Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

Welcome To My Website

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Wanna Thank you for my life!

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I got the victory in Jesus!

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To Divinity In Motion - Part 3 (One Year anniversary!)

 Tuesday 14th June 2022

Hey guys, I hope you have been well, I certainly have. 

Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of my website. In other words it was my website's birthday. I started it a year ago yesterday.

But I couldn't update yesterday because I had work and I had to go to bed early. I don't have work tomorrow, so I promised God that I would update today.

In fact, that's kind of why I haven't really been active. I don't want to get into it. Work can be stressful sometimes, but at the same time it is very nice to finish at 4. 😊

If you have seen the title, you will realise that it says To Divinity in Motion. 

This was a series I started in April which talks about how you can enter Heaven and how you can not enter Heaven so that you know what to avoid.

It has been a while, I know - and I have kind of been avoiding this topic because I didn't always know what to talk about. 

Going back to before, I mentioned 6 types of people that have a slim chance of entering Heaven, but not always. You can find these below. I've crossed out the ones I've already done.

Proud, Evil, Sinful, Unbelievers, Rich, Being A Bad/Good Person

Let me also make reference to the previous Parts in case you're new here and/or you wanted to catch up.

If you are new, welcome! I've had quite a few people reach out to me before that they didn't know I had a website. 

To be fair, I didn't really tell anyone and I wasn't trying to. I would rather want people to find out this for themselves by posting about it. It's a lot easier that way.

In To Divinity in Motion, Part 2, I mentioned how Good and Bad people can not make it to Heaven after death. 

A lot of allegedly good people don't make it to Heaven. Some of us need to stop putting labels on people. Some people aren't bad. They're just misunderstood.

Life isn't about how long you live, it's about how well. You can live 100 years but spend 70 of them in prison, and you can live 30 years serving Christ until God decides to bring you home.

Longevity and a meaningful life aren't mutually exclusive events though - meaning that it's not like they can't happen at the same time. There are so many people out there that have lived long and meaningful lives. i.e. Nelson Mandela.

May his soul rest in peace. I still remember the day he died - it was on the news at school. I was in Year 7, lining up for P.E.

I said every one and a half months, I will do a story. Today, I will do one. I think the last one I did one was early April. The next time I'll do one will be early August.

I didn't think of writing a story today because none came to mind. One just did, and like always, it will link to what I am talking about, plus it will have at least one moral at the end.

Last time I did these series, I only mentioned one point because of time constraints. I'll try and finish everything now. We'll see how things go.

Usually I write the story first as it can be time consuming for me to do so. I'll do it after we get into everything. So let's do it!

People that have a slim chance of entering Heaven - though not all the time

#4 - Proud people

James 4:6 --> But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favour to the humble."

God doesn't like someone that is proud. 

I was thinking the other day if there was any one or any kind of people that God dislikes, and he does. Being proud is on of them.

Let's look at what being proud means. I mean, I'm sure you know. However, it's still important to point it out because of what I am talking about.

1. feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.

2. having or showing a high or excessively high opinion of oneself or one's importance.

There's nothing wrong with being the first definition of proud. 

It just basically means to be happy with someone for doing something good, perhaps even yourself. There's even a song I kind of know but don't listen to, and the lyrics literally ask:

What have you done today to make you feel proud? 

The singer, Heather Small, is asking you what have you done today to make you feel the first definition of proud, not the second one. 

I feel like the second one is being satisfied with your own achievements to a more extreme level. It's sort of like showing off and putting yourself on a pedestal, thinking that you are better than everyone.

Nebuchadnezzar was proud and God turned him into an animal for 7 years in Daniel 4. 

And it was the rich man that went to Hell whilst Lazarus went to Heaven in Luke 16:19-31. I think pride was the main reason for this. Let me reference the story below.

Luke 16:19-31 (NIRV version)

19 “Once there was a rich man. He was dressed in purple cloth and fine linen. He lived an easy life every day. 

