Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 11 (Verses 63-68)

 Friday 30th July 2021

Hey, sorry for the wait, I've been working. Because of that, updates may be slow, unless I have a day off.

And I do now, until Wednesday 💖😏

Psalms 119:63-64

63 I’m a friend to everyone who has respect for you. I’m a friend to everyone who follows your rules. 
64 Lord, the earth is filled with your love. Teach me your orders.

Verse 63 isn’t saying that you can’t have non religious friends. You can. You absolutely can.  

Just be cautious of who they are.

There are so many amazing people out there who aren't necessarily religious but either way, try to be friends with as many Christians as possible so that your opinions don't clash and you're able to settle your differences better, should you need to do so.

Some of my friends are other religions but either way, just be mindful of Proverbs 13 vs 20.

Walk with wise people and become wise.
    A companion of foolish people suffers harm.

I mention Proverbs 13 vs 20 all of the time, I really do like it. 

Proverbs is one of my favourite books of the Bible now because it has so many important life lessons we sometimes tend to overlook.

Not just that but Psalms 1 vs 1-4 as well

Blessed is the person who obeys the law of the Lord.
    They don’t follow the advice of evil people.
They don’t make a habit of doing what sinners do.
    They don’t join those who make fun of the Lord and his law.

Instead, the law of the Lord gives them joy.
    They think about his law day and night.
That kind of person is like a tree that is planted near a stream of water.
    It always bears its fruit at the right time.
Its leaves don’t dry up.
    Everything godly people do turns out well.

Sinful people are not like that at all.
    They are like straw
    that the wind blows away.

In light of what I said before I did these verses, if you have so called “friends” that make fun of you due to your faith or if they no longer want to be your friend anymore because they found out that you’re religious then you really have to cut them from your life.

You don't have to explain things to them if you don't want to do so, but it's honestly up to you.

For example, when I need to cut someone from my life for a specific reason, normally I'd let them know before I cut them off, depending on how I feel about them.

If they really cared about being removed from my life, then maybe they'd try and change their act. If not then I guess I know how I really stand with them.

Hang around with like minded people and people who are good influences on you to save yourself from unnecessary drama and stress. 

The earth is filled with God’s love where he can use you to be a blessing to others.

I'd also just like to point out the last part of Psalms 1:4 which says that everything Godly people do turn out well.

I may be wrong but this is probably a misconception. Someone might think this means that genuine Christians will always succeed in everything they do or they won't face any hardships in life.

Whilst this would be amazing, this isn't exactly what it means. 

It means that you will be even more successful if you've got God on your side. 

I feel like Christians turn to God more in hardship instead of good times primarily because Matthew 11 vs 28-30 says

28 “Come to me, all you who are tired and are carrying heavy loads. I will give you rest. 29 Become my servants and learn from me. I am gentle and free of pride. You will find rest for your souls. 30 Serving me is easy, and my load is light.”

Some people most likely think that Verse 28 means they should only turn to God in troubled as it says cast your burdens unto the Lord so that he will give you rest. 

It doesn't say cast your good times unto the Lord so that he will give you rest.

It doesn't matter what you're going through in life, God wants to hear from you all the time! 

All you need to do is speak to him, as much as you can, when you can.

Psalms 119:65-66

65 Lord, be good to me as you have promised. 
66 Increase my knowledge and give me good sense, because I believe in your commands.

I’m probably wrong (and if I am wrong I obviously didn’t mean to mislead) but I believe that the main difference between knowledge and wisdom is that Knowledge is simply knowing something.

Wisdom on the other hand is applying that knowledge in a way that is smart and sensical.

For example

Knowledge: knowing that water and oil don’t (always) mix
Wisdom: never mixing oil and water at the same time — unless you actually don’t have a choice

Or something like that.

That was my interpretation of knowledge vs wisdom, here is one from this website I found when researching the same thing on google. It was the first thing I came across as it was a featured snippet.

Knowledge vs Wisdom 

Wisdom. Knowledge is gathered from learning and education, while most say that wisdom is gathered from day-to-day experiences and is a state of being wise. ... 

Knowledge is merely having clarity of facts and truths, while wisdom is the practical ability to make consistently good decisions in life.

