Sunday 13th February 2022
Hey, what's up? I hope you have been well. I know I have.
As indicated in the previous post just over 2 weeks ago now:
(Click to enlarge)
This post will be about why outer beauty matters less than inner beauty - but it still matters. I'm not saying that you shouldn't look fashionable and just dress anyhow.
That's far off from the truth right now. Long story short, this post will be about why your looks aren't everything.
I also said that I will post in due time back then - and it's due time now.
God wanted me to post today and I did too actually, but I didn't realise until just a few minutes ago that God wanted me to post today for a specific reason. I just realised that today is the eight months anniversary of Supernatural Superstar.
I started this website June 13th 2021 and today is February 13th 2022. It's almost been a year! We are 75% of the way there! Time actually flies sometimes.
On to today's topic, which is inner beauty mattering more than outer beauty.
I will also make some references to some other topics as well when indispensable, such as how you shouldn't judge others based on the way they look.
The reason I decided to do this topic today is because we either like someone or don't like someone mainly based on the way they look, assuming that we don't actually know said person.
This inevitably isn't true for everyone, as in, not everyone judges someone based on the way they look. Unfortunately, I do sometimes, but not in that way.
Back in the past, I sparingly used to think that attractive people were perfect and had no problems. So therefore, I would always wish to be more attractive. I think we have all wished that at some points in our lives.
You might not know or remember what I look like. Here is a collage. It's also at the top, which I just decided to add now.
I need to stop making videos at the top, it's getting too much.
Sides? Yeah, maybe. But top, no.
This collage took forever to make. I'm not even going to lie. I just thought it would be combining 11 photos together with music.
But my phone decided to lag a few times when I was doing it and I got frustrated so I had to transfer everything to my laptop last minute. I'm a patient person but sometimes I guess I just can't be. 🤷
When I typed this, I forgot that there are pictures of me everywhere, but here is a collage anyway because why not?
(Song: Been There by 21:03, this gospel group I like)
Am I the prettiest girl out there? Of course not.
Do I want to be?
No, I don't actually.
Because I wouldn't really know who likes me for me and not based on the way I look. I may not have the prettiest face but I am trying to have the prettiest heart.
Which is working, a lot of people have told me I am a sweet person.
There is nothing wrong with being attractive by the way, of course there isn't. The problem lies though when you use the way you look in vain, as in to manipulate or gaslight other people for example.
Gaslighting is questioning someone's sanity through manipulative methods and it happens more constantly than you think.
Here is what the Bible has said about judging other people, which you can find in Matthew 7:1, which says:
Do not judge other people. Then you will not be judged.
I don't really like confessing things although sometimes I have to. Especially if it links to what I am talking about.
I don't want anyone thinking that none of these posts apply to me and they only apply to you guys. That's not true. Occasionally they can apply to me as well.
What I'm about to confess?
I mean - it's not like seriously serious, but it does link to today's topic.
At times when I was younger, I have thought some people were rude because they "looked" rude.
Had I actually talked to said people before? No I hadn't.
I had just assumed that they were rude based on the way they had looked. Then I met them and they had turned out to be the nicest people ever.
That's why you really shouldn't judge someone based on the way they look.
Some people are beautiful but when they speak - it's the completely opposite thing. Some attractive people are so rude that you can't even find attractiveness in them anymore.
Unfortunately, society has some beauty standards and those who have it are considered attractive. But let me quickly mention 1 Samuel 16:7, which says this:
"But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider how handsome or tall he is. I have not chosen him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outside of a person. But the Lord looks at what is in the heart.”
God does not focus on your looks. And you need to stop thinking that he does or you aren't worth anything because of the way you look.
We are our own harshest critic sometimes and honestly I do wish at times that we could all see ourselves through someone else's eyes. What you hate or dislike about yourself in terms of appearances, other people might not even notice.
Cases in point? I have two:
So I was watching this Dove advert towards the end of 2021, which is pretty long to describe so let me just add the video here, sorry:
This video is not just about women, it's about everyone, regardless of gender.
Since I'm not lazy and I am a kind person, I can do a summary of the video.
So basically, there was an artist who had to draw someone describing themselves to them. But he couldn't see them. He had drawn them on one side.
On the other side, a stranger had to describe how they had seen one of the other people that the artist had drawn except from them.
Then everyone had seen both pictures. How they had described themselves and how someone else had described them.
I'm not always the best at explaining things so I hope I described it well.
The second one which I just remembered I had forgot to mention was this video of three or so people looking in a mirror separately and saying what they didn't like about themselves.
They didn't realise that behind the mirror were other people who had listened to them talk about what they might not have liked about themselves.
They had said nice things about them which was recorded and they had heard everything after.
Recently, I have been thinking that I have small eyes. There was this specific eye type I wanted which I can't really describe but I didn't have it.
But that was just the devil speaking to me. When I was playing back the collage that was uploaded earlier in this post: I was thinking Wow. That is me. I am beautiful, regardless of what other people say.
We are all beautiful. You can also make links to Psalms 139:14, which says the following:
How you made me is amazing and wonderful.
I praise you for that.
What you have done is wonderful.
I know that very well.
Some people think that they look amazing in photos and videos that they take of themselves, but if someone else was to do the same thing, they don't look as good.
That's why I am going to start focusing on photos and videos that I take of myself because I know I look better in that. How others see you is not important, how you see yourself is everything.
This doesn't mean that you should just disregard every single opinion about you. Yeah, opinions are not facts, but even then, if people are constantly telling you a negative trait about you, then I'm 100% certain you need that to work on that.
So whilst you shouldn't care about what other people think of you (as if you do, you're not really being yourself and you're just being what other people want you to be), I guess at times you do need to.
