Supernatural Superstar; That is what you are; Even in the most unserious days, God still works in mysterious ways!

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The Trouble Is, You Think You Have Time (Tomorrow Isn't Guaranteed)

 Sunday 12th March 2023

Hey y'all, I hope you are well. I know I haven't posted this month so I wanted to start by saying Happy New Month!

I promised God I'd post today and after some procrastination I'm finally here. I've procrastinated on doing things for God lately which is terrible. I'm not going to sit here, lie and say my relationship with God this week has been a walk in the park. It hasn't. 

And normally I wouldn't admit it but I can't be a hypocrite. I don't like posting my struggles. Sometimes you have to. It is what it is. 

I don't procrastinate with anything else. It's mainly with God. It's something I'm definitely working on.

 I wasn't supposed to leave this until this late, I was meant to do it earlier but I put it off.  Lately my walk with God hasn't been the best.  I don't want to go into it but I told myself something when I said I wanted to do this tomorrow instead of today.

"Tomorrow isn't guaranteed"

I pondered on this for a while. It's also what gave me the inspiration for this post. It was originally supposed to be about gratitude and why you should be grateful. I'll leave that until next time I am here.

I recently started a new series on the 5th of February about how you shouldn't be discouraged as patience is a virtue. In retrospect, it's not really a series but then again, I'm not sure how many parts it will have.

After the post about gratitude, I'll go back to the post about discouragement. For now though, here is today's title.

The Trouble Is, You Think You Have Time

It's a quote as well, by Jack Kornfield. I didn't come up with the title.

Yeah, I know it says Buddha. Apparently Buddha didn't say it, Jack wrote down an interpretation of Buddha's teachings in his book. I'm not going to go into it as this is about Christianity. I don't know anything about Buddhism.

Remember the "tomorrow isn't guaranteed" quote from earlier?

It's going to be a subheading.

It's also not the first time I came across it this week. I came across it yesterday when I watched a YouTube short on someone asking people if they would rather have a million pounds today or a penny that doubles every day for 30 days? 

Some people said why they chose their answer, others didn't. It wasn't mandatory.

The results were half. Some said a million pounds, others said the doubling penny, as 30 days later, they'd have more than a million pounds. They'd have precisely £5,368,709.12, assuming they could wait 30 days. 

If it was me, I think I could wait 30 days, but if I need the money desperately, perhaps I could wait less.

Someone's response was 1 million pounds today, as tomorrow wasn't guaranteed, let alone 30 days. I was like 'wow', and I knew people from the comments thought the same thing as they thought he was a wise person. He had fantastic discernment.

Today will begin with Luke 12:15-21, which is the parable of the rich fool. I have referenced it below in NIRV. It's the version I use.

15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against wanting to have more and more things. Life is not made up of how much a person has.”

16 Then Jesus told them a story. He said, “A certain rich man’s land produced a very large crop. 

17 He thought to himself, ‘What should I do? I don’t have any place to store my crops.’

18 “Then he said, ‘This is what I’ll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones. I will store my extra grain in them. 

19 I’ll say to myself, “You have plenty of grain stored away for many years. Take life easy. Eat, drink and have a good time.” ’

20 “But God said to him, ‘You foolish man! Tonight I will take your life away from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

21 “That is how it will be for whoever stores things away for themselves but is not rich in the sight of God.”

In summary, there was a rich man who had a lot of crops and wasn't sure what to do with it. He wanted to make larger barns and take life easy, not realising the same day was the day he was going to die.

He didn't know what to do with his wealth, just like I wouldn't know what to do with a million pounds. I most likely wouldn't use everything, I know I wouldn't. It's too much. It's as they say, more money, more problems.

I remember this verse being analysed in Bible study, in my home church. Someone thought it was a bit harsh for God to say the man was going to die for just thinking. As in the rich man didn't act on his plans, he only thought about them.

Whether it's harsh or not, it makes sense. It was a punishment. Bear in mind the rich man didn't thank God for anything. He didn't say 'God, thank you for my wealth.' He just thought of what to do with his wealth.

Romans 11:29 says God doesn't take back his gifts. If you're sinning or misbehaving, yeah God will chastise you as he chastises those he loves (Hebrews 12:6). But he wouldn't take what he's given from you, even if it feel like he has. Unfortunately, that's on you, not him.