I pray that God gives you knowledge but on top of that, he gives you wisdom as well. 

Solomon asked for wisdom. God will give you good sense because you believe in his commands amen.

God was really proud of Solomon for asking for wisdom when he could have asked for anything else.   

You can find all of this in 1 Kings 3 vs 10-15

10 The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. 

11 So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, 12 I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. 

13 Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for—both wealth and honour—so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings. 

14 And if you walk in obedience to me and keep my decrees and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.” 

15 Then Solomon awoke—and he realized it had been a dream.

I pray that God is proud of you all the days of your life amen.

Sometimes God can speak to you in dreams like I said earlier in this posts section somewhere. 

And I also believe I said there are other ways he can speak to you, but mainly through dreams.

Psalms 119:67-68

67 Before I went through suffering, I went down the wrong path. But now I obey your word. 
68 You are good, and what you do is good. Teach me your orders.

People normally go down the wrong path because they don’t walk with God. 

But as soon as God guides your footsteps, he delivers. 

Strive to have righteous characteristics and be like a child of God. 

Obey his teachings because God is good and everything he does is good as well.

You can also link this to Psalms 23 vs 4, which says

Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

I mean, how many times have you been lost and you've asked God to direct your path, and he delivers?

This has happened to me a lot of times. 

You don't even have to be lost, God will deliver all of the time because he is God.
Every time I'm praying, one of my prayer points is that I always or if not then most of the time follow the path of righteousness. I hope you do the same.

When I say almost and most of the time, I mean in terms of making that my prayer point, by the way.

Sadly I don't always remember to say that.

Well, that's all for today y'all, I will see you next time but I can't guarantee when.

I know, I'm sorry.

But it should be on Sunday by God's grace, will definitely be on another day off though.

Have a good weekend.

Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 10 (Verses 57-62)

 Sunday 25th July 2021

Hey again and Happy Sunday!

Sorry, I had a bit of trouble posting this, especially with formatting. I've tried fixing it but it didn't work, so sorry if this post looks a little bit off. Sometimes it would go off the page, this was written as I was writing this post for you guys.

It's been a minute, sorry about that again.

Anyway... Let's get cracking!

Psalms 119:57-58

57 Lord you are everything I need. I have promised to obey your words.
58 I have looked to you with all your heart. Be kind to me as you have promised.

Once you are with God, best believe you are fearless!

You can't really be fearless without God - you might think you are. but you are clearly mistaken.

Some people walk around with so much confidence, whilst some other people walk around like they own the place.
I have met people like this from both ends.
When you look at someone that is confident and hardly cares what other people think, you're probably wondering how they do that.

They most likely have God with them, because like I said, God makes you fearless.

Be on the lookout though, some people act confident to hide insecurity. 

These people need to seek God for them to be truly confident without having to hide how they really feel about themselves.

Occasionally I make references to TV shows or movies I have watched. Once again, I am going to make some references to Desperate Housewives.

Without giving too much away, Desperate Housewives is about, from Google:

A close-knit group of housewives reside in Wisteria Lane. It may appear to be a seemingly perfect neighbourhood but it hides many secrets, crimes, forbidden romances and domestic struggles.

It's very long (180 episodes, 40 minutes each) but it's amazing. 

These women were very confident, but behind the scenes they each had their own struggles.

They had a lot.

I'm not saying that all Christians are 100% confident with themselves, as there are days where you do doubt yourself, however Christians are more likely to be confident in themselves because they know that they have got the Lord with them.

I remember in school for one of my mock exams, I didn’t do as well as I wanted to even though I studied hard. I got Bs and Cs.

I was kind of a perfectionist back then so that was pretty low standard for me, especially how I was one away from an A. 

That was really annoying and I was so mad at myself for that but my perfectionism isn’t as bad as it used to be.

Then I looked to God and for the real exams, I came out with A, B and Distinction Star. 

When you look to God, he will help you with all your problems. It’s never too late for you to turn to God. 

This is all linked to verse 58 by the way, in case you were confused.

Speaking of exams I hope y’all do well in yours! 

You will come out with flying colours in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen.