So if a lot of people said to you that you're too impatient for example in the sense that you jump to conclusions too quickly, you don't just yell out:
Screw you! Who cares what you think?!!
No, you take time to try and become more patient as well as jump to conclusions less.
I can't remember where I read it exactly but I read somewhere that one of the biggest regrets of the dying or those on their deathbed is not living for themselves and living the way others had expected them to instead.
However, that's another story for another day.
One of my favourite verses in the Bible (about inner beauty) is Jeremiah 17:10, which says the following:
The Lord says, “I look deep down inside human hearts.
I see what is in people’s minds.
I reward each person in keeping with their conduct.
I bless them based on what they have done.”
You might feel underappreciated or some type of negative emotion if you are a kind person but because of the way you look, people aren't really attracted to you or interested in you like that.
Don't worry if this is the case. Because as the verse says, God sees your heart and he will reward you based on what your actions deserve.
Later on in this post, I am going to mention reasons as to why outer beauty doesn't matter as much as inner beauty does (however it is still important).
So with your looks, what I am trying to say here is whilst they are significant, you should really be focusing more on what's inside. Work on improving yourself most especially how you are going to be you for the rest of your life.
You're not you and then when you turn, I don't know, 30, you become someone else. I actually wouldn't like that. And I am sure you wouldn't either.
I have tried to work on improving myself, and it has really paid off. The other day, someone online said to me:
"You know, sometimes I wish I could be like you"
There is this app I have where I post about God a lot. I think they were really inspired by me and by that, specifically how on the app, no one really posts or talks about God as vehemently as I do.
If you know me, you know I'm not really a social media person. I only have Whatsapp and this reading and writing app (combined) but I'm not revealing my username on that.
I have nothing against social media. And I used to have it; I just deleted it.
When they told me that they had wished they could be like me, I was just laughing in a joking way.
I also did unseriously think who would want to be me 🤣🤣? But you'd be surprised at who'd want to trade positions with you if they could. I definitely was.
I love my life and myself but I never would have thought anyone would have wanted to be like me in any way. This was sometime in 2021 but I can't remember what month.
And even if someone doesn't explicitly tell you that they wish they were like you in some aspects, they could be thinking it. You never know how many people you could secretly inspire.
Or how many people look up to you.
Before I close today, I did say I would mention some reasons as to why inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. I am going to mention three.
The reasons were all made by me.
#Because looks fade
How many people do you know or know of that were attractive when they were younger but aren't anymore?
I know a few, mainly celebrities though, or ex celebrities. No one I know personally.
Proverbs 31:30 says:
Charm can fool you. Beauty fades.
But a woman who has respect for the Lord should be praised.
The verse does not say an attractive woman should be praised. It says someone who has respect for the Lord should be instead.
Let me tell you something.
The longest marriage ever was between Karam and Kartari Chand. They're both dead now and they were married for 90 years.
I'm not sure if they were legitimately married for 90 years as in their culture, I think people naturally married young so I'm not sure if it actually counts as anything.
But either way, they did live and marry each other for a long time. They both inevitably saw their 100th birthday.
Their marriage was long not because of the way the other person looked but because they had loved each other. It's the same thing for God.
Those in Heaven right now or will get to Heaven when they have died don't necessarily have to be the most attractive people. They just had to serve the Lord. And repented.
#Because the Bible says so
I've already mentioned some Bible verses about this so I might keep this one short.
However -- you know the parable of the rich fool in Luke 12:16-21?
If you don't, let me just quickly reference it:
16 Then Jesus told them a story. He said, “A certain rich man’s land produced a very large crop.
17 He thought to himself, ‘What should I do? I don’t have any place to store my crops.’
18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones. I will store my extra grain in them.
19 I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain stored away for many years. Take life easy. Eat, drink and have a good time.” ’
20 “But God said to him, ‘You foolish man! Tonight I will take your life away from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’
21 “That is how it will be for whoever stores things away for themselves but is not rich in the sight of God.”
God wanted to take his life away from him because of his Heart. The Jeremiah 17:10 scripture I mentioned above said that God will reward you or punish you based on what your actions deserve.
It doesn't matter if you are the most attractive person on the planet -- if your Heart isn't in the right place, something bad can happen to you.
And I certainly don't wish that for anyone.
#Because our spirit goes to Heaven or Hell, not our body
I learnt this month actually, or maybe the last one that we are actually a spirit, we were just given a body.
The outer beauty, or the body turns to dust after we die, but the inner beauty, or our spirit, either goes to Heaven or Hell depending on how you lived your life.
Your looks don't determine where you end up after you die. No, it's your spirit and your inner beauty.
And if someone ever criticises you or says something nasty about your looks, just tell them that the Lord focuses on what's inside and not what's outside.
Unfortunately, my time is up and this is all I have to say for today. Just remember that you are beautiful inside and out, and make sure that you are more beautiful on the inside than outside.
Or something along those lines.
One more reason as to why looks aren't more important than inner beauty which I had just thought of now is because it doesn't guarantee happiness.
A very pretty girl on Instagram that I heard about without necessarily having the app killed herself in August 2020 I believe.
One would have thought that because of the way she looked, she had it all, but she didn't.
Not just that. This very pretty model took her own life recently too. I know both of their names but for confidentiality reasons, I'm not going to reveal them.
So many pretty people have ended their lives deliberately or have abused their body. Only God can keep you satisfied, and also remember that your body is a temple so don't abuse it (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Nothing else really can satisfy you except the Lord at all times.
This is in my favourite Bible verse of all time now: Isaiah 58:11.
I will always guide you.
I will satisfy your needs in a land baked by the sun.
I will make you stronger.
You will be like a garden that has plenty of water.
You will be like a spring whose water never runs dry.
I hope that all of this happens to you, amen!
See you next time!
Lola xxx