I'd say I'm pretty multitalented. I can write, dance (ish) and play keyboard. I don't really have any other talents. Hobbies, yes. Talents, no. These gifts will never be taken away from me, not even if God is mad at me. It's the same for you.

You have to keep practising your talents daily or consistently otherwise you might forget them. I know I've forgotten some piano songs I used to know which is my own fault. I think another reason God took his life away from him is because of Proverbs 10:2-5.

2 Riches that are gained by sinning aren’t worth anything.
But doing what is right saves you from death.

3 The Lord gives those who do right the food they need.
But he lets those who do wrong go hungry.

4 Hands that don’t want to work make you poor.
But hands that work hard bring wealth to you.

5 A child who gathers crops in summer is wise.
But a child who sleeps at harvest time brings shame.

For the Bible to call this rich man a  fool, it suggests that he got his wealth by sinning.  I recently analysed Proverbs 10:22 as part of my quiet time. Proverbs 10:22 says The blessings of the Lord bring wealth without painful toil for it.  My analysis was the following:

Just because someone is successful doesn't mean their success is from God. For instance, if success is causing you (a lot of) pain and stress, it's most likely not from God. What's for you will not pass you by. When God blesses you with something, it'll definitely be without pain.

I always like to say 'Just because the World approves of something doesn't mean God does'. It's true. I can name a few things that I know God doesn't approve of but the World does. 

I won't mention them but I know they exist. Some success has been gained illegitimately and will lead to destruction. It explains why a lot of successful people are unhappy. You can have it all but if you don't have God, you won't be satisfied. (Isaiah 55:2)

It was for a Proverbs Challenge on Facebook.

You can be inspired by successful people, no doubt about it. Jut ensure you're inspired by the right successful people, because like I said in my analysis, not everyone successful gained their success legitimately.

Even though the man didn't suffer any physical pain, his wealth was definitely ungodly for it to lead to his death. Going back to Proverbs 10:5, in a way, the rich man slept during harvest time. Instead of using his crops for good deeds, he decided to relax instead, thinking he had all the time in the world. He was clearly mistaken.

Normally I mention reasons why you shouldn't do something. As in, I'd do a certain number of points and explain them in more detail. Today will be a little different. I'm going to use three different verses, but one has three in one, so technically I'm going to use five. 

I've already dumped a lot of verses on you so I don't want to do anymore. On the bright side, you can learn new verses and so can I. The Bible encourages you to learn new verses (Deuteronomy 11:8, Proverbs 4:21-23). 

The verses I'm going to use are Psalms 90:12 , Ephesians 5:15 and the famous Romans 12:2. In that order.

1. Psalm 90:12 - Teach us to number each of our days so that we may grow in wisdom.

Our days are numbered, whether we want to admit it or not. One day we are going to die and there's nothing we can do about it. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 and Hebrews 9:27 mention how there is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes) and how it is appointed for man to die once and then the judgement (Hebrews).

The only thing certain in this world is death and taxes, according to Benjamin Franklin. It's a pretty popular saying.

As much as I hate to admit it, one day there will be a funeral and it will be yours. I don't mean to be dark but it's true.

I'm not saying it to scare you, it was actually in a Sunday sermon. You don't know what happens at your funeral, or those after you. The dead hears nothing, knows nothing and sees nothing.

When God created you, he also had to think of the day you're going to die. The Queen for instance lived for 35,205 days (including her death day). That's an awfully long time.  She didn't know 300K+ people would show up to visit her coffin. She doesn't know anything because she's dead.

Your days are numbered, and sadly when it's time for God to call you home, it's exactly what he will do. Maybe you'll live for 25K days (nearly 70 years). Maybe 30K (just over 80 years). I'm not sure, I'm not God. 

Normally I use years but because the verse says your days are numbered, I figured I'd use days instead.

 As you go through the vicissitudes of life, I pray you grow in wisdom as well, amen. Don't waste your life doing nothing, or think you have time.  Vicissitude is my favourite word and it means a dramatic change in something, especially a bad one.

You can't predict the future! Some people's last days on Earth are today, maybe even this week and they have no idea about it. Don't be like the rich fool, who cared more about material possessions than God. 

It's most likely another reason why God said he was going to die the same day.