Psalms 119 vs 59-60

59 I have thought about the way I live. And I have decided to follow your covenant laws. 
60 I won’t waste any time. I will be quick to obey your commands.

Every now and again it’s good for you to reflect on your life and how your day was etc. 

You don’t have to do this of course but sometimes you should sit down and think about how you could have improved your day as well as what you did well during the day. ie yesterday I was really thinking about my life for a bit.

Sometimes I deeply think about my future. 

I even said to myself this morning that I can't wait for my 70th birthday.

 And when I'm 70, which we shall all see and beyond by the grace of God, I'll dress so well that people think I'm younger.

I guess life really do starts at 70, or 40. Imma make it 70 for this case. 💘😆

Not just that but I've even decided what I'm going to call my children, if they're girls anyway. I'm not sure about boys yet.

There's this quote I know that I read in a book: 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John C Maxwell. I highly recommend it.

In the morning, someone asks themselves what good should I do today? and in the evening or when the day is about to end, they ask themselves what good they have done today.

Strive to be the same - do good at all times. There is a song I know but don't listen to which has lyrics that say what have you done today to make you feel proud?

Also learn to do the right thing at the right time. 

You can do the right thing but at the wrong time ie doing chores when you’re supposed to be studying. That’s just an example, it’s really not targeted towards anyone.

Be quick to obey God’s commandments like verse 60 suggests and I pray that God blesses you greatly as you do this amen.
 The start of Verse 59 says I have thought about the way I live.

I have linked this to Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins - apparently, before you're about to die, your life flashes right before your eyes. 

Jesus was probably thinking about the way he had lived then, should your life flashing before your eyes just before death theory be true. Don't quote me on that.

I’m not going to quote John 3:16 because that’s popular already although I will be posting John 3:17-18 instead

God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world. He sent his Son to save the world through him. 

18 Anyone who believes in him is not judged. But anyone who does not believe is judged already. He has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

This is saying that God didn’t send Jesus to the world to condemn us but to save us through him. 

Verse 18 is saying that if you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins then God won’t judge you.

So let’s not forget what Jesus did because what he did was very important. 

If he didn’t die for our sins then goodness knows where we would be today.

Psalms 119:61-62

Evil people may tie me up with ropes. But I won’t forget to obey your law. 

62 At midnight I get up to give you thanks because your decisions are very fair.

Everybody has haters. I’ve encountered quite a few in real life.

 But it was mainly due to jealousy. 

You could be the nicest person in the world and still have haters. It's okay, not everybody has good taste.

Haters aren’t always explicit, sometimes people hate you silently. These people are actually your secret admirers, to be honest.

I'm sure if someone is checking up on you vehemently yet silently and they claim to dislike you, then surely they're deceiving themselves.

But some people who pick on you explicitly may often drag you down to their level. Proverbs 13:20 says that walk with the wise and you will become wise but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Don't stoop to people's level. Rise higher than them and show them you're better. 

Some people will purposely bring you down to get a rise out of you, but you just have to act unfazed because you can’t give them the satisfaction of seeing you upset.

Instead, show people that you are a Christian, don’t just say you are. Actions speak a lot louder than words.

These evil people may tie you up with ropes.

What verse 61 is trying to say is even though attackers and haters may ridicule you, 

God doesn’t want you to stop obeying his law. God’s thoughts towards us are always of good and never of evil to bring us to an expected end.*

*Jeremiah 29:11 and Isaiah 55:8-9 talk more about this

Sorry if my scriptures are less frequent today. I’ve been a bit busy in real life.

Plus getting the format right on this post was a nightmare. I'm glad it's okay now though.

See ya next time - till we hopefully meet again! xoxo

Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 9 (Verses 51 - 56)

Wednesday 21st July 2021


I'm just going to naturally add a GIF afterwards because that's what I'm used to.

By the way, it's one update today - like I said the last time I'm here I'm not really supposed to be using my laptop and charging it at the same time. Plus it's late here and it does take some time for me to write, with or without distractions.

But don't worry, next time there will be two updates.

Hope you're ready for it!

Sorry, I love On My Block so much. Can't wait for Season 4, but I'm inevitably more excited about sharing this post with you guys!

