With the Bible, I normally use translations that I understand. It used to be the NLT version, then CEV and now it's NIRV / Worldwide English (New Testament).

You have been raised up with Christ. So think about things that are in heaven. That is where Christ is. He is sitting at God’s right hand. 
Think about things that are in heaven. Don’t think about things that are only on earth. You died. Now your life is hidden with Christ in God. Christ is your life. When he appears again, you also will appear with him in heaven’s glory.

I couldn't have said that better myself.

John 3:16 says....

Actually I'm not even going to quote that verse as it's super popular already (so popular that it would be pretty concerning if you didn't know it off heart) so let's look at verse 17 and 18 - which aren't always as popular but they are still important.

God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world. He sent his Son to save the world through him. 18 Anyone who believes in him is not judged. But anyone who does not believe is judged already. He has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

This is saying that God didn’t send Jesus to the world to condemn us but to save us through him. Verse 18 is saying that if you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins then God won’t judge you. 

So let’s not forget what Jesus did because what he did was very important. If he didn’t die for our sins then goodness knows where we would be today. 

If you want God to bless you, then you need to believe that Jesus died for your sins - genuinely.

Psalms 119:26-27

26 I told you how I’ve lived, and you gave me your answer. Teach me your orders. 
27 Help me understand what your rules can teach me. Then I’ll spend time thinking about the miracles you have done.

Pray for God to grant you wisdom just like Solomon did! 

If you do this then he will give you the wisdom for you to understand his orders. Ask God to help you understand what his rules can teach you. Then you can spend time thinking about the many miracles he has done.

God was really impressed with Solomon that he had chosen wisdom when God had asked him what he wanted.

You can find this in 1 Kings 3 vs 7 the end, but I've  only done from Verses 7 to 12 as I have quite a number of things to get through today.

Lord my God, you have now made me king. You have put me in the place of my father David. But I’m only a little child. I don’t know how to carry out my duties. 

I’m here among the people you have chosen. They are a great nation. They are more than anyone can count. So give me a heart that understands. Then I can rule over your people. I can tell the difference between what is right and what is wrong. Who can possibly rule over this great nation of yours?”

10 The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for that.
 11 So God said to him, “You have not asked to live for a long time. You have not asked to be wealthy. You have not even asked to have your enemies killed. Instead, you have asked for wisdom. You want to do what is right and fair when you judge people. Because that is what you have asked for, 12 I will give it to you. I will give you a wise and understanding heart. So here is what will be true of you. There has never been anyone like you. And there never will be.

Hosea 4:6 additionally says My people perish for lack of knowledge

So essentially, if Solomon had asked God for something else that wasn't as indispensable (absolutely necessary) as wisdom, then he could have potentially perished. 

I believe that's what this verse means, and even if it doesn't relate to Solomon, I just made it that way.

I pray that you don't perish before your time amen, and Heaven will be your final destination.

Psalms 119:28-29

28 My sadness has worn me out. Give me strength as you have promised. 
29 Keep me from cheating and telling lies. Be kind and teach me your law.

Sometimes when you’re feeling sad, you can feel worn out. 

We've all had sad days and days where you have just felt down. I have recently but I don't want to go into it.

It can be hard for you to turn to God when you're feeling down as it may seem like God is against you.

God is a fair God, and unfortunately for us that does not mean that everything will go our way in life - I'd be pretty bored if it did. God is a just and fair God (you can find that in Psalms 25:8). We get what we deserve in life.

"But Lola, sometimes awful things happen in people's lives without them doing anything to deserve this. How do you explain something like that?"

God/Jesus know what they are doing (John 13:7: And Jesus said to his disciples "You do not know now what I am doing but later you will understand.") and when something devastating happens in a good person's life - it's so that better things will fall into place.

Waiting on God won't be easy, but why don't you read these two quotes below for encouragement?

And I pray you're going to win against the devil, amen.

Not saying this is for everyone but it can be true. You might think God is the reason for your sadness.

And even if he is, you can’t have happiness without sadness first. 

If life was good all the time then you wouldn’t really appreciate the hard times.

Pray for God to give you strength (Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me). 

If you worship God even when you’re not really feeling it, it speaks volumes and God loves that!❤️

As long as you show that you  love him and not act like you don't want to worship him, even if you don't.

Psalms 119:30-31

30 I have chosen to be faithful to you. I put my trust in your laws.
 31 Lord, I’m careful to obey your covenant laws. Don’t let me be put to shame.

When God puts you to shame then you’re kind of done for. 

God hates punishing people, and mainly does so when you’ve been backsliding, knowingly or unknowingly.

Hebrews 12:6, the NLT version, says
For the LORD disciplines those he loves, and he punishes each one he accepts as his child.
Most of the time God will punish someone so that they can realise what they are doing is wrong and they can turn to him.
Luckily most people do this, although some other people may decide to continue doing their sinful act even though they know for sure it's wrong.
When somebody dies, it's normally because God is through with them, right?
They've fulfilled their purpose in life and God doesn't really need them anyone, so therefore he takes them home.
As in, to their eternal home.
The world we're living in right now is not permanent even if it may not necessarily seem that way.
Or another reason someone dies is because they've tragically taken their own life for one reason or the other.
But did you know that you can die if you keep on sinning continuously - as in, on purpose... and not repenting?
Read Romans 6:23, I've probably mentioned that a lot of times lately but irrespective, it's a very significant scripture I believe.
Or repenting and doing the same thing all over again instead.
God may decide to end someone's life because they're about to do something that would completely destroy it or ruin their chances of getting into heaven.
Or the devil attacks.
I pray that the devil does not attack you today or for the rest of your life amen.
You will die a peaceful death at the right time and there shall be no untimely death with you, your household and your family - in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.
Even the best of us backslide so don’t worry if you’ve done it. I’ve accidentally backsliden recently too. It’s just that life gets so busy sometimes that we don’t always have time for God.

Despite the fact that God understands that, you shouldn’t shut him out completely. 

Still try to make time for him when you have the time. That way, you won’t really be put to shame.

My next post on my Underrated Scriptures Page will be about some signs of backsliding. It’s never too late for you to turn to God.

See you hopefully on Sunday! xoxo