20 A man named Lazarus was placed at his gate. Lazarus was a beggar. His body was covered with sores. 

21 Even dogs came and licked his sores. All he wanted was to eat what fell from the rich man’s table.

22 “The time came when the beggar died. The angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 

23 In the place of the dead, the rich man was suffering terribly. He looked up and saw Abraham far away. Lazarus was by his side. 

24 So the rich man called out, ‘Father Abraham! Have pity on me! Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water. Then he can cool my tongue with it. I am in terrible pain in this fire.’

25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember what happened in your lifetime. You received your good things. Lazarus received bad things. Now he is comforted here, and you are in terrible pain. 

26 Besides, a wide space has been placed between us and you. So those who want to go from here to you can’t go. And no one can cross over from there to us.’

27 “The rich man answered, ‘Then I beg you, father Abraham. Send Lazarus to my family. 

28 I have five brothers. Let Lazarus warn them. Then they will not come to this place of terrible suffering.’

29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have the teachings of Moses and the Prophets. Let your brothers listen to them.’

30 “ ‘No, father Abraham,’ he said. ‘But if someone from the dead goes to them, they will turn away from their sins.’

31 “Abraham said to him, ‘They do not listen to Moses and the Prophets. So they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’ ”

Let me quickly reference Verse 25 because I don't want anyone reading this out of context.

But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember what happened in your lifetime. You received your good things. Lazarus received bad things. Now he is comforted here, and you are in terrible pain.'

This verse does not mean that if you are living a good life, you will end up in Hell. 

Perhaps that's secretly a common misconception. My last post on here in general was about seeking Godly success, and I know I mentioned that sometimes God gives you material success because you've pleased him in some way.

In essence, God doesn't like proud people since it's basically like you thinking you're above God. And no one is - besides, Isaiah 42:8 says this:

“I am the Lord. That is my name!
    I will not let any other god share my glory.
    I will not let statues of gods share my praise."

So yes, if you know what's best for you - don't be a proud person. I was going to say try not to be. Don't be at all, things are better that way. 😊

The story I am going to add at the end will talk about this, but that's all I'm going to say about it for now.

#5 Evil people and #6 unbelievers

I've decided to combine these two as the story will be pretty long, as always.  These two can link, albeit I'm not saying that all unbelievers are evil. They're not, although they won't enter Heaven.

These two points are special in a way as these people can not enter Heaven at all - unless they repent/reform and change their lives for the better. 

The others I have talked about have a slim chance, these two characteristics do not really. 

I asked someone if unbelievers could enter Heaven because I genuinely wasn't sure. I was talking about good unbelievers though, as in well-behaved ones. They still said no.

Your earthly possessions mean nothing if you don't make it to Heaven after death. I'm not saying that they're not important. They might be - but if you die and you don't believe in God, or you stopped: then you might not end up in Heaven at the end of the day.

Ephesians 4:18 says this about unbelievers. It can also link to evil people but mainly unbelievers - as before I found the verse I typed scriptures on unbelievers on Google.

They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.

2 Corinthians 6:14

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

Then Amos 3:3

Do two people walk together
    unless they’ve agreed to do so?

And finally Isaiah 5:20 - which I initially forgot then God brought to light.

How terrible it will be for those who say
    that what is evil is good!

How terrible for those who say
    that what is good is evil!

How terrible for those who say
    that darkness is light
    and light is darkness!

How terrible for those who say
    that what is bitter is sweet
    and what is sweet is bitter!

I've just dumped a lot of Scriptures on you. But yes- these are about being an unbeliever mainly, apart from the last one. That can be about being evil.

Amos 3:3 can contrast evil people with good people, and believers with unbelievers. 

How many times have you found it hard to get along with someone because they're so different to you?

Yes opposites attract, but not all the time! Though being different can keep a relationship going for longer.

Evil people most likely "mistake" good for evil and evil for good. 

Mistake is in quotes because a majority of the time, evil people know what they are doing is wrong, they just may not really consider the repercussions or the consequences for their actions.

All in all, God can forgive anyone regardless of who they are, what they've done or where they come from. 

