Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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25 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Love The World (First 5)

 Saturday 4th September 2021

Hey and happy Saturday!

[Clueless - one of my favourite movies from the 90s]

I resume work tomorrow and anytime I have 4 days off, or 3, I always forget I'm working.

If you can remember, my last post was all about not loving the world. 

We know that we are not supposed to love the world, but we may not know why. I have twenty five reasons why.

Twenty of them were from this website: Don't Love The World - 20 Reasons Why

But it only mentioned the Scriptures and the point. I'm going to elaborate on them as well as mention the Scriptures too.

The last five were from this: Do Not Love The World

There was no way I could think of 25 reasons of why you shouldn't love the world myself. Maybe only about 7 reasons, but the remaining 18 would have been hard for me.

So let's begin.

I'm splitting this post up into five because if I didn't then it would be pretty long. This isn't the only thing I'm updating today. I want to also update the Underrated Bible Scriptures - Part 5 page again.

I had to change how many reasons I wanted to do in a post so many times. But I've agreed on 5, plus there are 5 reasons for 5 posts.

#1 Because the gain of it is the loss of the soul.—Matthew 16:25.

Matthew 16:25 Whoever wants to save their life will lose it. But whoever loses their life for me will find it.

A lot of people die because God is finished with them, right?

Or God forbid but they've decided to end their life themselves. This is unfortunately a one way ticket to Hell. Even if your life is literally Hell on Earth (as in you're going through the worst ever time), try your best to survive and get through it. 

Your body is a temple of God - you can find this in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? 
20 You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

The context of this astounding assertion pertains to the avoidance of sexual immorality.

Not just that but it can link to a lot of other things as well. Just don't do anything to harm your body.  I don't want to mention them but hopefully you already know what I'm clandestinely talking about.

On to why others die... some people die because they've loved their lives too much.

They've loved their lives too much that they're going to suffer a lot in the future due to them sinning so much (Romans 6:23). 

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

To avoid the suffering, God decides to just end their life. It's better that way knowing that they're going to die anyway due to their suffering. You understand where I'm coming from?

I'm not saying that you can't enjoy the pleasures of life. You can - but life is more than these things, including but not limited to...

I genuinely didn't plan to use On My Block GIFs. I only planned to use 1, then I found four other relevant ones.

Doing the wrong things. Worst case scenario you get yourself arrested, but I trust you guys well enough to avoid jail in general.

Doing things for Instagram or social media.

I'm not saying that it's wrong for you to use social media. But so many people would do anything to be famous on there, even illegitimate things. Don't be like them. 

No amount of followers or likes or retweets etc will make you happy because as I always like to say... only Jesus can make you satisfied.

Or on YouTube, videos have a specific title so as to attract people, no matter how wrong it is. This is called click-baiting.

I've seen so many wrong things there that I don't even want to get into it.

Getting drunk, getting wasted etc

If someone offers you alcohol, just don't drink it.

What if I only drink a little bit? You might ask.

The problem is, if you only drink a little bit, it can turn into a lot. Besides, even drinking a little bit can hurt you.

I'm not going to mention side effects to alcohol, however I will mention a Biblical Scripture about it.

Saying 19 from the 30 Wise Sayings in Proverbs.

You can find this in Proverbs 23:29-35

Who has trouble? Who has sorrow?
    Who argues? Who has problems?
    Who has wounds for no reason? Who has red eyes?

Those who spend too much time with wine.
    Or those who like to taste wine mixed with spices.

Don’t look at wine when it is red.
    Don’t look at it when it bubbles in the cup.
    And don’t look at it when it goes down smoothly.

In the end it bites like a snake.
    It bites like a poisonous serpent.

Your eyes will see strange sights.
    Your mind will imagine weird things.

You will feel like someone sleeping on the ocean.
    You will think you are lying among the ropes in a boat.

“They hit me,” you will say. “But I’m not hurt!
    They beat me. But I don’t feel it!
When will I wake up
so I can find another drink?”

I know it's about wine but it could also indirectly link to alcohol as well.

Essentially, what these verses are saying is that wine and alcohol can do haywire things to you if you're not careful.

So just do your best to avoid them at all costs.

Treating yourself - too much.

In other words, doing things that you want to do before doing things that will actually benefit you. Doing unnecessary things before the necessary ones - procrastinating on them.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says There is a time for everything.
    There’s a time for everything that is done on earth.

Do the right thing at the right time. I'm not saying you can't treat yourself, you can. Especially after a hard day, or week, or month etc.

Just don't do it too much that you're forgetting to do what's actually important.

And last but not least...

Partying - too much.

I understand that there are some parties in which you can't avoid, i.e. a family party.

And I'm not saying it's wrong to go to one, however if it is the only thing you're doing most of the time then you really need to reassess your life and what's important there.