2. Ephesians 5:15 - So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely.

Ideally, I was going to combine this with 16 and 17. When I saw verse 15, I knew it needed to be combined with verse 16 and 17.

16 Make the most of every opportunity. The days are evil. 

17 So don’t be foolish. Instead, understand what the Lord wants.

Ever heard the saying "you only live once"? I'm sure you have, because it's true. Once you die, there aren't second chances.

I'm aware some people have been back from the dead, as in they've been revived. However, I'm talking about permanent death. This is temporary death.

 Jesus raised millions of people from the dead in the Bible, for instance Lazarus in John 11:38-44. Live each day to your fullest because tomorrow isn't guaranteed.

So many people are alive one day and they die the next. Everyone around them is shocked, saying "what, I was just talking to them!" This can't be happening", or worst case scenario, they wish they were kinder to them.

They thought they had time with them.

And while they did, at first, it was cut short. You have to be kind to everyone. Some people's largest regrets are not being kinder towards someone before they passed away.

 A lot of people have an argument with someone and one of them dies before they can reconcile with them.

They thought they had time with them.

Ephesians 4:26 says you shouldn't let the sun go down on your anger. 

So forgive others as soon as you can because you never know when they're going to be taken away from you. Don't take people for granted and love one another, including your enemies (Matthew 5:44).

Don't overestimate time. If you procrastinate, stop doing it. If there's something you have to do, especially for God, do it now!

Occasionally God will tell you to do things at a specific time. i.e. if he wants you to share a testimony on Sunday and it's Monday, that's different. On the bright side, now you know you'll be alive on Sunday 😊💙

This is different. Sometimes God actually does want you to wait for things. Proverbs 19:2 says Desire without knowledge is not good, how much more will hasty feet miss the way!  I used this quote in an essay and it's stuck with me since.

Yeah, tomorrow isn't guaranteed but at the same time, don't take it out of context. Before you want to do something for God, ask when he wants you to do it.  He might say straight away, he might say wait. Either way, obey him.

The Bible resents foolishness. There are millions of verse on foolishness which I'm not going to go into right now. Just know most of them are from Proverbs. 

Proverbs 13:20 says "walk with the wise and become wise but a companion of fools suffers harm". 1 Corinthians 15:33 also says "bad company corrupts good character".  

The main verse I'm analysing says don't live like fools but live like people who are wise. These people don't take time for granted and you shouldn't either. 

3. Romans 12:2 - Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I'm kinda whizzing through these as this is taking longer than I thought. Which is my own fault, I got distracted a bit. I also had to eat, but yes.

Worldly things are going to pass away, hence why God resents the world. James 4:4 says loving the world means you are an enemy of God. Being an enemy of God is the worst thing!  If God is your enemy, you're finished. I'm sorry.

When I say you're finished, I don't mean 'finished', finished. Then again, it depends on you. You can either make God your friend or your enemy. Thankfully, if God is your enemy you can make him your friend. 

Whatever you do, just don't leave it until the last minute. Don't leave anything until the last minute.

Even if you've lived a sinful or worldly life, I believe if you give your life to Christ before you die, you can make it to Heaven. Don't take my word for it, I might be incorrect. I read it somewhere a few times.

Something you should pray for is God's will for your life. When you pray, always add 'if it's according to your will'. For instance, you might want a specific job. Instead of asking God for the job directly, say

'God, if it's according to your will, please let me have this job'.

This way, you'll be less disappointed if you don't receive it. It simply means it wasn't God's will. Some things are God's will for you although not at the time you want. At the time he wants. Isaiah 55:8-9 says his ways are not our ways.

How does the world link to not wasting time? 

Because the time you're spending conforming to the world, you can use to follow Christ. This is for me as well, sadly I'm rather worldly myself. Don't try to fit in when you were born to stand out instead.

Why try to be like everybody else? You are you and that's your superpower.  

So many people could be wishing to be you, whether they admit it or not. Some people admire you silently.

I hope you've learnt something today, I'm quite tired. When I typed this sentence, it was 10:45PM. I started at 7:35 😅 it doesn't normally take this long but yeah like I said, I did get distracted a bit and I had to eat something.

This post made me kinda sad because I've never talked about death so much. It's true though, time is something so many people take for granted. Ensure you're not one of those people.

Until next time, bye!