Psalms 119:51-52

51 Proud people are always making fun of me. But I don’t turn away from your law. 
52 Lord, I remember the laws you gave long ago. I find comfort in them.

Don’t worry if people make fun of you. 

They also made fun of Jesus as well. This is what was said in Matthew 5 vs 10-12

10 `God makes happy those who have trouble for doing what is right. The kingdom of heaven is for them.
11 `God makes you happy when people say wrong things about you, when they trouble you, and when they say all kinds of lies about you. God makes you happy when it is for my sake.
12 Be happy and glad because God will be good to you in heaven. In the same way people troubled the prophets before your time.'
Jesus had many haters and people that didn’t like him. And he still does, even long after the Bible times. Not everybody believes in Jesus because they would rather do their own things. That's why as Christians, we have to bring as many people to Christ as possible.

If people make fun of you for believing in God and you listen to them (as in you stop believing in God because of them) then you have to ask yourself why their opinions really matter. 

You are not entitled to anyone’s opinion of you.

Believing in God might be hard at times especially how the world does many things to distract you. 

Some non believers may think that you're wasting your time serving the Lord as they would most likely believe that doing so is pointless because you can't physically see the Lord.

They may even think they've "gotten away" with everything but they're clearly mistaken. Only believers of God can make it into Heaven at the end of the day, nobody else can.

Sometimes, the World will make you regret being a Christian, but don't worry, the result and reward in Heaven is great if you persevere and don't give up (Galatians 6:9).

That's why 1 John 2:15 says that you shouldn't conform to the world.

In fact I was even saying to myself earlier on today that the devil will deliberately do things to destroy your destiny

Realise how many Ds there are in this awful sentence?

How destructive.

For example, you could be late to work even though you left your house on time, perhaps even earlier than you were supposed to.

Or people are unintentionally lashing out at you because they've had a bad day even though you've been a perfectly kind person the whole day. 

These people are related to your destiny (ie same career) and now you're wondering if you're even going down the right path anymore.

You are going down the right path, so don't worry. These are just the devil's tactics. I had even experienced this recently but I don't want to go into it, as with most of my other problems in life.

You are entitled to your own opinion of yourself. 

And on top of that, God’s opinion of you too. 

So what if man is displeased with you? 

If God is pleased with you over something that man isn’t happy with you about then it doesn’t matter! Only God can judge us at the end of the day. You can find this in Galatians 1:10 where it says...

 Am I now trying to get people to think well of me? Or do I want God to think well of me? Am I trying to please people? If I were, I would not be serving Christ.

This doesn’t mean you can behave anyhow. Nooo I’m not trying to say that at all. 

I’m just saying that try to please God more than man. Because life is temporary so you shouldn’t waste time thinking about how to please man but God instead.

I understand it’s not easy to suddenly stop caring about what other people think of you, don’t worry it takes time. I still kind of struggle with this problem in real life. On here? Not as much as before.

You can always pray to God about it and he’ll be able to direct you on the right path. And before I go to bed I also pray that y’all have a beautiful rest of the year and month amen.

Psalms 119:53-54

53 I am very angry because evil people have turned away from your law. 
54 No matter where I live, I sing about your orders.

God doesn’t like when we turn away from his law, especially if we turn away and we don’t come back. 

For example Lot's wife, she had looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah getting destroyed I believe and she had literally turned into a pillar of salt.

When you’ve backsliden, you should always repent. No matter where you are you should always try and praise God.

Earlier I was talking about Eli in 1 Samuel and I'm going to bring it up again.

This following post was from this website, and you can find it here...

During 1 Samuel 3:10-18, God wanted to wipe out the houses of Eli and his family. He didn’t tell this directly to Eli though because he had told Samuel instead.

This was a sign that he had been backsliding. 

If Eli hadn’t been doing that then God would have told him directly what he wanted to do to him.

But what’s really distressing is the fact that in 1 Samuel 3:18, Eli’s response to Samuel telling him that God wanted to wipe out his house was ‘he is God. Let him do as he pleases’.

What I’m trying to say is when God is warning you about something or when he’s trying to foreshadow something to you, don’t be nonchalant about it.

 Instead you should get down on your knees and pray. And God will guide you amen.

Eli had done the complete opposite thing. 