Everyone has had some aspect of their past that has been rough. They may just never admit it to you.

Thankfully I haven't experienced any traumas in my life, maybe because I won't be able to handle it (God won't give you more than what you can handle - 1 Corinthians 10:13)  but I have done some bad things. 

Everyone has, even the most put together people.

So apart from being good, never give up on someone if they're any of the characteristics I've discussed.

Proud, Evil, Sinful, Unbelievers, Rich, Being A Bad/Good Person

There is still hope for them. Don't forget Ecclesiastes 9:4, which says the following:

Anyone who is still living has hope. Even a live dog is better off than a dead lion!


So unto this story. It'll be a good way to celebrate the fact that I've had this website for a year now, technically. It's going to be about being proud and evil. Not much about unbelievers, however one of the characters do backslide quite a lot.

I'm going to write it on my phone then copy and paste because I type faster on it.

Here it is! I normally introduce the characters before the story but today I will do it after.

It was about Friday after school in July and there was a sale going on at the local JD store that some people went to. 

Their most desired shoes were going on sale and the queue to enter the store was so large some people had to wait hours just to enter inside. 

Others didn’t, for miscellaneous reasons. One of these lucky people was Kassidy, who had just left the store with his best friend Terrence. 

Kassidy was having a sleepover at Terrence’s house for the weekend as his parents went on holiday and there was no one to look after him. He was an only child, with most of his relatives being abroad. 

“Dang, K! Them new Js looking kinda good right now!” Terrence beamed after they had left the store. Kassidy got some new Jordans, they were turquoise and gold, limited edition. “It was almost 90 pounds though. I wonder where you got the money from.”

He wasn’t into trainers much, not just that but he could barely have afforded them. Kassidy on the other hand was recently like a walking bank. 

The shoes were initially 200 pounds as it was limited edition. Today marked the first day of summer so JD was doing everything they could to make people happy. 

Some people were annoyed when the weather was too hot as they couldn’t think straight. To be fair, Terrence was one of those people. He just didn’t always show it. 

“I told you Terrence. Work hard, play hard. Where were you when I said that? Were you not listening?”

He was, but even then it was unlike Kassidy to have so much money. Yesterday he could barely have afforded lunch. Today he had the most wanted shoes in the country. 

Things didn’t add up. It also seemed like Kassidy was hiding something. Terrence had to find out the truth. 

Kassidy’s parents were away for the weekend so there was a slim chance they would have given him any money. He was too irresponsible. 

He definitely wasn’t working. 

When he tried working and schoolwork simultaneously, he had been falling behind so much that he had to do about 20 catch up classes just to make up for everything. 

“Kassidy. I’m getting suspicious. Where did you get the money from?”

Kassidy was wearing sunglasses so nobody could have seen his eyes, although Terrence could sense the eye roll he gave him, even from afar. 

“Are we seriously doing this in public? It doesn’t concern you.”

“So then why are you getting so defensive?” 

He stole it. Very clandestinely - no one saw him. Their headteacher at school had a secret place where they kept money. Kassidy stole from it. 

They were yet to find out who did it, but either way Kassidy wore a very good disguise so that no one could have seen that it was him. 

This was just before school had closed for the day yesterday, with Kassidy doing some catch up classes in the library. Yesterday was the last one. 

Regardless of what happened, Kassidy knew that he wasn’t going to tell Terrence what happened. Plus they weren’t exactly in a safe place either - almost in an alleyway - but they had to take this way home. 

Anyone could have overheard their conversation and goodness knew what that could have led to. Kassidy’s parents had barely trusted him around Terrence so if they had heard that he had been stealing money?

That was the end for him. 

The two of them walked home in silence, with Terrence wanting to leave had Kassidy not known the way back. He had never taken this way home before albeit Kassidy did so without him he would have been lost for good. 

On their way back they passed a middle aged brown skin woman on the floor. She had black and yellow dreadlocks, with Kassidy not knowing what was up with her colour combination. She could have practically attracted bees. She almost looked like one. 

