Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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25 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Love The World (Next 5)

 Saturday 18th September 2021

Hello my lovelies!

I am so so sorry for the inactivity. It wasn't deliberate, trust me. 

I hope you are well. I haven't started university yet, I start in October but I know most of you will. Best of luck with that.

I was halfway through writing this until I had stopped to watch Strictly Come Dancing. I'm just going to continue it now, I don't like leaving things half finished.

You may be wondering why I've taken so long? Even if you haven't, let me still explain myself. 

I believe you guys deserve some sort of explanation on my absence right now.

Long story short, I sent my laptop out for repair. I've mentioned like twice on here before that my laptop battery is bad and it still is because the repair wasn't successful! I don't want to go into it but I'm setting it up for another repair on Monday. 

I didn't want to post today (I've been procrastinating heavily on a lot of things hahaha) but then I remembered that I would barely have had the time to do so tomorrow due to church.

And why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?

My laptop repair may have been unsuccessful, but on the plus side I got a new phone today!

Anyway, I hope you have been well these past couple of weeks. 

It's amazing how I can leave this website unattended for a month (not on purpose) and you guys will still be there. I love that.

In my last post, and I won't be surprised if you don't remember it, after all, it has been a while, I talked about why you shouldn't love the world.

In this post, I am going to continue it. There are 25 reasons why you shouldn't love the world, and I'm splitting it into 5.

Here are the next 5.

#6 Because Christ did not pray for it.—John 17:9

I always make reference to the scripture used, aka John 17:9, which says...

I pray for them. I am not praying for the world. I am praying for those you have given me, because they are yours.

I learnt last week in physical church that Christ actually answers all prayers, he might just not answer them in the way we want them to be answered.

Or he may answer them for a while but then after a while they're not answered anymore.

For example, you might want to be with someone

And it happens... for about two months then you see their true colours, which aren't nice.

Yes, Christ can do that. Just because he answers a prayer doesn't mean that the prayer is always going to be answered for a long time. 

The good thing about God, and I have actually witnessed this myself is that he answers prayers you wouldn't think is according to his will but it is.

Sometimes I pray to God to be friends with specific people. Thankfully, the prayers have come true because it is according to his will, and I'm still friends with them today.

But I may have lost a few friends that I prayed to be friends with along the way. I mean, I haven't and I pray I don't. 

Unfortunately for me, it may happen. I just pray it doesn't. I love each and every single one of my friends equally.

I always used to wonder how can you tell if God is saying wait to a prayer and if God is saying no?

The God answering all prayers, maybe not in the way we want them to but he still does so regardless point I just mentioned was actually the answer to that.

I think this website says it better than I do though.

Excerpt from When God says No or Wait

In what ways does God answer prayers?

Bill Hybel once said, “If the request is wrong, God says ‘No.’ If the timing is wrong, God says ‘Slow.’ If you are wrong, God says ‘Grow.’ But if the request is right and the timing is right and you are right, God says ‘Go.’”

This quote may be simplistic and it does invite much deeper theological exposition, but at its core, there are several answers that depend on what we are asking for, the internal condition of our hearts, and the divine will of God. Let’s look at each of these.

First, we should look at what we are asking for. We may think that we are destined to own a certain thing, or to get a certain job, or to be secure in a given relationship.

 But is the thing we ask God for right for us – meaning, will it honour God? If we want a job just so we can earn more money, that may not be the right reason to take it; or a new relationship may pull you further away from God. Such requests are not ones that God would fulfill.

Next, we should look at the condition of our hearts. 

If we are asking for something from purely selfish or even sinful desires, or when we ask for things that are clearly outside what God wants for us, that is obvious ground for God denying our request. Even if we do ask for good things but we just want God to give them to us out of a sense of entitlement, this too is a wrong motivation.

