Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 3 (Verses 13 - 18)

Sunday 4th July 2021 

I may not be in America but it's the 4th of July regardless.

Without further ado, let's get right on to this!

Psalms 119:13-14

13 With my lips I talk about all of the decisions you have made. 
14 Following your covenant laws gives me joy just as great riches give joy to others.

If you can talk proudly about worldly things then you should also be able to talk about God too.

Riches and worldly possessions give you glory but don’t forget to praise God because he actually gave you these things in the first place. Follow God’s commandments and he will bless you!

I would also like to mention Ecclesiastes 5 vs 19-20 which says this...

Ecclesiastes 5:19-20

19 Sometimes God gives a man wealth and possessions. He makes it possible for him to enjoy them. He helps him accept the life he has given him. He helps him to be happy in his work. All of those things are gifts from God. 

20 A man like that doesn’t have to think about how his life is going. That’s because God fills his heart with joy.

Life is good but it is even better with God. 

I’m not saying if you have a personal relationship with God then you won’t experience any bad things in life - you will. Everyone is going to have them regardless of who you are. 

However these things will be easier for you to go through because you’ve got God with you, that’s what I’m trying to say. 

Luke 16:10-12 says if you’re grateful in the small things then God will give you bigger things. It doesn’t actually say that, it’s just a summary. 

You can be very close to God but if you’re not grateful for what you have then how is he going to bless you? God might want to bless you sometimes but because of your gratitude problems he doesn’t. 

There could be other things hindering God from blessing you, mainly sin. Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

We’ve all had problems with gratitude, I even had minor gratitude problems today and yesterday. But I’m trying to become more grateful with what I have so that God can bless me with more. 

But all in all, be happy with the life you have. 

If you want to be someone else, just know that if that’s the case then you’re swapping everything you have with everything of the other person. 
Do you really want that? I wouldn’t.

How can I be happy with my life when I’m going through the hardest ever time in life?” You might think Think of this way, you’re still alive. Many people aren’t right now. It could even be someone’s last day on Earth today, which they don’t always know about. Someone always has it worse than you. That’s no reason to look down on them though, if you can then try build them up. When thinking of what you are grateful for, never forget life. We take it for granted so much in the sense that we don’t always think about being alive when asking yourself what you’re grateful for.  
Have a good day or night.  

Psalms 119:15-16

15 I spend time thinking about your rules. I consider how you want me to live. 
16 I take delight in your orders. I won’t fail to obey your word.

Be a good person and obey God’s word. 

God loves it when you listen to him, and he loves it even more when you obey his instructions. That’s when he knows that you are truly a child of God. 

Be as obedient as Abraham. He had obeyed everything that the LORD wanted him to do.

And when God had told Noah to build an ark for him, Noah could have questioned him but he didn't.

Noah obeyed God. He did everything that God had told him to do. 
You can find this in Genesis 6:22

Noah was an extremely extraordinary person - he wasn't average.

Read these emboldened sentences from this website

Here’s a few must-read definitions about “average”, courtesy of Edmund Gaudet.

  1. “Average” is what failures claim to be when their family and friends ask them why they are not more successful.
  2. “Average” is the top of the bottom, the best of the worst, the bottom of the top, the worst of the best.
  3. “Average” means being run-of-the-mill, mediocre, insignificant, an also-ran, a nonentity.
  4. Being “average” is the lazy person’s cop-out; it’s lacking the guts to take a stand in life; it’s living by default.
  5. Being “average” is to take up space for no purpose; to take the trip through life, but never to pay the fare; to return no interest for God’s investment in you.
  6. Being “average” is to pass one’s life away with time, rather than to pass one’s time away with life; it’s to kill time, rather than to work it to death.
  7. To be “average” is to be forgotten once you pass from this life. The successful are remembered for their contributions; the failures are remembered because they tried; but the “average,” the silent majority, is just forgotten.
  8. To be “average” is to commit the greatest crime one can against one’s self, humanity, and one’s God. The saddest epitaph is this’ “Here lies Mr. and Ms. Average — here lies the remains of what might have been, except for their belief that they were only “average.”

Abandoning average hurts. Friends will think you’re weird. People won’t want you to change. It can be personally exhausting, but it’s not burnout or stress. It’s the feeling of being pushed to the limit, the way a muscle burns when it’s being strengthened.

Like our physical bodies, abandoning average hurts more the older you get. But it also gives us strength we didn’t know we had.

We should be the same thing or person. As in when God asks you do to something, try to do it. Don't make excuses for it. 

I struggle with this too sometimes though as I get older, I know I will find this easier.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Because as I always like to say, tomorrow isn't guaranteed to anyone.

God told me to make this website. I didn't want to, but he had told me that I was just doubting myself and I shouldn't do that. Whenever you doubt yourself or worry about something in general, it means that you don't trust God. Albeit as Proverbs 3 says...

Proverbs 3:5-6 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart.
    Do not depend on your own understanding.
In all your ways obey him.
    Then he will make your paths smooth and straight.

Stay blessed y’all

Psalms 119:17-18

17 Be good to me, and I will live. I will obey your word. 
18 Open my eyes so that I can see the wonderful truths in your law.

Pray that God will open your eyes so that he can reveal the truth to you amen. 

Some people go to their early graves because they’ve deliberately sinned too much. 

Like I said, the wages of sin is death in Romans 6:23.

There's a difference between sinning on purpose and sinning accidentally. When you sin, repent to God... and then you keep on repeating the same sin again... why did you repent to God?

That's kind of taking advantage of God's forgiveness.

Repentance is the key to heaven. You can even repent 10 seconds before you die and still make it there, and I pray you do, amen.

See you on Tuesday! xoxo

Don’t be that kind of person. Repentance is key!