Instead of getting on his knees and praying about everything, he had acted really unfazed and indifferent about the fact that God was going to wipe out his house.

If anything, this reminds me of the story of Job and how Eli had acted in a very contrasting way to him.

In fact, let me quickly make some references to Job 1 vs 20 to the end.

20 After Job heard all these reports, he got up and tore his robe. He shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground and worshiped the Lord21 He said,

“I was born naked.
    And I’ll leave here naked.
The Lord has given, and the Lord has taken away.
    May the name of the Lord be praised.”

22 In spite of everything, Job didn’t sin by blaming God for doing anything wrong.

Get this...

Job had lost everything unexpectedly yet he had still given thanks and praise to the Lord.

Eli knew he was going to lose something yet he didn't really seem to care.

And's the issue with a lot of people today, Christians or not. 

God foreshadows something in their future that they need to act on but they disobey him, or they leave it to the last minute.

Don't be this person. Procrastination isn't worth it, and as I always like to say

"God doesn't guarantee tomorrow to anyone. So live your best life today because you could be taken away at any time."

I had also talked about signs of backsliding in this...

Never made links to anything in this website before, but I guess there is a first time for everything!

What I'm trying to say though is don't be like Eli. 

God doesn't really give ultimatums much, and you can't really give ultimatums to God. You additionally can't tempt God. You can find that in James 1:13.

When God is foreshadowing something in your life, regardless of how or where, you should act on it as soon as possible!

Don't act nonchalant about it or act unfazed, this is a huge sign that you've been backsliding because you've essentially stopped fearing the Lord.

Psalms 119:55-56

55 Lord, during the night I remember who you are. That’s why I keep your law. 
56 I have really done my best to obey your rules.

People keep God’s laws because they remember who he is. 

Try your best to obey God’s laws. He will reward you for it. But as I say quite a bit:

Make sure that you’re seeking God because you love him and not because of what you can get from him.

And also...  

Giving with strings attached isn't really giving.

If you’re constantly thinking about the reward God is going to give you because you’ve done something to make him happy, that’s good— in a way.

But if it’s the only thing you’re thinking about & you’re not really thinking about God himself... then that means you’re seeking him for the wrong reasons. 

As aforementioned, giving with strings attached isn’t really giving.

Don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world if you’re like this. 

I’m unintentionally like this 10% of the time too though you can always pray about it like I do.

That's all for now, I'll see you next time!

I'll see you when I see you xx

Length of posts don't bother me anymore, just posting in general makes God proud irrespective of length, but at the same time, I'll try not to make things too short on here as I feel like that is kind of disrespectful to God. 

In my opinion anyway.

Psalms 119 Commentary: Part 8 (Verse 45 - 50)

Monday 19th July 2021

I didn't really feel like updating today, and I'll admit that there have been a few days like that, but I still push through anyway. And normally when I start writing I don't finish until I stop.

I just don’t like the idea of starting something I’m not going to finish. When I start something I always make sure I finish it - unless I really don’t like it.

And as far as I’m concerned, I like this. I love this  

God laid it on my heart to update today, and ideally, I wanted to do so but at the same time I guess it just wasn't happening. But now that you're here, and I am too - hey!

I love Descendants. Everything about it, I just love, except one thing. But I don't want to say it.

Before I went on this website today, another reason being because my phone was becoming hot and I didn't want to spend too much time on it, I was reading this website. You should have a look at it as well for that matter - only if you want to though. Don't feel forced to do so.

There was a specific reason as to why I visited this website that I don't really want to get into at the moment, or at all but the website was more or less talking about how you can identify a wise person (out of fools).

Psalms 119:45-46

45 I will lead a full and happy life, because I’ve tried to obey your rules. 
46 I will talk about your covenant laws to kings. I will not be put to shame.

I hope you guys live a long and happy life with purpose and meaning because like I said earlier it’s not how long you live for, it’s how well you live your life.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t live a long life without meaning because you can! ie Nelson Mandela was 95 when he died in 2013.

And Prince Phillip was almost 100 when he died. He was 99.

I saw Nelson's death on the news in Year 7. And normally I don't always know that someone dies, I need to read and watch the news more often. 