She held up a sign indirectly screaming for help, which was pretty ironic as it was in the neatest handwriting ever. Her clothes moreover looked like  it hadn’t been washed in days, and if she was a building, she would have been beyond dilapidated by now. 

The song Gangsta’s Paradise by Coolio was blaring through the speakers next to her as it described how she was feeling right now. Not just that, described the entire neighbourhood. 

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death

I take a look at my life, and realize there's nothin' left

'Cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long

That even my momma thinks that my mind is gone

Not actually saying anything to either of the boys, she shook the cup in her hand that was full of money. 

For someone seemingly “homeless”, she seemed to afford a speaker pretty flawlessly. Which was another problem with their neighbourhood. People had pretended well.  

Looking at her blankly, Kassidy and Terrence stopped walking, turning to face her, with Kassidy eventually raising an eyebrow at her. 

“May we help you?”

“Name’s Estelle,” she deadpanned. “Do you mind giving me some money? There was a tornado where I lived a few days ago, that wiped out everyone I love and everything I ever worked for. The speaker was the only thing I had left. Wasn’t even trying to save it. The things and people I was trying to save died.”

There was a tornado, yes. The two of them heard about it but thankfully it didn’t affect either of them or their families. 

Whether Estelle was affected by the tornado was another story. She seemed rather wealthy already if anything. 

The music was blocking their train of thought, but it wasn’t like Kassidy was thinking pleasant things about Estelle either way. 

Been spendin' most their lives livin' in the gangsta's paradise

“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Terrence wondered curiously. 

“Why would I lie about something like this?” Estelle frowned. “You think I’d make this up for attention or something? Please though, I’m kinda desperate. Almost everyone has ignored me all day, except a few generous people. And I know y’all have money. Look at them new Js!”

“People lie in this neighbourhood, ma’am,” Kassidy responded sternly. “I don’t trust you, and my friend doesn’t either. Besides, even if I did have money - I wouldn’t give it to some random stranger I hardly even know. I spent the last of my money on these new shoes, which was worth a lot more than you’ll ever be.”

Not regretting anything, Kassidy walked off, with Terrence stunned by what he had just said. 

Estelle didn’t say anything, looking more disconsolate than before, so Terrence apologised on her behalf. 

Unlike his so called friend, he kindly gave Estelle some money. It wasn’t much, but it was something. Five pounds was all he had. 

“Thank you my lovely brother,” Estelle grinned, holding his hand tightly. “God bless you very much. I wish you nothing but success for the future. As for your friend…”

Terrence may have completely disapproved or what Kassidy did, but even then he didn’t want Estelle to wish dreadful things upon him. 

“He’s just a bit proud… and stubborn. It’s nothing personal. I’ll talk to him.”

It was definitely something personal. Kassidy wasn’t normally like this. 

Saying goodbye to him and vice versa, the two of them greeted each other goodbye. Kassidy was just about to cross the road with Terrence catching up to him. 

“Kassidy, that was way out of line!”

“And Estelle talking to us wasn’t?” He fumed. “Please. I don’t want to be seen with some homeless middle Aged woman that is old enough to look after herself but doesn’t want to.”

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to. She couldn’t. And there was a massive difference. 

Facepalming himself, Terrence tried to prevent himself from screaming at him, especially in public. At least they were staying under the same roof for now. 

He could have yelled at him and have a go at him then. 

“You know, ever since your parents have left to go on holiday you’ve become more proud and selfish,” he hollered. “Even before you got these shoes. What’s gotten into you? You’re not normally like this!”

Kassidy didn’t reply because he didn’t have time for him. Instead he recklessly crossed the road without a care in the world. 

And he got hit by a car. 

It seemed as though Estelle wishing karma on Kassidy worked. It was for his own good, with the driver screaming to himself when he realised he hit Kassidy. 

When Terrence realised that Kassidy had been hit, he dashed in the middle of the road next to an unconscious Kassidy. 

