Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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25 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Love The World (Next 5)

Sunday 26th September 2021

The 5 Big Black GIFs above? No I didn't delete them. I just moved them.

What's up?

Good news. I've finished working for the year! I'm so so happy with this. I officially finished working on a Friday, which is one of the best days to finish it.

So I started working in April, but it was mainly a zero hour contract. I would only work when I got called to do so, and it was pretty frustrating for me because I wasn't really in the same place.

Then I worked at a nursery from May-July and a factory from July- the Friday that just went.

But this isn't about my 2021 work history, this is about me finishing!!

Without further ado, let me continue this thing.

#11 Because its wisdom is foolishness.—1 Corinthians 1:20.

Where is the wise person? Where is the teacher of the law? Where are the great thinkers of our time? Hasn’t God made the wisdom of the world foolish? 1 Corinthians 1:20

Loving the world is foolish as this verse says it is, but don't get me wrong.

I'm not saying if you love the world you are foolish. I'm just saying loving it is foolish.

It's like making a mistake. Making a mistake doesn't make you any less intelligent. It happens to everyone. Nobody is perfect. So just be unapologetically you.

Let me quickly talk about no one being perfect for a second.

This is a good thing.

If everything in life was perfect, and everyone, then we would be living in a pretty tedious world, and I'm sure you don't want that.

I mentioned earlier that I worked in a nursery this year from May to July. I can't mention the nursery's name for security reasons I'm sorry, but I do know it was from May 5th to July 15th.

Each baby I worked with was different. If they were all the same, then being with them would be boring. I mean, yes they would be well behaved because they would be perfect, but even then, I would be bored.

Living in a perfect world is like living a life with no difficulty. 

Everything good happens to you naturally so you wouldn't really have to work for anything and where is the fun is that?

There is a quote I know that says if life was easy, where would all the adventures be? and it's so true! Everything disastrous that happens to us happens for a reason.

I just finished working. I didn't really like the job I just finished but I liked the nursery one. 

Even though I didn't like the job I just left, the money was good and I do have to admit that I learnt a lot of useful things from there.

Either way, this world is imperfect and it always will be. 

Maybe if Adam and Eve didn't sin then the world would be a better place, though despite that there's no guarantee.

Before I finish, I watched this video today that said we are trying so hard to be someone else, or live someone else's life. This is due to social media, but you've got to understand that everyone's journey is different.

What's for you will come to you at the right time. However, if something is not for you, it may never be. But don't quote me on that.

Just because something is for someone doesn't mean it's for you I'm afraid. You can read my This Is Your Life post on how you should follow your destiny and no one else's.

#12 Because its wisdom is ignorance.—1 Corinthians 1:21.

God wisely planned that the world would not know him through its own wisdom. It pleased God to use the foolish things we preach to save those who believe. 1 Corinthians 1:21

I think what this verse is trying to say, and I had to stop writing for a while just to try and make sense of it, is that wisdom from God and wisdom from the World are two completely different things.

Inevitably, we all know what wisdom is, but let me use the definition from Google.

The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise.

This is the Google definition of wisdom. Here is the Biblical version of it.

“Knowledge, and the capacity to make due use of it.”

Or what it fully said...

There is a story in the Bible that speaks of Solomon, a young man who, after God offered him anything his heart desired, he requested wisdom. ... The Webster's Unabridged Dictionary defines wisdom as “knowledge, and the capacity to make due use of it.”

Don't love the world too much so that you're not moved by the things that move other people.

And I actually have a good example.

So basically, I deleted Instagram and Snapchat a few years' back. I'm not against those that use it, of course not, but for me personally, I just didn't really need it. I could live without it.

But let me use a wider example - some people genuinely don't have social media.

If they were to tell someone that, the other person would probably think they're crazy, and for what reason?

Because they think it's unwise not to have social media.

Loads of people thrive without social media. They're probably even happier than those that have it as they don't have to put their lives on a pedestal, or act as if it's "flawless" when it's really not.

With the world, not having social media seems unwise and having it seems wise.