Finally, we should consider the divine will of God and His timing. God is working all things for our good (Romans 8:28), which means that He is actively and lovingly orchestrating eight billion people and a host of other elements to accomplish His purposes in this world. 

There is no guarantee that what we ask for will benefit us in the long run, or would serve to bring us closer to God if we got it.

Again, this only scratches the surface behind why God answers or seems to not answer prayer.

 No one can fully understand the heart and mind of God; Isaiah 55:8-9 says, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” 

This should merely serve as a launching point for a much deeper exposition – one that can be pursued most effectively, in the most beautiful irony, by prayer.

This website is basically saying that if you ask God for the right thing with the right intentions but it's not the right time then God will say wait. 

If it's not for the right reasons then God will say no.

If it's for the right reasons but it will harm you, God will say no too. 

From time to time God wants to give you something, you're just not mature enough or ready for it yet. I feel like that's the case with me and a lot of things.

The website I just used mentioned a very important scripture, and it is John 14:13, which says, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." 
Some people assume that this means that Jesus will always grant our requests. But this is not the case.
You can read my Commonly Misunderstood Bible Verses for Bible Verses that are more often than not read out of context. I think this is sadly one of them.
#7 Because Christ’s people do not belong to it.—John 17:16.
John 17:16 They do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to it.
Even though we are in the world, we do not belong to it.
And even though God has more or less got the whole world in his hands, he does not belong to it either. 

Literally, he doesn't live in the world. He lives in Heaven instead.
There was a Gospel song I was  listening to when I was on this point that had lyrics which coincidentally links to what I'm talking about right now.

So yes, try and do without loving the world.
Doing without something doesn't necessarily mean that you don't care about it. 
You just may not need it in your life right now because it's not benefitting you in one way or the other. I don't know why something might not benefit you but you do.
For example, because I really couldn't think of anything else, I'm going to be using the example of social media.
Every now and then, I can do without social media, as in I may take a break from it, not because I don't care about it.
Actually, I don't but I care about the people there.
But I may decide to take an hiatus from it simply because it doesn't make me feel good about myself. 
I avoid social media when I'm sick or I've had a bad day because it won't make me feel better, just worse. 
What you see online isn't always real - for example just because someone is smiling all the time on there doesn't necessarily mean that they are happy. You can have a little and be happier than someone who has more than you.
Bigger isn't always better basically.
After all, life is not based on the abundance of things you possess which you can find in Luke 12:15b.
Doesn't actually say that word for word but it's something along those lines anyway.
If you can go on social media and not feel bad about yourself after a while then I wonder how you do it. I don't really use much but I know my limits there.
#8 Because it will not receive the Spirit.—John 14:27.
I leave my peace with you. I give my peace to you. I do not give it to you as the world does. Do not let your hearts be troubled. And do not be afraid.

God expects peace from us because he gives peace to us.

You guys always know how I say that only Jesus can make you satisfied and nobody else or nothing else really can?

That's what God is saying here too, right now.

God doesn't give you peace like the world does, because he gives you peace better than the world does instead.

There's a song on my gospel playlist called Crossroads by Deitrick Haddon. 

The lyrics include but is inevitably not limited to:

Be The Things You Gave The World
All The Benjamins And Girls
Thought You Had Everything In Your Hands
But What About The Master's Plan

For The Fortune And Fame
You Gave Up Your Faith
Now Was It Worth The Sacrifice
For You To Lose Your Life

The website I got the lyrics from, all the words were already capitalised and I'm not changing it.

I'm sure we are all familiar with Matthew 16:25 which says For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

That's basically what the aforementioned song lyrics are saying.

You could have everything in the world but you could still be unhappy, and I don't wish that for anyone. 

Therefore don't envy anyone - those that may have it all may really have nothing at all.

Stop wishing to be someone else. You don't know who's looking at your life wishing they had yours.

When I wish to be someone else, and I have wished that, mainly when I'm in a situation I don't want to be in. I have to stop and think about what I have that they don't or may wish to have.

