Wednesday 22nd December 2021
Might be a shorter post this time but we'll see.
I almost forgot the date for a second again. Every day feels like Saturday during this holiday.
I hope you guys have been well! I wanted to post earlier, I've had a topic for some time now although I haven't been round to posting it. Just because I have a topic doesn't mean that I'm going to post about it the day I come up with it.
God has been telling me to post for a while this week but I haven't really been feeling like doing it. The day before yesterday, I said I'd post yesterday. It was God that convinced me to post today. I've been putting it off for a while.
Thankfully nothing is going on in my life nor am I going through anything. I guess I'm so busy with Christmas. But seriously if God tells you to do something then you need to do it. It's not good for you to disobey God or not listen to him.
I read from a Dag Heward Mills Book - Spiritual Dangers I think - that it pays to obey God but it costs to disobey him ... or not to listen to him.
I'll edit the name of the book if it's wrong.
Disobeying God is like cancelling Christmas.
...Which is in three days!
I love Christmas, it's my favourite special occasion after my birthday which is the week after the middle of the year. I'll reveal it again closer to the date.
If Christmas was cancelled or it had just stopped existing, I don't know about you but I'd be pretty upset.
I wanted to post just before Christmas. Perhaps this might be my last post of 2021, but don't quote me on that.
Today, you might notice that the topic is different - and it's called
Forgot To Mention, What's Your Intention?
You basically need to have the right intention to do things.
There's a reason that I wanted to post about this. Thinking of the title was pretty hard too. For once, I wanted my title to rhyme.
On Friday 17th of December after watching Spider-Man: No Way Home in cinemas, I was on the way home from the train station. I went to the cinemas with a few friends from my university church.
I don't dislike Marvel but I don't watch it in order.
Quite frankly I just don't think I have the time to watch every single movie they have -- in order. I just watch what I want to watch, regardless of what people say.
When this event had happened, I wasn't alone. Two others were with me but as always I keep everybody anonymous for security reasons, because I know a lot of people read this. But I will try and make the story as accurate as possible.
Thank you for that, as in reading this website - I really appreciate you all. And I don't take any of you for granted.
A woman was crying for help in front of a place known as Gamet Bearings. I don't know what they sell in there but it had seemed as though she couldn't get up.
We had all gone past her, that was until we had heard her scream for help. One of my friends had crossed the road but me and my other friend who didn't were debating on whether we should have helped her or not.
We knew we had to do so especially when she had screamed for help more than once. Surely this was a test from God. Nobody knew what to do at this point, and we were all beyond frightened.
I suggested calling the ambulance which was what my friend did and she talked to them, with my other friend crossing the road to come and help us, as well as another stranger who just happened to be there at the right time.
Long story short, the ambulance came, and the woman seemed unresponsive when they came as they were calling her but she didn't say or do anything. I wasn't sure whether she was still alive or not neither did any of us stay long enough to find out. But I was glad we helped her.
Truthfully speaking, my friends did most of the work but I did suggest calling the ambulance and neither of us left even if we wanted to do so. And that brings me to the question...
What's your intention for doing something?
A lot of people, when they do something good, they're doing it for all the wrong reasons. The Bible even kind of talks about this in Matthew 6 vs 5.
Matthew 6:5
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
This verse says that they have received their reward in full - but the truth is... They haven't received any "reward" -- more so a punishment.
It's also not just solely about prayer. It is talking about anything really, for example being friends with someone.
A lot of people are friends with someone just so that they could get something from them. I read this book on an app which I'm not going to name - and it was about a girl who was using this guy to get to his brother because she liked his brother.
You shouldn't do that. Human beings are not robots, they have feelings too. And whilst you can't control how people feel about you nor how they see you - you can control how you react to certain situations.
And what your intentions are for doing something.
If my friends and I had the wrong intention for helping out the lady, then God would have seen through our act and he wouldn't have been happy with us. One of my favourite scriptures from the Bible and one I know very well is Jeremiah 17:10.
It says this...
The Lord says, “I look deep down inside human hearts.
I see what is in people’s minds.
I reward each person in keeping with their conduct.
I bless them based on what they have done.” Jeremiah 17:10
What a verse!
If God realises that you have the wrong intention to do something then he's not going to bless you.
I understand that God knows exactly what we are going to do before we do something, as well as why we are doing something -- although you shouldn't need God to always warn you before you do something.
You should be able to figure some things out by yourself.
One thing my pastor from my home church says (I go to one church at university and another when I'm at home for the holidays - aka my family church) was when you do something, people see how but Heaven assesses why.
Like I said, people have different reasons as to why they want to do so something, such as being your friend or maybe even being in a relationship with you.
I've heard of many relationships, on TV especially when one person broke up with the other person as soon as they had gotten what they wanted from them.
I know TV is scripted and everything (even if it may not seem that way), but some TV scenarios can actually happen in real life.
So the person taking advantage of you, regardless of gender, may be like this towards you...
Or in terms of friendship, they're like this in front of your face:
But behind closed doors, you drain them
Or they're happy at your expense.
And you might be thinking "Why do I drain them if they're with me for the wrong intentions entirely?"
Trust me when I say that people can get others to turn against you so easily that if there was a contest for that, they'd win.
But don't worry! There's this quote I came across today in 1 Samuel, which says this...
Someone may chase you and try to kill you. But the Lord your God will keep your life safe like a treasure hidden in a bag. And he’ll destroy your enemies. Their lives will be thrown away, just as a stone is thrown from a sling.
You can find that in 1 Samuel 25:29.
Chances are, the people with you for the wrong intentions are most likely the ones that are clandestinely trying to chase you and/or kill you. They'd just never tell you that - to your face anyway.
It might be a completely different story behind closed doors.
I've dealt with some people in real life and maybe online (though I can't remember) who have started ignoring me for no reason.
Or maybe there was a reason; which was something I was oblivious too as they didn't exactly tell me anthing.
I had this friend in secondary school who I no longer speak to that was my friend at some point, but then when Year 11 came, she started ignoring me and I didn't know why.
Sometimes God will allow people to leave your life without us knowing why - but he does. This is because they are with us for the wrong intentions.
As this quote rightfully puts it:
Some people in your life are only supposed to be there for a short amount of time whilst others are supposed to be there for a long amount of time - minus family.
If you're lucky, you can be friends with someone until one of you dies. Even family members can drift apart from you, although they shouldn't really.
You need to be as close to your family members as possible because when your friends are no longer there for you, then you can hopefully have your family members to turn to instead.
If you're too dependant on someone emotionally, or you rely on how they perceive you to determine your worth then you need to either cut them from your life or you need to assess your relationship with them.
That's even another bad intention for being with someone. Some people know that you care for them deeply, and would therefore intentionally ignore you because they like seeing you upset, more so over them.
In situations like this - that reflects them, not you. I think I met someone like this once. Don't give them the satisfaction of letting them see you upset, as they'll just continue to deliberately ignore you more.
Sometimes anyway. Not everyone like that is like this. Best case scenario, they notice that them ignoring you is actually upsetting you so they genuinely stop.
I'm not saying don't care about them. Just don't show them you care about them - you can still care for them secretly. The best thing to do is to show them that your life is better off without them to be honest.
Just make sure that you do the right thing for the right reasons and intentions. Also don't forget Psalms 139:23-24
23 God, see what is in my heart.
Know what is there.
Test me.
Know what I’m thinking.
24 24 See if there’s anything in my life you don’t like.
Help me live in the way that is always right.
That's it for now, have a good Christmas and new year!!
Lola xoxo