Some people I didn't really know about until after they had died - ie Kobe  Bryant. 

And sadly the world can be like that too sometimes. Occasionally people are rude to someone when they are still alive. If they deserved it then that's another story, but most of the time they didn't.

As soon as that person dies, that's when they realised how rude they were to them. 

That's most definitely not the right thing to do - be kind to someone when they're still alive so that you don't regret the way you've treated them after they're gone.

I pray that you will be remembered and treated kindly all the days of your life, amen. 

Yes, people will be unkind to you but you've just got to do your best to rise above them and shine just like Psalms 1 vs 1-2 suggests. I use that below.

Don’t be ashamed of God because then he’ll be ashamed of you. 

I can’t lie I used to be ashamed of posting about God on social media. In fact I would post about anything but God on social media because I was too worried what other people would think. 

Then I prayed about it and he helped me. Now talking about him is like a force of habit.

God will give you long life if you obey him and if you follow his teachings. Abraham was very obedient to God and he lived 175 years.

Psalms 119:47-48

47 I take delight in obeying your commands Because I love them. 
48 I praise your commands, and I love them. I spend time thinking about your orders.

What consumes your mind controls your life so make sure that your mind is filled with godly and righteous thoughts.

If a person consumes your life then you really need to assess why - you're allowing them to have a hold on you too much and it's not good. 

At some point I kept thinking about the babies I worked with at a nursery. That's different. Most of the time what you think about a lot is mainly what you've been thinking about the most the whole day.

Google says...

A new study has suggested that an average person has 6,200 thoughts per day. Thousands of thoughts cross our mind through the day. Many people even complain that they can't sleep immediately after going to bed as their brain does not stop thinking.

 Spend time with God and think about his orders day and night.

I'm sure of you can think about something from this Earth for a long time then you can think about God.

Sometimes I have dreams that I am talking to God in Heaven. Do the dreams last long?

No... not really, but I am planning to work on that.

Occasionally God foreshadows things through dreams and I remember listening to Bible Study from my home church about hearing from God.  Dreams were one of them. 

I believe there were 11 parts.

When I find the series on YouTube then I will definitely try to link it here so that you guys can be blessed by it as well. 

Psalms 1:1-2

1 Blessed is the one who obeys the law of the Lord. 

He doesn’t follow the advice of evil people. He doesn’t make a habit of doing what sinners do. He doesn’t join those who make fun of the Lord and his law.
2 Instead, he takes delight in the law of the Lord. He thinks about his law day and night.

Those that obey the Lord are blessed. 

And don’t think I’m a hypocrite because best believe these scriptures and commentaries are for me as well. 

Not just you guys. My walk with God is nowhere near perfect haha but it is a lot better compared to 2020.

Psalms 119:49-50

49 Remember what you have said to me. You have given me hope. 

50 Even when I suffer, I am comforted Because you promised to keep me alive.

Verse 50 can have references to Psalms 23:4

Even though I walkthrough the darkest valley, I will not be afraid. You are with me. Your shepherd’s rod and staff comfort me.

When God is with you, nothing and no one can turn against you! 

God gives you hope even during your darkest times. 

That’s why people turn to God mainly in times of distress. 

But sometimes people forget to turn to God during the good times too. God gives you the good times — this is why you should appreciate him. Appreciate him in the good times and bad.

Earlier today I had to remind myself that everyone has their own struggles, and just because someone is happy on the outside doesn't mean that they are on the inside.

Comparison is a very common thing in life and everyone struggles with it, or they have struggled with it at some point if they don't do so now. 

I've struggled with it in the past and I admit that - even today otherwise I wouldn't have researched it.

But I've stopped now, I love my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything. No way am I giving up all my talents away, as well as my family and my friends.

In my pages post today I will talk about that more - and I'm sorry today was a relatively short post. 

I get kind of fussy when my posts aren't as long as I want it to be as I feel like I'm not really doing God justice with a short post - but God understands. He always has and he always will.

Till next time, which will be 

*crickets and tumbleweed rolling as I try to think*

You know what, let me not say 😁 Anything can happen this week - have a good one too.

Now this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down ....

Just playing with you guys, see ya next time!!