Also, not all parties are good.

Before you say yes to going to one (that's not a family party or one you can't really avoid) check who else is going or where it is.

Are they good influences on you?

Is the place safe?

What time is it at?

 What time does it finish?

Would your parent(s) or guardian(s) be okay with you going to this party?

Ask yourself these kind of questions, and then some.

Then you can determine if it's worth going or not.

#2 Because its friendship is enmity to God.—James 4:4.

James 4:4  
You are not faithful to God. Don’t you know that to be a friend of the world is to hate God? So anyone who chooses to be the world’s friend becomes God’s enemy.

As much as you want to do so, you can't love the God and love the world at the same time.

Yeah, it's pretty crazy when you think about it.

Not loving the world and God at the same time -  actually thinking you can get away with it.

I used to be one of those people.

And realistically speaking, I can't be blamed.

When life goes good for us, or bad, we get so caught up with everything that we forget that this life isn't permanent.

The trials and tribulations of this life don't last forever. But you know what, neither do the good times either unfortunately - whether we like it or not.

I guess the good thing about being dead- and I honestly never intended to bring up death so much. I guess it's just a wake up call that this earth we're on right now isn't our eternal home.

The good thing about being dead is you don't get to suffer anymore. The dead are literally unmoved by the hardships of this life.

1 Timothy 6:7 says as we came to this world with nothing, we will leave with nothing. Because it's true.

#3 Because it did not know Christ.—John 1:10; 17:25.

John 1:10 
The Word was in the world. And the world was made through him. But the world did not recognize him.

John 17:25
Father, you are holy. The world does not know you, but I know you. Those you have given me know you have sent me.

Let me tell you something.

The world did not know Christ, but Christ knew the world even before it was created.

It's kind of like Jeremiah 1:5, which says:

“Before I formed you in your mother’s body I chose you.
    Before you were born I set you apart to serve me.
    I appointed you to be a prophet to the nations.”

See, before God does something, he knows very well he's going to do it.

In the case of Jeremiah 1:5, he knew what we were all going to look like before he even created us.

The things of the world doesn't know God. 

Yes, God created the things of the world, but even then he seriously doesn't want us to be attached to it.

This is because he is a jealous God (Exodus 34:14) that doesn't want you to worship any idols except from him (Exodus 20:3).

These idols all come from the world.

I mentioned in this website somewhere and I will mention it again that God doesn't want to be your top God. He wants to be your only God.

He wants to be your #1 priority, respectively - not in competition with other things.

God doesn't want or need to be fighting for a place in your life - he should already be there and he should be at the top.

This is for me too - sometimes I backslide and I forget to make God my top priority. 

Even recently though I don't want to get into it, and that's gradually changing. Just know that everybody backslides.

I'm saying gradually because 4 days a week I'm working, so I don't always have time for God. But when I have a day off, I do.

#4 Because it hates Christ.—John 7:7; 15:18.

The people of the world can’t hate you. But they hate me. This is because I am a witness that their works are evil. John 7:7

My disciples, does the world hate you? Remember that it hated me first. John 15:18

Do you know that some people actually hate God?

Yes exactly. Sierra is right, why would anyone want to do that?

I mean, I don't understand why they would. After all, God has never done anything wrong.

He's never betrayed anyone or anything. He's always been there for us even when no one else has.

But yes, like I always like to point out in Galatians 1:10

Am I now trying to get people to think well of me? Or do I want God to think well of me? Am I trying to please people? If I were, I would not be serving Christ.

If you do something that God likes but the world doesn't... it doesn't matter!

Even Jesus had enemies, but he didn't let them stop him from dying on the cross for our sins.

People will talk badly about you, c'est la vie, but just know that it reflects them and not you!  Just rise above your haters and shine.

They normally talk badly about you if you're doing something good with your life and they aren't.

Not that they're not capable, although sometimes they aren't, but because they can't be bothered to work hard and put in the effort to achieve what you did.

Those that try to bring you down are already below you.

 High valued people wouldn't never bring someone down just to feel better about themselves. Rather, they lift them up. 

Only those with low self esteem or those that are insecure will do the opposite, in the nicest way possible.

#5 Because the Holy Spirit has forbidden us.—1 John 2:15

 Do not love the world or anything in it. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them.

Love the father, not the world. That's how you can call yourself a true Christian.

Again, this is for me too. This post today was even  for me more than for you guys.

Well that's it for today. Yes this post was longer but I don't mind. 

Hope you were blessed and I shall hopefully see you in my Underrated Bible Scriptures - Part 5 page.

Not just that but the remaining 20 reasons on why you shouldn't love the world, split across 4 posts!

Till next time, Bye!! xxx