People were crowding around him now, with different murmurs going on. It seemed as though Terrence wasn’t the only one that witnessed how Kassidy had treated Estelle. 

Majority of people genuinely thought that he deserved it.

Others were concerned. But most people believed it was karma. 

He’ll be fine, God promised Terrence when the ambulance came for him and Terence was panicking as he didn’t know the way back without Kassidy. Don’t worry. It’s not his time. 

God, why would you do this?

To teach him a lesson, God replied in Terrence’s head.  I don’t like proud people. And sometimes I do have to chastise people to make them see the errors of their ways. Also, he blasphemed me when you weren’t watching him. I had to do something. I couldn’t let him go unpunished. 

I understand that. This seemed a bit extreme though. 

To be fair, he did cross recklessly. Barely looked at where he was going. Just showing off his new shoes on social media. 

Fair point. 

As God promised, Kassidy did turn out okay after a while, apologising to Terrence for what he had done when he woke up from a coma two months later. 

Two months went quickly, then so did another one, and now Kassidy was homeless himself. 

His parents had unfortunately died on the way back home - so did Terrence and his family when they wanted to pick them up. Kassidy would have gone too but he was still recovering from his coma, plus there wouldn't have been space for his parents and their suitcases. Terrence's had dropped them and their holiday was 4 months in total.

He lost everything in four months. All because of being proud. But he would have never forgotten the lessons that Terrence had taught him - of course not. 

“Mum, I love my new hair!” That was coming from Estelle’s daughter Ezinné as Estelle had just taken her to the hair salon. 

Kassidy stared at her as he was on the road, with Estelle now looking like a professional business woman. As he was in a coma, she had definitely glammed up. 

She looked wealthier than she had ever done  before. 

Estelle couldn’t have helped but to notice him when she had passed him, shocked at how the tables had turned. 

“Kassidy? Is that you?”

Ashamed, Kassidy didn’t say anything. But he did, he admitted it was him. 

“Where’s your friend Terrence?”

“He died. Everyone I care about is dead. Everything worldly I chased wasn’t worth it at the end of the day. My life is a mess.”

Estelle didn’t know whether to give him money or be rude to him like he was to her four months back. 

Then remembering that two wrongs didn’t make a right, and her daughter was there so she wanted to make a good impression on her, she gave him some money. 

“I hope you’ve learnt your lesson.”

“I am so sorry, Estelle. I really am. Terrence was right. Money can make you proud sometimes. I promise to be better. And your daughter, I’m assuming, she’s beautiful.”

Ezinné smiled at the compliment, with Estelle happy that he had learnt his lesson. She offered him to come with her as she found him a place to stay. 

But not her house as that was crowded already. 

It turned out, Estelle was doing great. 

Not just great, fantastic. 

She used her story to help others, managing her own business. Her life had really changed. 

She may have faced hardship but that didn’t knock her down. It was how she had come back up. 


Yeah, sorry if it seemed rushed towards the end. It took a long time to write that. I was kind of getting frustrated aha.

So in this story, there were three main characters: Kassidy, Terrence and Estelle. Estelle was a homeless woman who later became a successful businesswoman.

Kassidy was this proud fake rich kid whose life turned upside down due to his pride. And Terrence was his best friend who tragically passed away later on. Kassidy lost everything due to his pride.

There were many morals to this story: God chastises those he loves*, don't be proud, and always give to others. Because tables can turn and karma can come back to bite you when you least expect it.

Also the widow's offering in Mark 12:1-4. She didn't give a lot but it meant a lot to God. Just like Terrence's money meant a lot to Estelle.

*Hebrews 12:5-6 says it better than I can:

5 Have you completely forgotten this word of hope? It speaks to you as a father to his children. It says,
“My son, think of the Lord’s training as important.
Do not lose hope when he corrects you.

6 The Lord trains the one he loves.
He corrects everyone he accepts as his son.”

That's all for today - this almost took 3 hours to write! That's a record.

Hope you enjoyed the story and I shall hopefully see you next time!

Lola xoxo