Wednesday 6th April 2022
Happy new month!
Yes, it's been a while since I've been here. Just realised it's been exactly a month since I posted on this main page.
I've also decided to change the theme. I might stick to this one, it's linked to space and the title of this website is Supernatural Superstar. Supernatural means beyond Earth.
I'm not changing the song though. It's called Victory by Deitrick Haddon, by the way, in case you were wondering. But he has two songs called Victory, so you have to press the one from his R.E.D album (Restoring Everything Damaged).
I know it might get annoying after a while but I personally believe that the song was perfect for this website.
And whilst I haven't really had the time to update again, I've also kind of being avoiding this topic. I'm talking about on this main page, not the other pages (i.e. Posts of Encouragement and the Underrated Bible Scriptures)
The motivation isn't always there and I'd be lying to you guys if I say that I am always 100% determined to post, because I am not.
No, nothing happened. Anytime I update on here, it's because I was led by the spirit. God has urged me to post today, plus on WhatsApp I said that I am working on a new post.
I didn't promise a new post, because I try to keep promises as much as I can. Promise is a strong word. But I promised God that I would update today so here we are.
I'm trying to be consistent, but not too consistent. You might be thinking why.
How long do you think it takes me to write a post?
An hour? Two hours?
Yeah, you're right. 2 hours plus. I don't normally get distracted, and I meant 2 hours + with no distractions.
Also sometimes I do have to think of topics from the top of my head, which isn't always easy. And if I update very consistently then it would always seem like I'm kinda forcing things.
Before we begin today, I think the last time I was here, I said that I would make some references to scriptures on how nobody is perfect. The last time I was on here, I talked about how nobody is perfect, but they are worth it.
That was on Posts of Encouragement, Part 3. Speaking of Posts of Encouragement, I have great news! After this post, I am going to start Posts of Encouragement, Part 4.
Here are the topics for Posts of Encouragement, Part 4.
Stop judging people
Stop putting people on a pedestal
Stop caring what other people think
Stop temptation
Stop backsliding
Knowing me, I probably won't do this in order. You can also call this series the STOP series, with stop standing for Stop, Think, Observe and Plan. I didn't make that up, I found it online after researching what STOP means.
So let's start, firstly with the scriptures on how no one is perfect and then with To Divinity in Motion, Part 2!
11 Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.
12 There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbour?
Mark 10:18
And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone."
Suppose we claim we are without sin. Then we are fooling ourselves. The truth is not in us.
Romans 3:10
It is written, “No one is right with God, no one at all."
Romans 3:23
Everyone has sinned. No one measures up to God’s glory.
I feel like the last three Scriptures are more common than the first two, however all five of them are still important nevertheless. In Mark 10:18, even though Jesus knows that he is perfect, he didn't act that way.
He didn't act condescending or complacent to others. This is even in the Bible. You can find this in Philippians 2:5-8.
5 As you deal with one another, you should think and act as Jesus did.
6 In his very nature he was God.
Jesus was equal with God. But Jesus didn’t take advantage of that fact.
7 Instead, he made himself nothing.
He did this by taking on the nature of a servant.
He was made just like human beings.
8 He appeared as a man.
He was humble and obeyed God completely.
He did this even though it led to his death.
Even worse, he died on a cross!
So yes, Jesus made himself of no reputation so that he could have related to people on the Earth. Jesus knows that no one is perfect yet he still died on the sins for us. That's how much he loves us.
I will definitely use the first verse when I talk about not judging others in my Posts of Encouragement, Part 4 page. Look out for it.
I will definitely use the first verse when I talk about not judging others in my Posts of Encouragement, Part 4 page. Look out for it.
//edit: So God just reminded me that I have to get back to Underrated Bible Scriptures, because after I have finished a Post of Encouragement, I do have to go back to that.
I guess I must have forgotten.
You can find Posts of Encouragement - Part 4 after Underrated Bible Scriptures, Part 9.
I know, you might have to wait a while.
And the difference between Posts of Encouragement and Underrated Bible Scriptures is that in Underrated Bible Scriptures, I am just analysing Scriptures, whereas with Posts of Encouragement, they're just basically these posts on the main page - but like three, four or five in one.
The scriptures for Underrated Bible Scriptures may not necessarily link with one another. They're just uncommon Bible verses that I will go in depth about.
There are over 30K Bible Verses in the Bible (31,102 to be exact), so inevitably, not all of them will be as remembered as others.
Without further ado, let us begin with today's topic - To Divinity in Motion, Part 2.
I wouldn't blame you if you forgot what going To Divinity In Motion meant, as it has been a while. Even I needed a refresher.