God doesn't focus on social media. For God, following him is wise and not following him is unwise because you're essentially setting yourself up for destruction.

Long story short, the world and God have different definitions of the word wisdom. The world's wisdom is mainly on trivial things (not all the time though) and God's is on more important things instead.

 You can have wisdom but if you're not really doing anything with it then are you really wise?

Seek wisdom, for the right reason. Not to outsmart or show off with it, but to help people and build them up instead.

The Bible says in Proverbs 4:6-7, "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." All of us can use a guardian angel to watch over us.

#13 Because Christ does not belong to it.—John 8:23.

But Jesus said, “You are from below. I am from heaven. You are from this world. I am not from this world."

I know Jesus Christ had visited the world for some time, but even then it was temporarily and he didn't belong to it in the first place.

The word Christian means Christ like - not just that but Matthew 5:48 says be ye perfect, as your Heavenly father is perfect.

We can't be perfect as that's not possible, but you can try to be on your best behaviour at all times.  

I was going to say as much times as you can but saying at all times seems better.

So because Jesus doesn't belong to the world, we shouldn't either!

#14 Because it is condemned.—1 Corinthians 11:32.

I have a lot to say on this but my laptop battery is dying and I don't want to charge it and use it. I just got the battery fixed.

So it's kind of risky.

When the Lord judges us in this way, he corrects us. Then in the end we will not be judged along with the rest of the world. That's what 1 Corinthians 11:32 says.

There's a Gospel song I know and I just listened to called My Life by The Walls Group.

The chorus says...

Just let me live my life, ah
You ain't give me my life, nah
You can't tell me what's right, ah

You ain't lay down (You ain't lay down)
You ain't lay down (You ain't lay down)
You ain't lay...
He made me great so let me be great

I love this song, one of my favourite gospel songs. Anyway, I just wanted to focus on this specific lyric:

You ain't give me my life
You can't tell me what's right

The world didn't give you your life, nor did it tell you what is right. Only God can do that.

Don't depend on the world to give you your happiness because life does not consist of the abundance of things you possess - Luke 12 vs 15.

Also, have you ever heard of the phrase here today, gone tomorrow?

It is true. I feel like I've mentioned this before however I can't remember where. Either way, what is trending today could be completely non-existent or a has been tomorrow.

What's liked today could be hated tomorrow. So focus on God, and turn to him today.

Another song I know has these lyrics: 

For all we know we might not get tomorrow
Let's do it tonight

I don't listen to this song and it's not Gospel. But it's still important.

So don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. When you're reading this, don't think:

No. I'm still going to put things off until tomorrow anyway.

Instead think:

Yes. That's right. I will stop putting things off until tomorrow, especially when I can do them today.

Last but certainly not least!

#15 Because the fashion of it passeth away.—1 Corinthians 7:31 .
Those who use the things of the world should not become all wrapped up in them. The world as it now exists is passing away.

This is basically what I just said before, but now I just made up a rhyme to it.

The world we're living in is not permanent.

So act like one day you're going to be sent

To Heaven. 

Whether you're 50, 60, 77

80, 90 maybe even 111.

We all have an appointed time to leave.

This world is temporary so don't be deceived.

God knows what's best so whatever may come your way

Just take it to the Lord and pray!

Ecclesiastes 3:1 

For everything there is a time and season

Everything happens for a reason

So therefore live your best life

Give people happiness, not strife

Give them pleasure, and never treason

That just came to me, I didn't plan that at all.

But before I close, let me just mention something a pastor said.

I forgot what happened, but I think they were diagnosed with COVID just before January 2021. They fell into some sort of coma and they went to Heaven.

God sent them back though - because it was not their time to die.

Unfortunately, like my impromptu rhyme said, one day it will be our time to die, just not soon in Jesus name.

I don't know the pastor's name and even if I did, I wouldn't reveal it for security reasons. I don't reveal anyone's name in my personal life.

That's everything for today. See you later!! xx

I've barely added any GIFs in this so here is a goodbye dance.

The legendary Aaliyah, gone too soon!!

Have a good day / night, depending on when you were reading this!

Till next time, Lola xoxo