For example, I love playing the piano! I hardly use it but it's still my inanimate best friend. I always say that. I can't live without it.

I have a lot of hobbies but I know playing the piano is a talent. Maybe my only talent for now. Would I really want that talent to be taken away from me by being someone else?

No, I don't.

Even this website. I don't know who but someone could be out there wishing they wrote this website or could start their own. They just may not know how to and that's okay. I could be bad at things someone else is good at.

That's why you have to be grateful for what you have. Some people are out there wishing for the things you take for granted*.

You might think but who would wish to be me? and I've actually thought to myself that a lot of times, but you'd be surprised.

*I'm not saying I take this website for granted by the way. I think about it all the time; and if I leave for a long time, it's normally unintentional anyway.

Just know that everyone's strengths and weaknesses are all different.

#9 Because its Prince is Satan.—John 13:31; 16:11.
 After Judas was gone, Jesus spoke. He said, “Now the Son of Man receives glory. And he brings glory to God." John 13:31

The world is guilty as far as judgment is concerned. That’s because the devil, the prince of this world, has already been judged. John 16:11

I think what God is saying in the last verse is the fact that the  things of world comes from the devil.

You're probably thinking but God created the world so how can things of the world come from the devil?

Yes - and I meant loving the world comes from the devil. Because if you love the world, you'd most likely sin a few times to get what you want in the world.

Galatian 5:17 says For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.

Let me use the example of getting rich quick.

Loving money is loving a material thing, aka loving the world. 

Unless you work hard, I can't really think of getting rich quick successfully without using illegitimate ways. I'm talking gambling, stealing, fraud, crime etc.

And that's what the devil wants you to do, but don't because the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of Christ is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).

Last but not least...

#10 Because Christ’s kingdom is not of it.—John 18:36.
 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not from this world. If it were, those who serve me would fight. They would try to keep the Jewish leaders from arresting me. My kingdom is from another place.”

I'll probably make this longer later, but for now I was pretty tired when I posted this.

I know it's hard to believe but let me tell you something you probably already know.

And I don't mean it to scare you, more so a wake up call.

This Earth you are living in right now isn't permanent.

(So I started watching The Cosby Show from the late 80s/early 90s. Love love love it. 
I know it's super old but I'm a huge 90s fan!! ۞🤩🤩)

Who would have thought?

Nah, I'm just playing. That's why you've got to live each day to your fullest.

I know life seems permanent, but there's a difference between something seeming one way and actually being.

For example, I read the news recently about the royal family. I think it said that Prince Phillip's will won't be revealed for another 90 years or something like that.

And I was thinking what's the point? Everyone alive right now will be dead, or if not then really old.

I'll admit when someone dies, I get scared. Whether I knew them when they were still alive or not. Death is my biggest fear, but not death itself, more so how I'm going to die.

When I vehemently pray to God that I don't want me, my friends or my family members to die anytime soon, God laughs and tells me don't worry, you, your friends  and your family have got a long way to go.

Here's something crazy about me: I'm currently 19 but I keep thinking about what life will be like in my 70s!

I'm not even joking: I thought to myself earlier today when I'm 70, I will dress like I'm 40.

Most of my thoughts start off with when I'm 70, I'll do this or that...

I can't wait until I'm 70!

Maybe it's because 7 is one of my favourite numbers. Or I just excessively think about the future sometimes and forget about the present. This is relatively a flaw I need to work on.

This is insane. I'm skipping my 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s. But I'm seeing it as the fact that God will allow me to see my 70s and beyond too amen. I wish longevity for you guys as well.

Longevity with meaning because as I always like to say:

If you're not doing anything with your life then it doesn't matter how long it is.

That's it for today! I'm sorry this is late - literally. I published this at 1AM. 

If I hadn't been interrupted it would have been out late Saturday, but it's out now and that's all that matters.

Here is a goodbye dance.