Long story short, it just means going to Heaven. It's basically about how you can make it to Heaven because believe it or not, Heaven is our final destination. I know it doesn't seem this way, but Earth is not our eternal home.
We all have an appointed time to die, which is why you need to set your mind on things above and not below (Colossians 3:2).
(As Long As You're There by Donnie McClurkin)
In Part One, I mentioned six characteristics that will ultimately prevent you from entering Heaven so that you know what to avoid. After that, I will mention how you can enter Heaven.
Why I'm starting with what you should avoid before going on to how you can enter it?
Because I said and I quote from To Divinity in Motion - Part 1:
Bishop Dag did a series in 2006 I think called Finish what you started. He first mentioned people in the Bible who didn't finish what they had started, finishing the series with people that did.
I'm going to do the same, slightly. First I'm going to mention characteristics that prevents you from going to Heaven, then I will mention characteristics that will make you enter Heaven.
The six subheadings from last time were the following:
Proud, Evil, Sinful, Unbelievers, Rich, Being A Bad/Good Person
I've deliberately crossed out sinful and rich because I know I talked about that in TDIM - Part 1. But I have decided not to remove it because I want y'all to know all the subheadings for TDIM (To Divinity In Motion), even the ones I have talked about.
Also, I got this series name from a Michael Jackson album. I don't like the song, but I liked the Title.
If time allows me to do so, then I will try to do two more today, and then I will finish the last 3 the next time I am here, then I will mention how you can make it to Heaven.
I guess TDIM will be a three part series.
Will I add a story?
No, I won't. Maybe next time though. I am a very creative person, and sometimes I like writing stories that link to whatever I am talking about.
I did one last time I was here, about how no one is perfect and how you shouldn't assume that people are perfect either. Let me just quickly reference my last post.
And the first part of the To Divinity in Motion series.
People that have a slim chance of entering Heaven
#3 Bad / Good People
I say that they have a slim chance of entering Heaven because just because someone is bad for example does not necessarily mean that they will go to Hell.
Let me start with good people.
This is probably no surprise to you...
But just because someone is righteous doesn't mean that they will enter Heaven after death.
Ever heard of the term false prophets? You most likely have.
There are a lot of false prophets out there, aka so called "pastors" that lead people to the wrong direction. The Bible is inevitably against false prophets, and you can find this in Matthew 7:15.
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you pretending to be sheep. But on the inside they are hungry wolves.
Let me also mention verses 19-20 of the same Chapter and Book.
Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down. It is thrown into the fire. 20 You can tell each tree by its fruit.
Indirectly, this is saying that every person that does not bear good fruit will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven after they die. Some people produce good fruit superficially, however behind the scenes they produce bad ones.
I have an example of a false prophet, to an extent, and unfortunately, it is a pretty extreme example. But it happened. It is known as Jonestown.
Everything in between the 2 slashes is not my own words, because it is from this website instead:
If I ever had to rephrase anything because it might be too hard to understand, I used italics. The website used links but I don't want you guys to accidentally hover over them in case they might upset you.
Until the September 11th attacks, the tragedy in Jonestown on November 18th, 1978 represented the largest number of American civilian casualties in a single non-natural event.
It is puzzling now, as it was then, that more than 900 Americans – members of a San Francisco-based religious group called the Peoples Temple – died after drinking poison at the urging of their leader, the Reverend Jim Jones, in a secluded South American jungle settlement.
Photographs taken after the incident forever document the traumatising enormity of the event: the bodies of hundreds of people, including children, lying face down in the grass. Nearly 40 years later, the infamous and horrific event continues to fascinate us through numerous books, articles and documentaries.
The story of Jonestown begins with Jones, a white minister who preached unconventional socialist and progressive ideas to a predominantly African-American congregation, called the Peoples Temple. At the height of its popularity during the 1970s, the Temple had a membership estimated in the thousands and was courted by local politicians in San Francisco.
But by 1977, Jones had grown paranoid from the media scrutiny over the Temple’s suspicious activities, so he and his numerous followers moved to an agricultural settlement (a.k.a. Jonestown) in Guyana, the remote country east of Venezuela.
Concern over the welfare of those in the jungle camp prompted U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan to visit Jonestown in November 1978. After checking out the settlement, Ryan was shot to death along with four other people by Temple gunmen at an airstrip.
Following those murders, Jones commanded his followers to drink cyanide-laced punch, starting with the children first. In all, there were over 900 who died in Jonestown, including Jim Jones, who was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head. There is speculation that he may have taken his own life, or that his nurse Annie Moore fatally shot him before she killed herself in the same manner.
