Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Wanna Thank you for my life!

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I got the victory in Jesus!

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This Is 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 Life

Tuesday 24th August 2021

sings a Gospel Song

♫ All my people in the place
You're looking good with style and grace
But here's my question, listen clear
Where my soldiers? 

♫ Say hey!
If you know you keep it tight, say hey!
Where my soldiers at? ♫

Hey, I'm so sorry for the inactivity, but I'm not going to explain why anymore because my reason is justified. I had work.

I haven't posted on this page specifically in 9 days. And even though I have 4 days off again from work - I'm pretty busy. This is more or less the only free time I have. I have one on Friday too I guess, but why wait until then?

As I'm here again, we might as well celebrate.

Like I said, I love the 90s. And Aaliyah was and still is my favourite singer from there.

Yes, I changed the theme again. 😁

 I'm just going to leave it like this because this was actually the first ever one I had. Plus I think it's my favourite one.

As you may remember, but it's okay if you didn't, I've foreshadowed this specific post twice on this website already.

On my Underrated Bible Scriptures - Part 4 page...

And on this posts page...

So here we are. Today's topic is called This is Your Life. 

It's actually a title of a gospel song I like by my favourite Gospel group and artist called Out of Eden.

And the gospel song I was singing at the beginning of this was called Soldiers by them too.

I have chosen this specific topic today - actually earlier this month but I'm just posting it today - because I can't lie. 

I've been wishing to be something that God does not want me to be at all. God has not planned for me to be it.

I've been watching a lot of Netflix lately (I've been backsliding a lot recently to be honest), and I've just been caught up with these actors and actresses on TV. Especially with On My Block, which I've recently finished re-watching.

(Monse - Sierra Capri and Jamal - Brett Gray)

I can't blame myself though, a lot of people want to be on TV. 

But that's the thing - I can't act, and I don't want to be on TV because I am a very reserved person. Plus acting is hard work. That's what I had to remind myself when I realised that I was following the wrong path entirely.

God even told me that if he wanted me to be a child actress then that would have happened a long time ago. 

We see these people on TV, often not noticing how much hard work it must have taken for them to get to where they are.

And that's one of my biggest flaws. I look through rose coloured glasses a lot.

But isn't that a good thing though? You might ask. You're seeing the positive side of everything.

Yes, although there are two sides to every coin. Most of the time, I'm only focusing on the good. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Sometimes it is because it's fake, which I don't always take into consideration.

I do struggle with gratitude sometimes although it's getting better. I don't really want to be talking about my personal struggles like that though, but just know that everyone has them. Even Christians.

Some people are just better at hiding them than others.

Luckily, I know my purpose in life after months, if not years of not being able to find it. There are two very important quotes I've read somewhere, and I would just like to share them with you guys.

"There are two great days in life. When you are born and when you discover why."

"If you're not doing anything with your life, then it doesn't matter how long it is." 

 Don't worry, I'll be getting to Bible Scriptures in a second. Just be patient and bare with me.

With acting, I don't want to be an actress anymore. 

Sure, I get to be famous maybe and get to be on TV, although it's a lot of hard work, I'll probably be forgetting all of my lines (especially if I'm a main character to something) and I'll most likely have little to no free time.

It was most definitely not my intention to disrespect anyone who wants to pursue a career in acting or who already has one, by the way. I'm not against it. Go for it. I'm just stating why it's not for me.

God has laid it on my heart to open a nursery when I'm older. And hopefully, within time, it becomes something international too.

I don't really listen to Drake but this GIF was relevant.

Creating a nursery is my purpose in life, and I am going to achieve it by completing my university course in 2024. 

It's going to be Childhood Studies aka the study of young children from Ages 0-8.

Some of you may already know what university I'm going to. Some of you don't. For now I'm not revealing it just yet, although I may do so in the future.

But yes. Along with God, the 90s, my family, friends, piano, On My Block and many other things and people out there, babies are another thing I love.

I even visited the nursery I used to work at today.

I love little children. How many children I want is another story for another day, which I don't want to get into right now although I do love babies a lot. I believe I'm good with them too. As long as they're 5 or under.

Making a nursery is my purpose in life. You ultimately need to discover what yours is.

But let me tell you something.

Just because you are good at something does not mean that you have to pursue it as a career. Likewise, there is a difference between a talent and a hobby.

Let me use myself as an example.

Playing the keyboard is most definitely one of my talents. Maybe my only one for now, along with looking after babies, if you could count that as a talent anyway.

Would I ever consider a piano career though?

Probably not. Because I'm very introverted, depending on who I'm with, I only really play the piano at home. Never in public - maybe because I'm afraid of screwing up.

Plus A Level Music was apparently not what I thought it was when I said I wanted to do it. So I heard that it's not really about music. More so the history of music.

I love music but not history.

Drawing, dancing and writing stories / updating this website - those are all my hobbies. I guess I'm talented at them, minus dancing although I see them more as hobbies. 

And that brings me to the difference between a talent and a hobby.

The difference between hobby and talent - from this website

Never referred to a link as this website before but there's a first time for everything!

“hobby” is an activity that one enjoys doing in one’s spare time and “talent” is a marked natural ability or skill. 

Some things can be both, don't get me wrong. They're not mutually exclusive events.

 For example, my piano talent I was talking about.

Just because something is for someone else doesn't mean it's for you. ie like I've been saying all this time. I could never be an actress, but someone else, maybe someone more extroverted and is more comfortable being on TV can.

The same thing can be reversed too - someone out there could hate looking after babies, probably because they may cry too much or because it's too much work but like I said, I love them.

That's why you shouldn't compare yourself to others. Everyone's journey is different.

Also, just because you're moving slower than your friends doesn't mean that you're failing. Besides, slow progress is still progress.

Either way, here are some Biblical references to finding your purpose. These aren't everything, Of course it's not.

Romans 8:28
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Psalms 138:8
The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.

Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

And then some!

Next post, I'll analyse them. 

Or you can just simply read from this website:

As I conclude for today, let's not forget these lyrics from Things We Want By Ramiyah.

You don't have to know the gospel song. Just try to understand the lyrics and hopefully apply it to your life at the same time.

There are things we want so bad
Like a dream we've always had
But what we want ain't always good for us

There are things that may look good
That could be misunderstood
'Cause what we want ain't always good for us

I make reference to this song a lot. And I also mention the fact that some things are better further away than up close a lot as well. Because it is - the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

Even if it is, focus on your own grass. As much as you want to be someone else, you can't be. 

And you never will be - God made no mistake creating you. You can read Jeremiah 1:5 and Psalms 139:14 for more information on this.

The Bible scriptures I used before mainly say that we should focus on God's purpose for your life. 

We may not know what it is but God will reveal it to you one step at a time. Just trust in the Lord at all times and lean not on your own understanding. You can find that in Psalms 3:5. Verse 6 is good too.

That's a wrap for today, I will see y'all later. On Friday hopefully. But lemme not make any promises.

Here is a goodbye dance, and I hope you were blessed reading this as much as I was writing this.

Till next time. Lola xx