Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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Wanna Thank you for my life!

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I got the victory in Jesus!

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I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (You Got To Be Startin' Somethin')

Friday 27th August 2021

Time for another post!


 I've decided to post today because today is my last day off from work so I start again tomorrow. 

Never resumed on a Saturday before but what can you do?

In my last post I talked about how your life is your life and nobody can live it for you. Likewise, you can't have anybody else's life either, and you shouldn't want it.

I've said this before on here and I will say it again:

All in all, be happy with the life you have. 

If you want to be someone else, just know that if that’s the case then you’re swapping everything you have with everything of the other person. 
Do you really want that? I wouldn’t.

How can I be happy with my life when I’m going through the hardest ever time in life?” You might think Think of this way, you’re still alive. Many people aren’t right now. It could even be someone’s last day on Earth today, which they don’t always know about. Someone always has it worse than you. That’s no reason to look down on them though, if you can then try build them up. When thinking of what you are grateful for, never forget life. We take it for granted so much in the sense that we don’t always think about being alive when asking yourself what you’re grateful for.

Excerpt from my Psalms 119 Commentary on the 4th of July, which you can find here 

Psalms 119 Commentary - Part 3

Ideally I wanted to update this and my Underrated Bible Scriptures page again.

I'm yet to start Part 5, but unfortunately I just don't think I have the time right now. Next time though I will.

For now though, welcome, and I'll explain why I called or gave this post its specific name later.

I hope you are well, I certainly am well, and sorry this post is late. I've been out and about all week. I wanted to update yesterday but I had to reset my laptop because my battery was bad.

This post is called I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' and I know I said I'll be going back to the Psalms 119 Commentary and I will, don't worry. I haven't forgotten about that.

But I just want to talk about this first. The title of this post is a song by the legendary Michael Jackson

After doing some research, I finally found out what the song means from Wikipedia:

The lyrics link or pertain to strangers spreading rumours to start an argument for no good reason.

I can link that in a Christian context. Unfortunately people can talk badly about anyone, maybe even more so if you are a Christian.

No, no one is spreading rumours about me, don't worry. I'm also not making any links to the song lyrics, except twice.

So why do people spread rumours?

I mean, I know why. But I'm not always good at explaining things. This website did it better than me, and I got this from there.

Not everything was copied and pasted, although a majority of things were.

Spreading Rumours

Some people spread rumours as a way to intimidate others and gain status or popularity. But spreading rumours as a way to turn people against someone is a form of bullying — and it can have serious consequences for the person doing it.

Spreading unkind gossip in person or online is not a decent or mature way to act. It hurts the person being talked about, and it intimidates other people.

Sadly, when other people see this kind of thing going on, they don't always stand up for what's right. 

They may become less friendly to the person who is being talked about because they're afraid of becoming the next target. It doesn't mean they don't care. 

In fact, seeing someone else getting bullied makes other people feel bad. Bullying is like meanness pollution. It affects everyone in the environment.

We don't have to be good friends with everyone — or even like everyone. But not liking another person doesn't give someone the right to spread rumours, gossip, or putdowns. Acting like this shows a lack of courage. It's a false way to gain popularity or status in the group.

Long story short, some people spread rumours about someone they don't like to gain status or popularity.

This is wrong - it's just self explanatory.

Plus, even if a rumour about someone is true, that doesn't mean that you should dislike them. Why would you believe a rumour about someone without even knowing the person?

Even if you do, it's not right.

The Bible tells us not to judge others so that we are not judged in Matthew 7:1-2. Speaking of the Bible, I have miscellaneous quotes about spreading rumours.

Ephesians 4:29 - Don’t let any evil talk come out of your mouths. Say only what will help to build others up and meet their needs. Then what you say will help those who listen.

Proverbs 20:19
- A person who talks about others tells secrets. So avoid anyone who talks too much.

Leviticus 19:16 - Do not go around spreading lies among your people. Do not do anything that puts your neighbour's life in danger. I am the Lord.

Exodus 20:16 - Do not be a false witness against your neighbour.

Proverbs 6:16-19 - 16 There are six things the Lord hates.
In fact, he hates seven things.
17 The Lord hates proud eyes,
a lying tongue,
and hands that kill those who aren’t guilty.
18 He also hates hearts that make evil plans
and feet that are quick to do evil.
19 He hates any witness who pours out lies
and anyone who stirs up conflict in the community.

Essentially, what these verses are saying is that you shouldn't lie about someone else, and everything that comes out of your mouth should be beneficial to someone. There's a reason people say that you should think before you speak, with the word think in this scenario being a mnemonic for something.