Long story short, the leader forced people to drink cyanide, killing 900 people, including young children. Not everyone died luckily, and I'm assuming that the people who didn't die was because God's not finished with them yet.
He still has a purpose for their life. There were about 40 ish survivors but don't take my word for it.
You're probably wondering why on Earth didn't I pick another example?
I couldn't think of one - plus this example shows just how far some people will go to get people to listen to them. It's a very upsetting story, and if for some reason, you want to read more about it, you can always press the link above.
False prophets are everywhere, and the Bible says that they are a wolf in sheep's clothing. I've actually talked about signs of false prophets before. I will reference the link below.
And this link:
Had I not known this, I would have probably talked about the signs all over again.
Another reason as to why not all good people enter Heaven is because God sees the Heart, which again can link to false prophecy. Let me quickly link to Jeremiah 17:10, which is my second favourite verse after Isaiah 58:11.
And let me also link to Matthew 6:5 as well. Then 1 Samuel 16:7 last of all.
Matthew 6:5
When you pray, do not be like those who only pretend to be holy. They love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners. They want to be seen by other people. What I’m about to tell you is true. They have received their complete reward.
Jeremiah 17:10
The Lord says, “I look deep down inside human hearts.
I see what is in people’s minds.
I reward each person in keeping with their conduct.
I bless them based on what they have done.”
I see what is in people’s minds.
I reward each person in keeping with their conduct.
I bless them based on what they have done.”
1 Samuel 16:7
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider how handsome or tall he is. I have not chosen him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outside of a person. But the Lord looks at what is in the heart.”
All these verses are about what goes on on the inside. With Matthew 6:5, as I always say - it is not just about prayer. It can be about anything. Never do anything to be seen, or for attention, or to impress others. Only impress God.
I will go more in depth about this on my stop caring what other people think post I will do in Posts of Encouragement, Part 4.
If I wrote this website to be seen, then I would have probably been in trouble by now. But no. God saw that I have a talent in writing, and he wanted me to use that talent for him and to inspire others. Truthfully I was reluctant at first, just casually chuckling about the idea.
But Supernatural Superstar has been one of the best experiences of my life, and hopefully I inspire you guys as much as I am inspiring myself. I do need to back all these posts up though in case something happens to this website.
God forbid, albeit I don't know what the future holds.
So why can't all good people enter Heaven?
As Guvna B would say in his song Chale, which I was listening to when I typed this:
You should know by now!
Nah, I'm just tripping. Hopefully you should now know why not all good people enter Heaven at the end of the day.
I mean you should already know why bad people enter Heaven, however not all bad people enter Heaven.
Also, have you ever thought about why bad people don't enter Heaven in terms of Isaiah 5:20?
How terrible it will be for those who say
that what is evil is good!
that what is evil is good!
How terrible for those who say
that what is good is evil!
How terrible for those who say
that darkness is light
and light is darkness!
How terrible for those who say
that what is bitter is sweet
and what is sweet is bitter!
Bad people will most likely call bad things good and good people bad.
Have you ever noticed that some people stay away from others that are good influences on them and hang out with the bad ones, even though they might know they're not good for them?
Worldly people will make it see like being a Christian is bad. And I guess you could say that worldly people is a part of this category as well.
Like I said, not all bad people enter Hell after death. So many sinners and unbelievers have become believers throughout time. So if you are ever trying to convert someone to Christianity and you're not seeing results instantaneously, don't worry.
Just because something doesn't happen the time or the way you want them to doesn't mean that it won't happen.
God's thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9), and perhaps if an unbeliever you're trying to help become a Christian becomes one the time you want them to, they could backslide so bad that it's impossible for them to turn to God again.
Whereas if they converted at God's time, they stayed consistent in their faith.
I used to be a very carnal Christian. I would fall asleep in Bible study and then some. I didn't like listening on reading the Word of God. It wasn't until I went to the University of Nottingham that things changed for the better. I'm in Essex now, long story.
When God said that he loved the world in John 3:16, he meant bad people and good people alike. The Bible also says this:
He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
In Matthew 5:45. If a bad person is still alive, that means that God isn't finished with them.
They still have a chance to turn good. Just pray they do.
If a so called bad person repents just before they die, then they might have a higher chance of entering Heaven than someone who has been good superficially but not behind the scenes.
Everyone deserves a second chance, even the bad people. I discovered this recently. Just ensure you don't judge a bad person that wants to turn good and enter Heaven because of their past mistakes and sins.
Unfortunately, time will not permit me to talk about another subheading, so I only did one for now. It's two in one anyway, as it is about both good and bad people.
I hope you have learnt something today, and it seems like TDIM will have four parts instead of an estimated 3.
Until next time!