Before you speak, think. Is it
T - Thoughtful
H - Honest
I - Intelligent
N - Necessary
K - Kind

If it's not, then just don't say it basically. I mean, why would you?

Try to make someone's day, not the opposite. Don't try and destroy it.

Sadly, not everyone thinks before they speak but regardless of this, you seriously don't have to be one of these people. And even though all of the quotes above are important, I'd just like to focus on the last two for a second, and I deliberately made them last.

Exodus 20:16 once again says Do not be a false witness against your neighbour.

The fact that it is part of the Ten Commandments just reinforces how significant it is for you not to lie, or spread rumours about your neighbour. Not just neighbour though, anyone in general.

Even if you are being a true witness against your neighbour, why do you need to be a witness against them?

You don't want people to be avoiding you for not thinking before you speak, I don't wish that on anyone.

Yeah, I don't want people reacting that way when they see you, think about you or when they talk about you. Don't make anyone ashamed of you.

Proverbs 6:16-19 is just a list of seven things that the Lord hates, however for the sake of this post, I'm only going to mention the ones that are relevant to it.
  1. A lying tongue
  2. Hearts that make evil plans
  3. Feet that are quick to do evil.
  4. Any witness who pours out lies
  5. Anyone who stirs up conflict in the community.
Five out of seven of these things (so just over 70% of them) are indirectly about rumours and lying against people.

As already aforementioned, I said that I would mention a small amount of lyrics from the song Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' by Michael Jackson. 

I was listening to my Gospel Playlist when I was writing this but I couldn't resist listening to the actual song too. I even had to make a music video for it for an A Level Media project.

So the lyrics that are relevant are...

Billie Jean is always talkin' 
When nobody else is talkin'
Tellin' lies and rubbin' shoulders
So they called her mouth a motor


You love to pretend that you're good
When you're always up to no good
You really can't make him hate her
So your tongue became a motor

They're not consecutive.

In relation to the first set of lyrics:

Don't talk when it is not your time to talk. Likewise, don't be the first person to start a rumour and don't be involved in it either. 

There are many Bible verses out there about talking too much, but for now, let me just mention one from Proverbs.

Sin is not ended by using many words.
But those who are wise control their tongues. Proverbs 10:19

Learn to control your tongue. Talking when no one else is talking isn't bad, but if you're not supposed to be doing so then just save yourself from trouble and don't do it.

Don't tell lies and don't rub shoulders - with the enemy or people that aren't good influences on you. 

1 Corinthians 15:33 says bad company corrupts good character and Proverbs 13:20 says walk with wise people and become wise, but a companion of foolishness suffers harm.

I understand that sometimes people that are bad influences on you act as though they're good so as to hide their true intentions. No need to worry though, the Lord will deal with them all in due season.

And lastly, in  relation to the second set of lyrics before I analyse the five verses from my last post...

Don't be up to no good. The type of person you are is the type of people you will attract. You don't want to be attracting people that are so detrimental to your life you literally have to be someone you're not to impress them.

In other words, you can't be yourself.

That's all for now, although in my previous post, I said I will analyse the verses about finding your purpose I used because I didn't have time to do it on the actual post.

I would have done them first but I wanted to do the title first.

Here they are, in order.

Romans 8:28
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

This isn't saying that all things will work your way if you love God. There will be days where things don't go your way, but as I almost always like to say, sometimes things not going your way in life could actually be a blessing in disguise. You just don't realise it.

Romans 12:2
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Don't love the world so that you will understand what is according to God's will or not. I don't know if I've done an entire post on why you shouldn't love the world, and how, but I will next time.

I'm not postponing the Psalms 119 commentary, by the way. I just have a lot of ideas instead of it, but I will get there. This post was completely planned.

Psalms 138:8
The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.

God's love endures forever, even when we don't deserve him loving us. God will fulfil his purpose for your life all in due season. You just have to be patient. What's meant for you is meant for you and unfortunately, what isn't just isn't. Just because something is good for someone doesn't mean that it's good for you.

Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

God made us for a purpose, and once we've fulfilled it, that's normally when he calls us home. His purpose for us is amazing, just believe that he will use you for good things.

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

God knows what's best. We may not always understand what Jesus is doing (John 13:7) but just trust in his master plan and everything will fall into place all at the correct time.

That's all for now, I will see you next time, hopefully on my next day off from work! Bye and thanks for reading. 

I really appreciate each and every single one of you coming here and I will never take you for granted.

This website is also on its way to 1K views! I don't know how many it has, I genuinely don't check and I didn't write this for views, though when I do check out of curiosity (like once a month) I'm always surprised, in a good way!

I love you all so so much.
(Shalita Grant. I thought she was Sierra Capri / Monse from On My Block but nope)